Another One Bites the Dust Review
Posted on May 16, 2008 by Flames
Jennifer Rardin
Another One Bites the Dust (Jaz Parks, Book 2)
Orbit (12th December 2007)
The crew’s all here: a psychic, a techno-wizard, a singing vampire, a juggling PI, and Jaz. Holy crap in a bottomless well, Jaz is going to bellydance. It’s definitely, probably, quite possibly going to be the end of the world as we know it.
Ever experience blackouts, and regain consciousness to find yourself holding a gun to your own head? This makes for fascinating reading, even though it happens long before the novel is over.
With characters working for the CIA, this series is ripe for social commentary on what it means to work for the government, and how to deal with conflicts between their ideals and yours. Unfortunately, the author hasn’t picked up this golden opportunity to create fiction that would really resonate with readers. And I think this is why I’m not connecting with this series ?
It isn’t doing what it could.
So I find myself judging it for what it’s not, rather than what it is. However, within the pages of Another One Bites the Dust are right-wing conservative Christians who piss me off, but I’m not keen on right-wing conservative Christians in real life.
I’m continuing with this series, and hope it’ll serve up what needs to be read. But right now I feel somewhat unfulfilled.
Review by Tez Miller
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