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Flames Rising is an online resource for fans of Horror and Dark Fantasy entertainment. This horror fanzine offers reviews of Games, Fiction, Movies and more ranging from Top-Selling authors to the coolest Small Press and “indie” publishers. The popular Interviews at Flames Rising include Horror authors, artists and other creators of dark entertainment. Stay tuned to the Flames Rising news feed for the latest news on upcoming products, genre conventions and industry developments.

Flames Rising continues to add new Features and expand the Fiction and Articles sections of the site with topics of interest to Horror and Dark Fantasy fans the world over.

Planescape Adventures in the Multiverse Boxed Set Review

Posted on October 13, 2023 by

Planescape: Adventures in the Multiverse is a boxed set available in standard and alternate full color editions of Morte’s Planar Parade, Sigil and the Outlands, Turn of Fortune’s Wheel, and a Planescape-themed campaign screen. The alternate edition offers the same content, but is printed with collectibility in mind; all four pieces are part of a […]


D&D Heads Back to School!

Posted on October 2, 2023 by

The world’s greatest role-playing game is heading back to school! Wizards of the Coast in partnership with, today announced an initiative to bring Dungeons & Dragons to 200 classrooms across the country. Through the partnership, selected teachers will receive a Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) library along with much needed funding to support their classrooms. Beginning today, teachers supporting grades 4-12 at high-needs schools with an active classroom page can fill out an online application to enter for a chance to win the adventure of a lifetime for their students.


Phandelever and Below The Shattered Obelisk Review

Posted on September 25, 2023 by

Phandelver and Below: The Shattered Obelisk is a campaign supplement for Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition that recently debuted in September 2023. Geared for DMs, the supplement builds off of The Lost Mine of Phandelver included in the Dungeons and Dragons Starter Set. That same adventure is reprinted in this supplement as well, and it’s worth nothing that the material has been slightly edited to better fit the campaign. The monsters from Chapters 1 through 4 are not included in the Bestiary, however, so if you require rules for non-named NPCs and creatures along with common magic items, you’ll need a copy of the Monster Manual and the Dungeon Master’s Guide.


Nobles: The Golden Mandate, a new Mistborn Adventure Game sourcebook!

Posted on September 19, 2023 by

Of Gilded Words and Poisonous Tongues!

In the Lord Ruler’s Final Empire, blood is destiny. A skaa birth condemns you to a hard life of labor and service. A Terris birth marks you forever as an outsider, an uncomfortable reminder of a bygone era. To be born noble is to live at the peak of political and social power, blessed with the potential for Allomancy — but it also means a life of vicious politicking, ruthless competition, and the perpetual risk of betrayal and ruin. As a noble Hero, you face the same question as all who defy this grim order: do you have the courage to shrug off blood and destiny, to stand against the brutality of this world, and fight for a better future… for everyone?


Odysseys & Overlords 2nd Edition is on Kickstarter now!

Posted on August 24, 2023 by

Odysseys & Overlords is an old-school fantasy inspired setting. Most of the gods died in a divine Schism 1000 years ago. Only two gods remain. Chandra, Goddess of the Moon, Justice, Nature, and Life empowers her clerics to work good miracles in her name. Ragnar, God of War, Cold, Death, and the Sea demands his clerics march forth spreading the influence of his domains throughout the world. Both divine beings remain cloistered in their respective seats of power, bound from direct interference with mortal affairs by the terms of their truce.

Odysseys & Overlords Second Edition brings this setting to the popular Savage Worlds Adventure Edition. The Kickstarter has recently launched!


Underground Adventures Await in Phandelver and Below: The Shattered Obelisk

Posted on August 23, 2023 by

Investigating banditry leads the characters to discover a horrifying plot threatening the existence of Phandalin in the return of this beloved D&D adventure setting

A growing settlement for trade and prospecting, Phandalin is a sleepy village in the northern region of the Sword Coast. Unbeknownst to anyone, something horrible lurks in the darkness below, and it threatens all of Phandalin. If left unchecked, this threat could consume all of Faerun. It’s up to the characters to save the day!

Phandelver and Below: The Shattered Obelisk returns players to the location of the first Starter Set for the fifth edition of Dungeons & Dragons, but the stakes now are much higher and more challenging. This new adventure takes parties from level 1 to 12. It includes a fresh take on the town of Phandalin, new secrets for players to discover, and unexpected story twists that lead the characters deep into the Underdark and beyond.


Bigby Presents Glory of the Giants DnD5E Review

Posted on August 14, 2023 by

Bigby Presents: Glory of the Giants begins with a poem written by Bigby about a giant demigoddess named Diancastra, the daughter of Annam the All-Father, progenitor of the Giants. An epic poem details her role in the saga of giants, and sets a thematic tone for the book. Throughout the supplement, Bigby adds colorful commentary to flesh out the informational voice written by Makenzie de Armas, Dan Dillon, Ben Petrisor, and Jason Tondro.

Giants are referred to as a creature type, as listed in the Monster Manual, and are mythological descendants of Annam. This includes fomorians, death giants, trolls and ogres, cyclopes, and ettins as well as goliaths and firbolgs.


Review of The Practically Complete Guide to Dragons

Posted on August 10, 2023 by

The Practically Complete Guide to Dragons is a 127-page, system-agnostic, descriptive field guide to dragons. Written by Sindri Suncatcher, a kender wizard familiar to Dragonlance fans, the narrative guide provides an overview of dragon anatomy, society, lairs, hoards, combat, magic, etiquette, and language. Notes in the margins flesh out Sindri’s take on ten different types […]


Osprey Games launches The Doomed: Apocalyptic Horror Hunting!

Posted on August 3, 2023 by

Hunger, Hatred, Domination, Oblivion, and Ruin. The world is dying, poised on the brink of falling to one of these great dooms. Factions pursue their own interests, as likely to be the heralds of the world’s destruction as they are its saviours. Horrors – monstrous abominations that defy logic, science, and nature – roam the land. Bands of hunters follow bold leaders, seeking out and destroying Horrors, gaining fame as word of their deeds spreads amongst the desperate survivors. Rival bands compete for prestige, clash over ideology, and pose as much of a threat to each other as the Horrors they hunt.


Renegade Announces Welcome to Night Vale Roleplaying Game!

Posted on August 3, 2023 by

“Renegade to bring Welcome to Night Vale to the world of RPGs!” Renegade Game Studios is excited to announce that they will produce and publish a Welcome to Night Vale Roleplaying Game, which will land on players’ tables in 2024. “Joseph and Jeffrey have created a fantastic world full of vibrant characters, mystery, and rich […]


Battle Endless Waves of the Undead in Pathfinder: Gallowspire Survivors

Posted on July 26, 2023 by

PC Game Features: • Choose your class: the Fighter, Wizard, or Rogue — each featuring unique talents, powers, and playstyles. • Select a second hero to fight alongside you as a companion character. • Run the gauntlet of Gallowspire! Overcome all four sections and their bosses to mark a successful run. • Defeat enemies and […]


Renegade Game Studios Partners With By Night Studios to Expand Distribution

Posted on June 23, 2023 by

Renegade Game Studios is excited to announce that they are entering into a co-publishing arrangement with By Night Studios to support all future World of Darkness 5th Edition Live Action Roleplay (LARP) book releases from this partner. By Night Studios will continue to head creative on their books while Renegade works to expand their distribution […]


New! Kickstarter to Support Pathfinder & Starfinder Rules with Ultimate Screen

Posted on June 21, 2023 by

Forged Gaming, the company behind the Ultimate Game Master Screen Kickstarter, announced today that the project will support the Pathfinder and Starfinder RPGs with official rulesets and content. These products will be included in the ongoing Kickstarter as add-ons to the Ultimate Game Master Screen campaign. The addition of these iconic RPGs to the Ultimate […]


Catalyst Game Labs Launches New Division and Kickstarts Overlords Board Game

Posted on May 8, 2023 by

In addition to their seminal BattleTech and Shadowrun games–along with Leviathans: The Great War–Catalyst has published several great board games over the years, such as The Duke, Crossfire and Dragonfire. To expand upon those successes Catalyst is forming a dedicated board game division. Those games will be joined by other best-selling, previously acquired games, including […]


Paizo Announces Pathfinder Second Edition Remaster Project

Posted on April 26, 2023 by

Pathfinder RPG publisher Paizo Inc. is pleased to announce the Pathfinder Second Edition Remaster Project, four new hardcover rulebooks that offer a fresh entry point to the popular Pathfinder Second Edition roleplaying game. The first two books, Pathfinder Player Core and Pathfinder GM Core, release this November, with Pathfinder Monster Core (March) and Pathfinder Player […]


Privateer Press Announces New Brineblood Marauders Army for WARMACHINE: MKIV

Posted on April 4, 2023 by

The new WARMACHINE: MKIV rolls everything from WARMACHINE’s parallel brand, HORDES, into a single rules set. While HORDES is no longer maintained as a separate brand, warbeasts and warlocks are still battling over the Iron Kingdoms, and the Brineblood Marauders marks the first all-new warlock-led army to storm the tabletop.

From their hidden fortress seaport, the Brineblood Marauders hound the coast of Immoren, from the Gulf of Cygnar to the Windless Wastes. As merciless as they are merry, these Trollkin pirates reave in equal parts, riches and revenge, reparations for the injustices the nations of men have inflicted on troll-kind. But there are worse horrors than pirates claiming dominance of the high seas, and the Brineblood Marauders have found their kind once again caught between the Iron Kingdoms and the terrifying forces that seek their annihilation.


Delve Deep and Defeat (More than Ender) Dragons in Minecraft with the Official Dungeons & Dragons DLC

Posted on March 28, 2023 by

Dungeons & Dragons is the World’s Greatest Roleplaying Game and it just keeps getting better every year. Millions of people around the world have enjoyed playing D&D around a table in the last 50 years or, more recently, over video calls, and millions more are poised to jump into the fun. Playing out fantasy stories is a phenomenon all ages can enjoy. Whether fans are playing with figurines or through video games, it’s all about unlocking the power of imagination! During today’s D&D Direct video presentation, Wizards of the Coast is excited to announce new partnerships that expand the breadth of the D&D brand from digital games to physical collectibles from top toy manufacturers Hasbro and WizKids. The first of these new partnerships is with Minecraft and the launch of a new Minecraft D&D DLC, available on the Minecraft Marketplace Spring 2023!


Paizo’s Starfinder Makes a Dynamite Comics Debut!

Posted on March 22, 2023 by

Following the announcement and upcoming release of Dynamite’s next hotly anticipated Pathfinder series, the first in several years, the publisher is announcing another huge collaboration with roleplaying industry leader Paizo. Starfinder, the tabletop innovator’s other smash hit game and mythos, is coming to comic books for the first time in Starfinder: Angels of the Drift!

For the first ever Starfinder comic series coming to stores, Dynamite and Paizo hand picked the best creative voice to take the helm. James L. Sutter served on staff at Paizo for over a decade, including as Creative Director for Starfinder, playing a critical role in developing the world and systems, translating the beloved Pathfinder formula to a science-fantasy landscape. Sutter writes Angels of the Drift alongside artist Edu Menna (Army of Darkness).


Tian Xia Coming to Pathfinder!

Posted on March 2, 2023 by

Paizo, publisher of the Pathfinder and Starfinder Roleplaying games, has announced starting this fall, Pathfinder will be turning the globe a bit as it heads to a region that players have been waiting for—the setting of the next few Pathfinder projects coming down the road: Tian Xia! Starting at the end of this year and continuing into 2024, Pathfinder will dive into this region like never before to bring adventures, stories, and character options inspired by this land!


Dungeons & Dragons: Keys from the Golden Vault is available now!

Posted on February 21, 2023 by

An anthology of 13 heist-themed adventures for the world’s greatest roleplaying game. Some jobs require more than simply wielding a sword or slinging a spell. Whether it’s procuring a well-guarded item or obtaining crucial information from an imprisoned contact, these tasks require careful planning and flawless execution. The secretive organization called the Golden Vault specializes […]


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