Posted on October 5, 2008 by Monica Valentinelli
Like the origin of the number 666 in our pop culture, Halloween conjures claims that it’s a satanic, violent holiday. Horror movies like the Halloween series with Michael Myers have fictionalized this view for decades. Recently, Rob Zombie offered his version of the Halloween remake review which happened almost thirty years after the Halloween movie debuted in 1978. With many myths and urban legends circulating about the safety of Halloween night — you may remember your parents warning you about the razor blade in the apple — is it any wonder that in some circles Halloween has gotten a bad rap?
Posted on October 5, 2008 by Flames
Talisman Studios has completed its project to bring all its roleplay books to print. All the main books of the Origins Award nominated Suzerain and Shaintar game lines are available as both PDF and print books via the website at with immediate effect.
“This is a great day for fans of Suzerain and Shaintar” said Martin Klimeš, Publisher at Talisman Studios, “Giving them the choice of print or PDF. Our next project is to go live with the stunning art prints we showcased at GenCon, including pre-printed map posters from our ever-popular map tiles sets. Watch this space.”
Posted on October 4, 2008 by Flames
Today’s monster was sent in by freelance author Todd Cash (Ghosts of Albion, Exquisite Replicas).
Is Jimmy Sparks a malevolent ghost or something far, far worse?
Jimmy Sparks
Created by Todd Cash
Mason Reynolds propped up his digital camera and then double-checked its Internet connection to ensure his feed would be live. He roughly ran the sleeve of his fatigue jacket, a novelty item that knew no military service, across his sweaty forehead. With that gesture, he focused on the camera’s lens.
“My name is Mason Reynolds and I investigate hauntings, ghost stories, and urban legends out of Missoula, Washington. I’m currently investigating a case I believe centers around the forty-year-old murder of an African-American Blues musician named Jimmy Sparks. My two friends and I traveled down South to investigate two strange murders and over the course of this last week delved a great deal into a possible connection between the two men.”
Posted on October 4, 2008 by Flames
October is a special month for The Dresden Files. Why you ask? Because Halloween happens to be the birthday of one Harry Blackstone Copperfield Dresden…i.e. everyone’s favorite magic-wielding, hard-boiled detective, and star of the much beloved Dresden Files series of novels by author Jim Butcher.
In celebration of that, and in recognition of the warm reception to the first Dabel Brothers *Dresden Files* original comic book series written by Butcher, Welcome to the Jungle, we are excited to declare October as Dresden Files month at Dabel Brothers Publishing! We have quite a few Dresden
things happening this month…
Posted on October 3, 2008 by jmstar
More monsters everyday in October here at Flames Rising. Today we’ve got a tale from Jason Morningstar, creator of the Grey Ranks RPG and other games.
The name Massapoag comes from the Algonquian for “Bad Place”, which Jason grabbed from R.A. Douglas-Lithgow’s Native American Place Names of Massachusetts.
The Massapoag
Created by Jason Morningstar
The women were exhausted and wet-footed, dressed in ill-fitting cotton dresses and carrying squalling babies in their arms. One had a leather-bound bible, ink running across soaked pages. They were Penacook women and Wonalancet, Sachem of all the Penacook, knew their families.
The Englishman who had led them there started barking contemptuously. Wonalancet’s father Papisseconewa had known the language but he did not. One of the women reluctantly translated.
“Sachem, he says we are yours again,” she said. Wonalancet said nothing.
“We left to become Christians”, she said, as if explanation were needed.
Posted on October 3, 2008 by Flames
Paris at the end of the 19th century: a city of lights, music, excitement at the approach of the new century and aflame with the creative spirit of the Bohemian revolution. But for months the city has been locked in a state of fear as the brutal murderer known as the Raptor stalks the steep streets and narrow alleyways of the north-end hill neighborhood of Montmartre. Many refuse to leave their homes by night. Others frequent establishments such as “The Green Fairy,” an absinthe bar and popular meeting place for artists, actors, whores, criminals, and the well-to-do seeking to taste the thrills and pleasures of Montmartre. This evening, the patrons of “The Green Fairy” will be joined by a visitor beyond their darkest nightmares.
The Green Fairy is available at the Flames Rising RPGNow Shop for $6.99.
Posted on October 3, 2008 by Flames

When I first heard about the Battlestar Galactica boardgame, earlier this year, I was interested in the game but not really dying to buy a copy. Sure, the Shadows Over Camelot-like approach to the game sounded fun, and the theme interested me, but I wasn’t so excited that I kept a close eye on rumors and new about the game. And when presented with an opportunity to buy the game at GenCon, I let is slip through my fingers (unlike The Black Goat of the Woods, which I immediately snagged). It wasn’t until I started hearing about the gameplay that I directed serious attention at the game.
Review by Philip Reed
Posted on October 2, 2008 by JessHartley
Today’s monster is brought to us by author Jess Hartley (Hunter: the Vigil) and artist Jeff Preston (Key20 Games). This tale brings us a new twist on the legend of the succubus.
She just might steal your heart…
Falling for Her
Created by Jess Hartley
With Art by Jeff Preston
“Call it a birth defect,” she’d said, the first night they’d been together. He’d not stopped to ask more, too hungry for what she offered. And in the morning, she was gone.
Every night, he tried to ask her about it, that raw-tipped stub at the base of her spine. It seemed somehow important that he ask. But, although he knew everything else about her, every time he raised that topic she managed to change it, so swiftly and gracefully that it was the next morning before he realized he’d once again been distracted.
Posted on October 2, 2008 by Matt-M-McElroy
I’ve read a handful of Forgotten Realms fiction over the years, interviewed a few authors, played a few games even. I’ve not kept up quite as much with the more recent developments as I have a few other settings, but still, I thought I was doing pretty good for a while there. This book surprised me a bit with how much I don’t know about the setting. It was still an interesting read, it just took me a bit longer to get into the story than I thought it would.
It helped that Davis knows how to write some compelling action. The fight scenes were entertaining and the variety of challenges the characters faced while on their quest kept this from being just another goblin killing adventure.
Posted on October 1, 2008 by Flames
The Monster Madness begins here at Flames Rising with a new creature from author E. E. Knight (Fall with Honor, Dragon Strike). Knight brings us a nasty little creature called Cob’s Ladder, quite the scary parasite.
Stay tuned for more monsters from your favorite creators everyday this month here at Flames Rising.
Cob’s Ladder
Created by E.E. Knight
This dreadful little body-snatcher starts out as a spore form resembling a dandelion tuft with jellyfish-like tendrils that look as though they’re made out of spider-web. It will float on a breeze until it lands on vegetation, then wait for something to pass beneath or eat it vegetation. It seeks out brain tissue and nerve ganglia for food and camouflage. Early in its development, it relies on gravity or wind to move and find a host. If the spore doesn’t find a host in two to three days, depending on moisture, it shrivels and dies.
Posted on October 1, 2008 by Flames
Get your jack o’ lanterns ready and turn out your lights, Flames Rising has reached into the haunted minds of some very creative folk with monstrous results. We’re going to scare you, thrill you and chill you with a daily monster dose that ranges from E.E. Knight‘s Cob’s Ladder to Todd Cash’s Jimmy Sparks. Some […]
Posted on October 1, 2008 by TezMillerOz
Fascinating world-building and a unique serial killer make Gena Showalter’s Awaken Me Darkly an engrossing read.
In New Chicago, Mia Snow works for Alien Investigation and Removal, hunting out predators and protecting humans. Not every alien is evil, but the ones who are keep Mia in business. The latest serial killer’s identity has been narrowed down to one of the Arcadian females, and on the chase Mia’s partner is near-deathly wounded. To survive, he needs special blood, and the only provider is the brother of the case’s lead suspect. Kyrin en Arr’s ultimatum is to set his sister free, or else he won’t keep Mia’s partner alive, but letting loose the most likely serial killer is hardly ideal for Mia.
Review by Tez Miller