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Take Tarot for Storytellers at Clarion West Online This Sunday!

Posted on September 24, 2024 by Monica Valentinelli

Clarion West Writers Workshop

Love tarot? Want to get ready for Halloween? Take my writing-centric Clarion West workshop titled “How to Use Tarot for Storytellers.” This two-hour workshop will be conducted online on Sunday, September 29th and will have a seasonal theme. Unlike my other tarot workshops, this experience will also include small group exercises to help nurture collaborative skills.

Just in case you don’t know, Clarion West is a nonprofit literary organization that runs an acclaimed six-week residential workshop every summer, online classes and workshops, one-day and weekend workshops, a reading series every summer, and other events throughout the year.

In this Tarot for Writers workshop, I’ll show you how to use a deck of creature-filled tarot cards as a storytelling tool for genre stories. From inspirational prompts to building characters and scenarios, you’ll come away with fresh ideas to help you brainstorm narrative elements ranging from character relationships to plot twists.

In addition to a lecture and slides, you’ll perform short creative exercises in small groups–so get ready to share, discuss, and be inspired!

Though this class is lecture-based, attendees will be asked to participate in small groups via chat, voice, and/or video. Attendees should also be ready to complete short exercises during class.

To register, visit How to Use Tarot for Storytellers on the Clarion West website.

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