Posted on April 15, 2011 by Flames
2K Games, Top Cow Productions, Inc., and the Free Comic Book Day Committee announced today that they have teamed up to produce The Darkness II: Confession, an exclusive comic tie-in for The Darkness II video game, for Free Comic Book Day. The 32-page, full-color comic will be a prequel to 2K Games’ upcoming video game, The Darkness II. Produced by Top Cow’s lead artists and writers in partnership with 2K Games, The Darkness II: Confession will be distributed by Diamond Comic Distributors to thousands of independent comic book stores worldwide on May 7, 2011.
“Top Cow has always supported Free Comic Book Day and this year we’ve created our best offering yet with The Darkness II: Confession, a prequel to the upcoming video game The Darkness II by 2K Games,” said self-proclaimed hardcore gamer and president of Top Cow, Matt Hawkins. “In working closely with 2K Games on the comic, we’ve ensured that everything fits into The Darkness’ canon for long-time and new fans of Jackie Estacado. This free comic is a perfect primer for the game.”
Since its inception in 2002, the Free Comic Book Day event has celebrated the original American comic book art form by supplying thousands of participating independent comic book specialty shops around the world with free comic books for fans.
Posted on April 11, 2011 by Flames
At the end of April, will launch a brand new feature for our site. In addition to our news, reviews, interviews and other horror-related goodness, we are providing subscribers with additional content through our monthly newsletter.
You can sign up for this new feature by filling out the form in this post. Or, you can visit our sign-up form at our mailing list partner.
Posted on April 11, 2011 by Flames
What if Frankenstein got it right?
What if Victor Frankenstein had embraced his discoveries rather than seeking to destroy them?
Rejected by his peers and his family, hunted by the Creature, Victor slips into the background of history. Manipulating people, events, whole countries, Frankenstein slowly plans and executes his revenge.
Carved out of the Balkan conflicts of the mid-1800’s, Victor Frankenstein hijacks the unification of Romania and creates his own country: Promethea. Established on high ideals of equality and scientific advancement for the good of all, the reality is very different.
Dark Harvest: Legacy of Frankenstein is a detailed, fascinating game setting, a terrifyingly plausible alternative history and a fiction anthology; a gothic horror fantasy that will appeal to gamers and the general public alike.
A standalone product, Dark Harvest: Legacy of Frankenstein uses a version of the Heresy Engine system and is fully compatible with the Victoriana 2nd Edition, also available from Cubicle 7 Entertainment.
Dark Harvest: Legacy of Frankenstein is available at the Flames Rising RPGNow Shop.
Posted on April 6, 2011 by Flames
Relativity Media and graphic novel publisher Archaia Entertainment, LLC have formed a publishing partnership to produce and publish a hardcover graphic novel anthology based upon Relativity’s upcoming epic motion picture Immortals, starring Henry Cavill (Superman: Man of Steel), Luke Evans (Robin Hood), Kellan Lutz (Twillight), Isabel Lucas (Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen), Freida Pinto (Slumdog Millionaire), and Mickey Rourke (Iron Man 2).
Archaia will release the Immortals graphic novel in September, serving as a precursor to the 3-D motion picture, which releases worldwide on November 11, 2011. The graphic novel will expand upon the film’s key characters and events through a series of original tales written and illustrated by some of the top names in comics, including David Mack (Kabuki), Ron Marz (Witchblade), Dennis Calero (Dark Tower) and Ben Templesmith (30 Days of Night). The graphic novel will be published through Archaia’s Black Label division, a publishing pipeline dedicated to working alongside creative professionals within the entertainment industry eager to launch and expand their brands in the publishing world.
Posted on March 26, 2011 by Flames
A Chronicle Companion for Werewolf the Forsaken in Four Parts
The full book includes:
• Thirteen chronicle kits, which modify, emphasize and defy your expectations of what Werewolf the Forsaken can be.
• Ideas for chronicles set in ancient Sumer, in the trenches of eternal war, and with urban fantasy romance.
• Every kit contains tools for players and Storytellers alike, with ideas to integrate them into existing chronicles as well as new ones.
In this first part, we strip Werewolf the Forsaken down of its fundamental components.
Posted on March 24, 2011 by Flames
Comic book publisher Boom! Studios debuted a web exclusive for the brand new Hellraiser comic series, written by Clive Barker. Boom! celebrated the release by raising hell all over the blogosphere. They reached out to bloggers and reviewers by offering the short story and pages of the preview for free. Then, they highlighted each and every instance of the coverage on their Twitter, Facebook pages and blog.
We’ve included a page of this unique web exclusive at the bottom of our post to give you a feel for the artwork and tone. The short story prelude is entitled At the Tolling of the Bell and is downloadable via several sites including, which we’ve linked to here.
Posted on March 22, 2011 by Flames
Publisher New Baby Productions announces that a graphic novel adaptation of H.G. Wells’ short story, “The Chronic Argonauts,” is currently in production. Originally written by a 22-year old Wells, and published by the Royal College of Science in 1888, the story is considered to be the first well-developed use of a “time machine” in science fiction. It predates Wells’ more famous time traveling novel, The Time Machine, by seven years.
“The Chronic Argonauts” begins with the arrival of the mysterious Dr. Moses Nebogipfel to a small Welsh town. The apprehensions of the simple rural folk eventually cause them to storm the inventor’s workshop in an effort to avenge perceived witchery. Nebogipfel escapes with one other person, the sympathetic Reverend Elijah Ulysses Cook, in what is later revealed to be a time machine.
Posted on March 19, 2011 by Flames
Sunday, March 20 marks the fifth anniversary of Open Design, a game company run under the patronage business model where gamers themselves can be a part of the design process.
Here’s the blog post that started at all.
To celebrate 5 years, Open Design is running a sale at the KQ Store from Friday, March 18 through Thursday Mar 24. Our Kobold-in-Chief Wolfgang Baur says, “This sale is my way of thanking all of you for your support over the past five years. By definition, Open Design could only succeed with your participation. So to all the patrons who helped create our sourcebooks and adventures, and the folks who bought the finished products…thank you very, very much for this wonderful five-year ride. I look forward to continuing on with you to our glorious 10-year mark.”
Posted on March 16, 2011 by Flames
The latest supplement for Mage: the Awakening debuted today at Dubbed Mage Noir, this new World of Darkness supplement offers a fresh historical feel. Set in the 1940s, the book covers a mage’s perspective in America. Writers include Matt McFarland and Filamena Young.
Mage Noir is an eighty page PDF, and is available at for a retail price of $8.99.
Posted on March 14, 2011 by Flames
A massive earthquake hit the Pacific Ocean nearby Northeastern Japan on March 11 causing damage with blackouts, fire and tsunami. The large earthquake triggered a tsunami warning for countries all around the Pacific ocean.
RPGNow is helping raise funds to help those affected by this disaster. Please help with a $5 donation at
Posted on March 11, 2011 by Flames
Lord of the Rings RPG Headlines an Industry-Leading Lineup
Cubicle 7, one of the RPG industry’s leading publishers, today took the wraps off a 2011 schedule that also makes it the most prolific. With four major RPG core games being released, and over 100 products on the 2011 schedule, Cubicle 7 is the biggest supplier of new titles in the RPG industry.
The One Ring: Adventures over the Edge of the Wild launches a new line based on the grandfather property of fantasy: J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings trilogy. The Lord of the Rings hasn’t been represented in gaming for several years, and Cubicle 7, in partnership with Sophisticated Games, promises a new approach that will invigorate fans of this highly-developed and much-loved universe—as well as pull in a whole new generation of gamers.
Posted on March 2, 2011 by Flames
Buy your favorite games or try new ones from Postmortem Studios, Cubicle 7, Galileo Games, Pelgrane Press, Pinnacle Entertainment, Adamant Entertainment, White Wolf Publishing, Evil Hat Productions, Green Ronin, Malhavoc Press and even Flames Rising Press, including the best-selling title The Queen of Crows.
Posted on March 1, 2011 by Monica Valentinelli
For those of you who have played Dragon Age, you’re probably hungry for more. I just finished Dragon Age: Origins and Dragon Age: Awakenings and am anxiously awaiting Dragon Age 2. In addition to the novels and the Dragon Age RPG, a new web series will be debuting this summer starring Felicia Day. According to Doug Jones, (Yes, people. This is the guy who played Abe Sapien from Hellboy among other roles…) he said: “In Dragon Age: Redemption, Felicia Day stars as Tallis, an Elven assassin hired by the Qunari to capture a rogue mage intent on wreaking havoc throughout the world.”
To read more about this upcoming web series, be sure to visit Felicia Day’s blog where she links to several interviews, including one with Jimmy Fallon. Check out the trailer below!
Posted on February 25, 2011 by Flames
It is the 41st millennium, a future in which the vast Imperium of Man stretches light-years across the galaxy. The wildly popular Warhammer 40,000 universe is one of constant strife; for untold billions, merely to be born is to be condemned to a lifetime of cruel suffering under an unforgiving and draconian regime. Only a select few in positions of power possess limited freedom: the Inquisitors who hunt heretics, the Rogue Traders who gather wealth, and the Deathwatch Space Marines who combat the alien threat. Science and technology offer little promise of relief; too much has been lost since the Dark Age of Technology, and all that is left goes to fuel the Imperium’s mighty war machine. It is a universe of grim darkness.
Posted on February 23, 2011 by Flames
Former Stoker Award-nominated editor Jason Sizemore compiles seventeen tasty, brainy morsels of zombie short fiction in The Zombie Feed: Volume 1.
Zombie fiction from many sub-genres are represented here: zombie apocalypse, zombie survival, zombies in human society, zombie hunters, and more. And the one thread interlocking these disparate groups–ZOMBIE MAYHEM! This action packed anthology takes a syringe full of contaminated adrenaline-laced undead and slams 1000 CCs directly into your chest cavity.
Fast paced, yet thoughtful, The Zombie Feed: Volume I will sate your appetite… at least temporarily.
Posted on February 8, 2011 by Flames
The stories of rocketships and rayguns you read under cover of dark are coming to life before your eyes. Will you become a victim of Parsons’ ‘Big Hoodoo’?
The Big Hoodoo is Lovecraftian noir in 1950s California with a ripped-from-history plot centered on the explosive death of real-world rocket scientist, science fiction fan, and occultist Jack Parsons in a garage laboratory in 1952. The investigators are iconic figures active in the science fiction scene at the time of Parsons’ death, and their inquiries lead them from the mean streets of Pasadena to the edge of the Mojave Desert and the mountains of southern California as well as the beaches of Los Angeles.
Posted on January 19, 2011 by Flames
First published in March 2010 on, we’ve expanded our digital offering to include a text-based version for your Amazon Kindle or your Nook from Barnes and Noble. Since this file format is primarily text-based, we went ahead and dropped the price to $2.99 on both the Kindle and the ePub edition. The ePub format, which is available at Barnes and Noble, is also compatible with several other devices including your Sony eReader and your iPhone. Both the Kindle and ePub format are also available through for your convenience.
Posted on January 14, 2011 by Flames
Unprecedented flooding in the Australian state brings the worldwide writing and publishing community together in the charity anthology “100 Stories for Queensland.”
Queensland (Australia) is currently experiencing the worst flood event in its history with seventy-five percent of the state declared a disaster zone. Queensland is not a small state, measuring more than 1.72 million square kilometres (twenty-five percent of Australia’s land mass). It is four times the size of Japan, nearly six times the size of the UK and more than twice the size of Texas in the USA. This is not a small flood or localised event. Its effects are being felt by more than 70 communities (including the capital city of Brisbane) and tens of thousands of people, many of them in rural areas. Other areas of the state have been flooded since before Christmas, with a number of communities West of Brisbane evacuated for the second time in two weeks.
Posted on January 12, 2011 by Flames
Apex Book Company, a small press publisher specializing in the science fiction, horror and fantasy genres, announced today that it has made a significant change to their monthly edition of Apex Magazine. Subscribers and single-issue purchasers will now get an exclusive first look at the stories and poems before anyone else.
Prior to January 2011, Apex Magazine was offered to both subscribers and non-subscribers alike. As of January 1st, the magazine, which is edited by Cat Valente, will no longer be offered for free on the publisher’s website until the next issue debuts.
Posted on January 10, 2011 by Flames