Back from Atlanta and trying something new.
Posted on June 16, 2010 by Matt-M-McElroy
I have been posting short updates and industry news that I’ve come across over on my LiveJournal for the past few months. Someone suggested that Flames Rising readers might like to hear some of the rattling that goes on in my head so…we’re going to give it shot. These posts will indeed be a bit of a random mix of links and commentary and most likely won’t follow any kind of set pattern. Feedback and comments are welcome.
Last week I was in Atlanta on business for the “day job” (aka I’m still trying to catch up on my e-mail, so if I owe you something give me a few extra days. That or it got lost in the shuffle so feel free to ping me with a reminder…
While in Atlanta got to take a tour of the CCP/White Wolf offices and was in on a handful of very interesting meetings. Some very cool stuff in progress at that company. All kinds of awesome in development. You’ll want to check out some of the panels at Gen Con Indy and/or The Grand Masquerade this year. (Speaking of the The Grand Masquerade, stay tuned here at Flames Rising next week for some exclusive news about this event.)
Posthuman Studios signed with Sandstorm Productions to release more awesome Eclipse Phase RPG products. Of course you can also get them in digital at the Flames Rising RPGNow Shop.
I was disappointed to discover that the folks that run Gen Con could not find one woman to be on the Industry Insider Guests of Honor list. No one thought to ask Nicole Lindroos, Jess Hartley, Michelle Lyons, Jackie Cassada, Emily Care Boss, Filamena Young, Lisa Stevens, Meg Baker, Jenn Hartshorn, Teeuwynn Woodruff, Monica Valentinelli, Annie Rush or any of the other awesome women who have contributed to this industry over the years?
Speaking of Gen Con (and other conventions)…which would you rather get as a freebie from a publisher, pens or mechanical pencils? T-Shirts or Hats? Why?
Cthulhu Mythos fans will be pleased to hear that The Unspeakable Oath has risen from the depths once more. The next issue of The Unspeakable Oath will be published in December 2010.
Apparently Sony is working on a Ghost Rider Sequel, no really…
What about you?
What interesting Horror and Dark Fantasy news have you read this week?
Tags | cthulhu, eclipse phase, gencon, white-wolf
I’m partial to T-Shirts because they comprise 94% of my wardrobe. Since they’d come from publishers, I imagine they’d be cool looking, regardless of the specifics. Pens are cheaper and therefore much cooler to give than to revieve. The other items you listed all sort of fall somewhere within that same context.
I’d rather have a T-shirt for the simple reason of loving them and having stuff written on my chest…
T-shirts all the way! The companies should see the shirts a form of cheap advertising as their target audience wears them and mingles with other target audiences. And most folks will wear these shirts for years so the advertising dollar can go a long way with a shirt.