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Night Witches RPG from Bully Pulpit Games

Posted on March 21, 2015 by


There was a night bomber regiment in World War Two composed entirely of women. Natural-born Soviet airwomen.

These 200 women and girls, flying outdated biplanes from open fields near the front lines, attacked the invading German forces every night for 1,100 consecutive nights. When they ran out of bombs they dropped railroad ties.

To each other they were sisters, with bonds forged in blood and terror. To the Red Army Air Force they were an infuriating feminist sideshow. To the Germans they were simply Nachthexen—Night Witches.

Night Witches is a tabletop role-playing game about women at war.


Werewolf: the Forsaken 2nd Edition from Onyx Path Publishing!

Posted on March 5, 2015 by

The need to hunt burns in your heart and in your soul. To chase down prey with your blood pumping fire through your body. Yesterday you didn’t know what that felt like, but today you’re sitting in a room with the bodies of your family and you need to hunt.

You are a human, a wolf, a killer, a monster. The ultimate predator.

You must hold the balance between the moon and the wolf. Between the flesh and the spirit. Between the pack and the prey. Your blood rises. The wolf must hunt.

What are you going to do?


Call of Cthulhu: The Curse of Nineveh available now!

Posted on March 4, 2015 by

In ancient times, when Nineveh fell, so too was a terrible evil was banished. This evil, a god named Nabu with ambitions to rule humanity, was bound by the Children of Tranquillity into his former temple and buried beneath the sands. Two and a half thousand years later a group of archaeologists uncovered the Temple of Nabu and unleashed a terrible curse — the Curse of Nineveh!

The Curse of Nineveh is a seven-part campaign for Call of Cthulhu set in London, in the summer of 1925.


Firefly RPG: Smugglers Guide to the Rim available now!

Posted on February 20, 2015 by

Does your Crew have what it takes to fly the Good Shepherd’s Run?

SMUGGLER’S GUIDE TO THE RIM is a supplement for the FIREFLY RPG that is designed for both players and GMs. The third supplement in the line, the SMUGGLER’S GUIDE TO THE RIM introduces Reputation rules for Crewmembers, 12 new archetypes, the Good Shepherd’s Run, more Chinese translations, more rules, new in game aids, a pair of Episodes, and more!


We Love Comic Creators Bundle supports the Hero Initiative!

Posted on February 18, 2015 by

The Hero Initiative creates a financial safety net for comic creators who may need emergency medical aid, financial support for essentials of life, and an avenue back into paying work.

Since inception, the Hero Initiative has been fortunate enough to benefit over 40 creators and their families with over $400,000 worth of much-needed aid, fueled by your contributions! It’s a chance for all of us to give back something to the people who have given us so much enjoyment. has partnered with more than 40 publishers including Top Cow Productions, Aspen Comics, Renegade Arts Entertainment, Valiant Comics, 2000 AD, Devil’s Due Entertainment, and more to offer up an amazing bundle of digital comics for only $20, with proceeds benefiting the Hero Initiative!


Don’t Turn Your Back a new board game from Evil Hat

Posted on February 4, 2015 by

Welcome to the city of Nightmares. Now you’re Awake.

Evil Hat brings great games to the table, and we have something truly great in store for you in this Kickstarter. We’re proud to introduce Don’t Turn Your Back, a game that brings together the best of everything Evil Hat can deliver.

With a unique combination of deck building and worker placement elements, and a design that creator Eric B. Vogel has called one of his best yet, it offers a fresh and exciting gameplay experience.


Announcing the Dark Eras nWoD Kickstarter

Posted on January 29, 2015 by

Today, we are pleased to announce that editor-in-chief Matt M McElroy and long-time contributor and project manager Monica Valentinelli are featured in a new World of Darkness supplement for Onyx Path Publishing. The book, which has been put together by senior developer Matt McFarland, is called Dark Eras, and the full, unedited text is available for fans to read on the Dark Eras Kickstarter page. The Dark Eras Kickstarter is for a prestige edition of the book for both fans and retailers.

Dark Eras presents nine chapters reflecting a historical era tailored to each of the nine New World of Darkness game lines. The sections are written for the currently available edition of the game line, but they are designed to be usable with any edition. The section that Monica and Matt collaborated on was for Hunter: the Vigil.


Deadlands: The Cackler Graphic Novel Kickstarter has launched!

Posted on January 27, 2015 by

Pinnacle and Visionary Comics team up to bring you The Cackler graphic novel–a mystery almost 20 years in the making!

Stone stalks the High Plains seeking heroes to kill. The Cackler hunts the Weird West in search of a mysterious girl called Rachel. Both of these killers are stone-cold dead…Harrowed…and what they’re about to do kicks off the next era in the story of Deadlands!

Join us for a walk on the DEAD SIDE as we create two very different but linked projects that start us on the road for the 20th anniversary of Deadlands coming in 2016.


Dungeons & Dragons Fans Called to ‘Unearth the Deception’ in 2015

Posted on January 20, 2015 by

Elemental Evil Storyline & Product Offerings Unveiled

Today, Wizards of the Coast announced the newest Dungeons & Dragons storyline and accompanying product offerings for both digital and tabletop RPG players. Coming off of the biggest and most exciting year yet for Dungeons & Dragons, the Elemental Evil storyline starts in March and runs through mid-summer. During that time, heroes are needed in the Forgotten Realms to discover and defeat secret cults that threaten to annihilate the Sword Coast by harnessing the powers of the elements of fire, water, air, and earth.


The End Of The World: Zombie Apocalypse

Posted on January 14, 2015 by

Enter the end times with Zombie Apocalypse, the first book in The End of the World roleplaying line!

The dead rise and stalk the earth, hungry for the flesh of the living. All that stands between a zombie and your brain are your skills, wits, and talents. Life as you know it is about to end, and one way or another, you’ll experience the apocalypse and make your way through the aftermath… if you can survive that long!

If you’ve ever wondered how you’d cope with an endless onslaught of flesh-hungry undead, you can find out in Zombie Apocalypse.


Trail of Cthulhu: Soldiers of Pen and Ink

Posted on December 31, 2014 by

Soldiers of Pen and Ink is a Trail of Cthulhu campaign set in the dark heart of the Spanish Civil War

A comrade is lost. Enemies surround you, and your fellow soliders cannot be trusted. Can you rescue your friend while retaining your sanity?

Madrid, 1936. The Investigators have come to Spain to shoot a documentary on the war sympathetic to the Republican cause, but find themselves trapped in the Siege of Madrid. One of their team goes missing, and their literary colleagues say it’s pointless – even dangerous – to ask what happened to him.

In a war of competing ideologies, unorthodoxy can merit the death penalty, even amongst those opposing Fascism, but is this Communist oppression or something more sinister?


Dangerous Games featuring Chuck Wendig, Lavie Tidhar and more!

Posted on December 23, 2014 by

Roll the Bones!

In a world ruled by chance, one rash decision could bring down the house, one roll of the dice could bring untold wealth, or the end of everything. The players have gathered around the table, each to tell their story – often dark, always compelling. Within you will find tales of the players and the played, lives governed by games deadly, weird, or downright bizarre.

Multi-award winning editor Jonathan Oliver (The End of the Line, House of Fear, Magic, End of the Road) brings together new stories featuring a diverse collection of voices.


Two Dragon Brigade novellas from Margaret Weis Productions

Posted on December 18, 2014 by

Margaret Weis Productions has just released two novellas based on the Dragon Brigade series by Margaret Weis and Robert Krammes in eBook formats!

Dragon Brigade: The Day Is Ours

Read the novella that started the latest series by Margaret Weis and Robert Krammes – Dragon Brigade.

When the magically reinforced flying fortress refuses to surrender after many days of shelling, the Rosian Royal Navy calls in the famed Dragon Brigade to help defeat the stubborn enemy.

Lord Captain Stephano de Guichen and his dragon, Lady Cam, brace themselves to face enemy fire, but soon discover that court intrigue is dangerous than cannon balls.


Age of Cthulhu 8: Starfall Over the Plateau of Leng from Goodman Games!

Posted on December 14, 2014 by

An investigation into the whereabouts of a missing artist becomes a manhunt for her suspected murderer. The trail leads to the impossible, deep into the mystical realm of sleep, The Dreamlands. The investigators must journey to the very heart of the Plateau of Leng, to the fabled Pharos of Leng, if they are to find their quarry, but it may all be for naught, as a giant falling star threatens to destroy both The Waking World and The Dreamlands.

Set throughout the globe and torn from the pages of the hidden history of the world, Age of Cthulhu adventures bring new secrets and mind-bending horrors to your 1920’s Call of Cthulhu game. Each adventure comes with copious player handouts, detailed maps, and pre-generated investigators ready to risk their lives and their sanity to confront the horrors of an uncaring universe.


Judge Dredd: Year One rolls into Mega-City One

Posted on November 2, 2014 by

Three acclaimed Dredd writers – Carroll, Ewing and Smith – take you back to Judge Dredd’s first year on street in this collected edition of novellas, which marks the start of a brand new series from Abaddon Books that follows the beginning of the infamous Judge’s career: Judge Dredd: Year One

Mega-City One, 2080. Judge Joe Dredd’s first year as a full-eagle Judge. Bred for justice, trained in law, Dredd’s no helpless rookie, but he’s not the seasoned veteran we know either. Three tales follow the first adventures of the future city’s greatest lawman. With an introduction by the Mighty Tharg!


There Was A Dark, Dark House a Halloween adventure for the FirstFable RPG

Posted on October 27, 2014 by

There Was A Dark, Dark House is a Halloween adventure for the FirstFable RPG published by OneBookShelf.

This tale is inspired by ghost stories told around a campfire. It can be as scary or funny as you want.

Your children will love playing an active part in this spooky tale!

The FirstFable core book is needed to run There Was A Dark, Dark House.

A portion of the proceeds of every sale of There Was A Dark, Dark House will automatically be donated to the RPG Creators Relief Fund.


Erin M. Evans on Fire in the Blood

Posted on October 8, 2014 by

Award-winning author, Erin M. Evans, continues the riveting tale of her Sundering character, Farideh, as she becomes embroiled in a Forgotten Realms-flavored game of thrones.

In a direct follow-up to the third book in the Sundering series, The Adversary, young warlock Farideh falls into the midst of a battle for the throne of Cormyr. As the war brought on by the Sundering rages across Faerûn, princes and princesses, wizards and rogues scheme to capture the seat of power of the Land of the Purple Dragon—with Farideh and her allies caught squarely in the middle.

Flames Rising is pleased to present a guest post from Erin M. Evans as she tells us a bit about this new Forgotten Realms novel.


Deluxe Vampire 20 Dark Ages Kickstarter

Posted on October 7, 2014 by

The year is 1242. The Mongol army crushed Baghdad and then Russia under its heel, and then moved on to devastate Poland and Hungary. The Holy Roman Empire stood to war with the Papacy. The second Lombard League wielded the word of the Pope and fought off Frederick II.

The vampire War of Princes rages. Patricide looms. Young powers look up the ladder to the next rungs, and see stagnation and hypocrisy. They see targets. When they look down, they see humanity. They see a power that could change everything. They see mortals organizing into universities and empires.

In the mortal world of 1242, power shifted at the rate an army marched. For the undead, power shifts faster than a fire overtakes a haven. To the Damned, power flows as fast as blood from an ancient heart.

Vampire 20th Anniversary: The Dark Ages is a storytelling game of horrific power.


Darkly Through the Labyrinth RPG available now from Abstract Nova

Posted on October 6, 2014 by

In the 1980s, a moral panic swept the United States. Rumors swirled of a vast underground network of devil worshippers, and claims of Satanic Ritual Abuse flooded the airwaves. Role-playing games were gateways to black magic, and backwards messages, hidden in heavy metal music, spurred teenagers to Satanism or suicide. The devil was everywhere and something needed to be done. In response to growing public fears, the FBI assembled a taskforce to investigate occult activity.


Mind’s Eye Theatre: Werewolf The Apocalypse Playtest Rules

Posted on September 30, 2014 by

When Will You Rage?

Presenting: an early preview of the new Mind’s Eye Theatre: Werewolf The Apocalypse

Download the free Alpha Slice Playtest Rules and participate in developing the next World of Darkness LARP game from By Night Studios.

What Is This?

This PDF contains a vertical slice of the first build of the Mind’s Eye Theatre: Werewolf the Apocalypse rules set.


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