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What’s New at Roll20? New D&D Character Sheet Preview + Bonus for Pre-Order

Posted on June 18, 2024 by Flames

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Roll20 is proud to fully support D&D 2024 with a brand new suite of best-in-class tools to play online. Starting today, the new Roll20 D&D character sheet is available to preview during a public Alpha period. The virtual character sheet offers a modern design, enhanced spell and inventory management, greater customization and automation, and compatibility with both D&D 2014 and D&D 2024 rules to enhance your virtual tabletop experience.

Pre-orders for the new D&D 2024 Core Rulebooks have officially opened! As an exclusive bonus, pre-ordering on Roll20 instantly unlocks the best-selling Monster Manual Expanded, allowing DMs to add 470 new creatures into their VTT games. Roll20’s features transform the D&D Core Rulebooks to allow players to build D&D characters in minutes, drop monsters in seconds, and easily reference rules in both online and in-person games.

Following the public Alpha period, a Beta period will kick off in July, bringing with it the new D&D character builder and wealth of new character sheet functions. Also planned is complete mobile support and a redesigned reading experience to flesh out the update.

“Having seen an advanced copy of the new D&D Player’s Handbook 2024, I can say that it really is the biggest and best version of D&D ever made. And as the most popular place to play Dungeons & Dragons online, Roll20 has dedicated itself to making sure we offer the best digital tools to support D&D 2024,” says Steve Wieck, President of Roll20. “Our new product teams have been re-inventing how to make D&D easier to play.”

In addition to these features, the launch will be accompanied by Roll20’s official Discord support and a modern overhaul of Roll20’s VTT.

Order the virtual D&D Core Rulebook Bundle, D&D Players Handbook (2024), Dungeon Master’s Guide (2024), and Monster Manual (2024) today!

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