Archive | Flames Rising

Monster Madness Month at Flames Rising!

Posted on October 1, 2008 by

Get your jack o’ lanterns ready and turn out your lights, Flames Rising has reached into the haunted minds of some very creative folk with monstrous results. We’re going to scare you, thrill you and chill you with a daily monster dose that ranges from E.E. Knight‘s Cob’s Ladder to Todd Cash’s Jimmy Sparks. Some […]


Spread the Flames with New and Improved Flames Rising Gear!

Posted on August 31, 2008 by

Show your true black-and-red colors by picking something up from our Flames Rising Cafepress shop. We’ve updated our merchandise to reflect the new Flames Rising logo; check out our new women’s and men’s t-shirts, environmentally-friendly canvas bags for only $13.99 and more! Remember, Halloween is rapidly approaching — what better way to say “I love […]


Flames Rising’s Reviewer Rewards Program

Posted on August 25, 2008 by

If you’ve checked out our submission guidelines, you may have noticed that we mentioned our Flames Rising Reviewer Rewards program. As our site continues to grow, our reviewers and content providers are a vital part of Flames Rising. We’d like to light a match and shed some light on what this program actually entails.

Flames Rising Reviewer Rewards Program

Once our reviewers show a commitment to the site by submitting a minimum of (5) reviews, we will then provide the review material for them. From indie films to pre-released copies of fiction novels and new games, we receive tons of review material we’re more than happy to provide free-of-charge to our reviewers. (We’ll even cover the postage.) What’s more, our reviewers can keep the material as a “thank you” for spending the time to contribute to the site.


From the Editor’s Desk: Thank You from Flames Rising

Posted on August 18, 2008 by

Over the past five years, we at Flames Rising have fed our fires, bringing you news, reviews and interviews for the horror, dark fantasy and dark sci fi genres. We started with gaming and (as our flames got bigger) we quickly expanded into music, TV/film, comics and books. As our content shifted, so did our […]


Silver ENnie!

Posted on August 16, 2008 by

The Gen Con EN World RPG Awards (the “ENnies”) are an annual fan-based celebration of excellence in tabletop roleplaying gaming. The ENnies give game designers, writers and artists the recognition they deserve. It is a peoples’ choice award, and the final winners are voted upon by the gaming public at EN World. This year’s ENnies […]


How to Syndicate Flames Rising Content on Your Site or Blog

Posted on August 3, 2008 by

As you know, Flames Rising burned the midnight oil to ensure that the site redesign was more user-friendly for you. We’ve been proud to feature several options of Flames Rising RSS feeds to work with your preferences. After dozens of requests, Flames Rising is happy to announce that we are now recommending an easy way […]


Previews on Flames Rising

Posted on June 2, 2008 by

We now have a Preview Page on Flames Rising. A spot to check out all of the sneak peeks and product previews we have been posting on the site. The latest addition is an early look at the new Hot War RPG coming up from Contested Ground Studios: Hot War Preview Coming up in the […]


Reviews Wanted!

Posted on February 26, 2008 by

The new Review Guidelines have been posted on the Flames Rising website. We are currently seeking a few good reviewers to help us expand our collection of horror and dark fantasy reviews. RPGs, fiction, movies, video games and more are all welcome on the site… What do you get out of it? Beyond helping out […]


Flames Rising Favorite Horror Game Contest!

Posted on February 14, 2008 by

Flames RisingWe’re proud to announce the first Flames Rising Fan Appreciation contest. Some of you may remember that Flames Rising hasn’t always been a horror and dark fantasy webzine; it started out as a Live Action Role-Playing Site devoted to those dark and brooding vampire clans from White Wolf’s Mind’s Eye Theatre system. Through a love for gaming and other things that go bump in the night, Flames has evolved to its current incarnation, a horror webzine that shines the spotlight on up-and-coming authors, horror artists, game designers, and more!

To celebrate the new site launch, we want to show our appreciation to the fans who make Flames Rising possible by returning to our dice pool and pencils. Prizes include a variety of products from Abstract Nova, Apophis Consortium, Bob Goat Press, Cubicle 7 Entertainment, Eden Studios, Evil Hat Productions, Monolith Graphics, Neoplastic Press, Rogue Games, Snarling Badger Games, Talisman Studios and 12 to Midnight.


Flames Rising Shopping Updates

Posted on February 6, 2008 by

Lots of updates to the Flames Rising Amazon Store today. Horror & Dark Fantasy fiction, games, movies and more. Included in these updates is the option to pre-order: Ventrue: Lords Over the Damned (Vampire the Requiem) Battlestar Galactica (Season 3) Small Favor (Dresden Files) Purge the Unclean (Dark Heresy) Over at you can check […]


Flames Rising News Feeds & Updates

Posted on February 3, 2008 by

Visit the RSS Page to check out the available Flames Rising news feeds. Stay up-to-date on the latest Flames Rising Horror & Dark Fantasy product Reviews, author and artist Interviews and more! You can also find Flames Rising on Other updates include new books and games at the Flames Rising Amazon Shop and […]


New Reviews at Flames Rising!

Posted on January 21, 2008 by

We are still working on a few of the details behind-the scenes on the new site. However, here are a bunch of new Reviews to dig into! Neil Gaiman’s “Two Plays for Voices” Audiobook Doctor Strange Animated Movie Changeling: the Lost RPG In the Serpent’s Coils Novel 30 Days of Night Movie Kitty and the […]


Welcome to the New Flames Rising!

Posted on January 17, 2008 by

Welcome to the redesign of Flames Rising! The last, few months has been an exciting time for us and we hope you’ll stick around. Over the next, few days we will be working behind-the-scenes to ensure all technical issues are resolved from transferring to this new site. So please, pardon our soot. We’re happy to […]


Flames Rising eBook Shop Updates

Posted on December 2, 2007 by

You can now search by publisher at the Flames Rising eBook Shop. This includes lots of fiction and comics (in addition to all of the RPGs). Basically all of the publishers from the various OneBookShelf sites are now listed in one handy spot. For example, all of David Moody’s Autumn tales from Infected Books and […]


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11 Tales of Ghostly Horror

    Reviews Wanted!

    The new Review Guidelines have been posted on the Flames Rising website. We are currently seeking a few good reviewers to help us expand our collection of horror and dark fantasy reviews. RPGs, fiction, movies, video games and more are all welcome on the site...

    What do you get out of it?

    Beyond helping out fellow Flames Rising readers by letting them know what you think of these products, we're giving away some pretty cool stuff. Regular Reviewers can earn free products to review, which is their to keep after the review is submitted to the site.

    Note: We are especially looking for folks interested in reviewing eBooks (both Fiction & Comics). We have lots of great titles in digital format and even get advance copies sometimes.

    Use the Contact Page to submit reviews or let us know if you have any questions.

    The Devil’s Night WoD SAS

    Free Devil's Night | White Wolf