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Christmas Cheer, Spirits, and Hockey? 5 Cool Comics from DriveThruComics

Posted By Flames On December 12, 2024 @ 4:59 pm In Articles | No Comments

If you’re the type of person who loves to cozy up with new comics, then read on. We found a few gems over at DriveThruComics [1] that are thematically-appropriate for this time of year.

The Candleman Christmas Special | Pinion Comics No 1 | Smith Wang Samper | Image of a decrepit man's eyes, mouth, and a candle against a christmas tree background [2]If you haven’t downloaded Pinion Comics’ free issue of The Candleman Christmas Special [3], hop on over and grab this Dickensesque issue. The comic is about a wealthy CEO who’s spending his evening berating an employee about wanting to take Christmas off to spend with the family. Well, it appears the Candle Man will have something to say on the subject. And it is gruesome!

For a hilarious change of pace, if you prefer a little laughter instead of gore check out Working Sloth Comics and their Chez Cuckoo Christmas Special [4]. Christmastide, the Festive Season, Winter Holidays… Whatever you call it, it’s that special time of year for enjoying good beer, indulging in rich food, exchanging gifts, and watching the snow fall. That’s the dream, at least. And it’s no different for our friends in Chez Cuckoo. But, you know, sometimes life – and a bit of sheer stupidity – can throw a wrench in the works and mess everything up. At least it’s entertaining to watch!

Did you know that Santa Claus has an elfin granddaughter? Heroic Publishing does! They’ve published an entire line of comics inspired by Chrissie Claus. Who knows what shenanigans Santa’s sweet grandaughter will get into? Adventures of Chrissie Claus TPB Volume 1 [5] collects her comic book adventures from Adventures of Chrissie Claus #1-2, Flare #30, and Flare Adventures #18-19.

If you prefer classic tales, the Graphic Classics Volume 19: Christmas Classics [6] is a collection of seven classic stories and poems adapted into comic form. The collection includes:

• CHARLES DICKENS’ “A Christmas Carol” adapted by Alex Burrows, illustrated by Micah Farritor
• CLEMENT C. MOORE’S “A Visit from St. Nicholas”
illustrated by Florence Cestac
• ARTHUR CONAN DOYLE’S “The Blue Carbuncle” adapted by Rich Rainey, illustrated by Hunt Emerson
• O. HENRY’S “A Chaparral Christmas Gift” illustrated by Cynthia Martin
• WILLA CATHER’S “The Strategy of the Werewolf Dog” illustrated by Evert Geradts
• F. SCOTT FITZGERALD’S “A Luckless Santa Claus” illustrated by Simon Gane
• FITZ-JAMES O’BRIEN’S “The Wondersmith” illustrated by Rick Geary

This volume is published by Eureka Productions and is part of a larger series adapting classic literature works into comic form.

Well, that just about wraps up… Oh no! It’s the Hockeypocalypse! Okay, this comic isn’t holiday-themed, but it’s definitely ice-cold. In post-apocalyptic Canada, guns don’t kill people – slapshots do. For the mutated tribes trying to survive nuclear winter – which is like normal Canadian winter, just more radioactive – hockey serves as a form of ritual warfare in which communities gamble their resources on the abilities of their squad to score goals and bust heads on the ice. Join the Edmonton Atomics – Skully, Squid, Stretch, and Ugly Dave – as bad decisions and a bad game force them to take the treacherous trip down HIghway 2, where they’ll battle brutish reindeer, mangle some mutants, and attempt to solve the riddle of a four-armed goalie. Hockeypocalypse [7], from Rent-A-Thug Comics, collects issues 1-3 of Hockeypocalypse Season 1 and includes an exclusive bonus story. Go Canada!


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Article printed from Flames Rising: https://www.flamesrising.com

URL to article: https://www.flamesrising.com/5-cool-comics-from-drivethrucomics/

URLs in this post:

[1] DriveThruComics: https://www.drivethrucomics.com?affiliate_id=185516

[2] Image: https://www.flamesrising.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/The-Candleman-Christmas-Special.jpg

[3] The Candleman Christmas Special: https://www.drivethrucomics.com/product/228405/The-Candle-Man-Christmas-Special?affiliate_id=185516

[4] Chez Cuckoo Christmas Special: https://www.drivethrucomics.com/product/379705/Chez-Cuckoo-Christmas-Special?affiliate_id=185516

[5] Adventures of Chrissie Claus TPB Volume 1: https://www.drivethrucomics.com/product/60512/Adventures-of-Chrissie-Claus-TPB-Volume-1?affiliate_id=185516

[6] Graphic Classics Volume 19: Christmas Classics: https://www.drivethrucomics.com/product/349511/Graphic-Classics-Volume-19-Christmas-Classics?affiliate_id=185516

[7] Hockeypocalypse: https://www.drivethrucomics.com/product/137150/Hockeypocalypse-Season-1-The-Battle-of-Alberta?affiliate_id=185516

[8] Image: https://www.drivethrucomics.com/browse.php?filters=0_0_44299_0_0&affiliate_id=185516

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