Posted on May 26, 2010 by Flames
CCP, one of the world’s leading independent game developers, today launched EVE Online: Tyrannis, the 13th free expansion for PC Gamer’s 2010 MMO of the year, EVE Online. Tyrannis will usher in new levels of player control as the pilots of EVE have turned their attention to the celestial bodies around them, casting surface inhabitants into the shadows of their powerful ships and exploiting the planets for the materials and profits they need to fuel countless ambitions. EVE Gate, the new web frontend and social networking platform for EVE Online, is a leap forward in extending the universe outside of the client, allowing access to in-game mail and features and bringing the community closer than ever before.
Posted on May 25, 2010 by Flames
It’s 1954, and you’re a sailor or scientist aboard the USS Bairoko, an “escort carrier” detailed to support secret nuclear bomb tests in the Marshall Islands. The bomb goes off in the Bikini atoll, the ship gets a light dusting of radioactive fallout, and now the crew is acting crazy, distress calls are coming in from monitoring stations around the blast site, and strange blips are showing up on the radar screens. What do you do?
Castle Bravo is available at the Flames Rising RPGNow Shop.
Posted on May 21, 2010 by Flames
Happy 9th Birthday, Malhavoc Press!
Time to celebrate Malhavoc’s birthday and save!
It’s been NINE years since Malhavoc Press released The Book of Eldritch Might as a PDF. To celebrate, we’re discounting all of our eBooks 30% off or more for one week only, May 21 to 28, 2010. This is a great time to check out a book you passed on earlier or grab up the ones you’ve been meaning to get anyway – including big ticket titles like Ptolus or Arcana Evolved!
Time to stock up on those PDFs – for this week only you can buy many of our titles for less than five bucks each! Stop by and check them out on and
Posted on May 16, 2010 by Flames
BOOM! Studios announced a brand new ongoing horror series, THE CALLING: CTHULHU CHRONICLES, debuting this July from writers Michael Alan Nelson (FALL OF CTHULHU, 28 DAYS LATER) and Johanna Stokes (DEATH VALLEY, SAVAGE BROTHERS.) An all-new ongoing Lovecraft-inspired supernatural horror series with a decidedly modern spin, THE CALLING: CTHULHU CHRONICLES marks the return to the Cthulhu mythos that BOOM! built its reputation on with bestselling titles like FALL OF CTHULHU and CTHULHU TALES.
“If you are a fan of Lovecraft, if you worship Cthulhu, if you love horror, don’t miss this book,” said BOOM! Studios Marketing Director Chip Mosher. “This is BOOM! at its best, returning to our horror roots with a great new title that is guaranteed to creep you out… and drive you mad!”
Posted on May 12, 2010 by Flames
Living With The Vigil
For many hunters carrying the Vigil, the hunt is only one part of their lives. Many belong to hunter organizations-the more localized compacts, or the globe-spanning conspiracies.
Joining such a group comes with varying advantages-safety in numbers, a paycheck, access to unique weapons and critical information, and camaraderie. But it also comes replete with new problems: competition, cover-ups, and a rigorous set of rules to which one must adhere or face the always-unpleasant consequences.
Compacts and Conspiracies is available now at the Flames Rising RPGNow Shop.
Posted on April 24, 2010 by Flames
What do Paul Revere and Johnny Saturn have in common with Judge Dredd? They’re all on sale right now at, your first downloadable comic shop.
All you have to do is visit to enjoy an automatic twenty percent savings on select comic book downloads now through midnight on Sunday. There is no minimum purchase and you don’t have to enter any coupon codes to participate in the Weekend Warrior Sale. Prices normally range from ninety-nine cents for a single issue to twenty dollars for a graphic novel or exclusive collections.
Publishers included in the sale range from Archaia Entertainment, Coscom Entertainment, 2000 A.D., AAM-Markosia Press, Heske Horror, Caliber Comics and several more!
Posted on April 17, 2010 by Flames
Ex Occultus is a globetrotting, serialized epic combining elements of Indiana Jones, H. P. Lovecraft and The X-Files as it follows the exploits of adventurer and fortune-hunter Francis Wakefield, the gruff and grizzled Englishman with a tortuous past, and his protégé, a young man only known as Hollander, as they journey through the arcane in search of treasures and fortune, righting wrongs as they go.
The Seal of Solomon
1874. Sofia, Bulgaria. Wakefield and Hollander are hired by a mysterious nobleman to track down the fabled Seal of Solomon, a ring of supernatural origin with the abilities to summon and control demons. What first appears to be a simple mission, however, soon becomes something far more deadly.
Ex Occultus: Seal of Solomon is available at
Posted on April 11, 2010 by Flames
We all have our little secrets.
Some are big, others small. They may be dirty, shameful or dire, soaked in the blood of the victims they claimed, burning in the embarrassment of their memory or the raging madness that can lurk behind even the kindest eyes. For some secrets, their keepers would die if they should be revealed. For others…
Would you kill to keep your secrets, or would your secrets kill for you?
Bogeyman is a role-playing game of personal horror, where ordinary folk struggle against fearsome creatures born of the dark recesses of their own minds. This 164 page book contains a complete role-playing system specially designed with horror in mind.
Posted on March 31, 2010 by Flames
Tor Books, an imprint of Tom Doherty Associates, LLC—the largest publisher of science fiction in the world—and CCP Games are pleased to launch Hjalti Daníelsson’s grand new space opera set in the universe of EVE Online, PC Gamer’s 2009 MMO of the Year and the one of the largest MMO (Massive Multiplayer Online) gaming universes with over 330,000 active subscribers. EVE: THE BURNING LIFE is on-sale nationwide as of Tuesday, March 30th.
A grand hybrid of space opera and military science fiction, EVE: THE BURNING LIFE stands on its own for readers looking for a rich and vast new universe full of danger and adventure.
Posted on March 30, 2010 by Flames
Your friends cannot be trusted, your knowledge means nothing, and everything you hold dear turns to dust.
Blending Lovecraft with Hitchcock, The Watchers In The Sky is the new adventure from Graham Walmsley, the author of The Dying of St Margaret’s.
A madman feeds the birds, paranoid they are watching him. Later, the same strange birds stare from the rooftops, warping the laws of physics and chemistry. And, when the Investigators dissect one of the creatures, they find something monstrous inside.
The Watchers In The Sky is available at the Flames Rising RPGNow Shop.
Posted on March 21, 2010 by Flames
Author Jess Hartley has announced a new urban fae fiction project, one that allows “Patrons” to support her fiction directly (and get exclusive access to it, as well as other benefits.) Known as “direct-market fiction” or “reader-sustained writing”, The Shattered Glass Project invites readers to take a direct role in the publishing process through a variety of different Patronage options during the Spring of 2010.
For decades, traditional publishing has been one of the only legitimate avenues for aspiring fiction authors. While the publishing industry offers countless positive opportunities and advantages for writers, there are also challenges. Some works or formats aren’t economically feasible for large publishing houses to consider, leaving writers seeking new ways to get their work into reader’s hands.
Posted on March 20, 2010 by Flames
2017… the not-so-distant future.
Chaos reigns supreme. Social and economic upheaval, rampant terrorism, and nuclear annihilation have turned the earth into a vast wasteland. And, in Texas, the gates of Hell have been cracked open, unleashing its evil and fury upon the undeserving.
The inhabitants of Ruin Town find themselves as unwilling pawns, trapped between warring forces, desperately attempting to survive. Even when the bombing and gunfire cease, they can find no refuge, no relief, for afterwards, Satan himself descends mercilessly upon them… in the form of General Payne and his band of sadistic mercenaries.
Written by Ronald Kelly, Flesh Welder is available now at
Posted on March 13, 2010 by Flames
Cubicle 7 Entertainment is producing a roleplaying game based on the award-winning Laundry series (The Atrocity Archives, The Jennifer Morgue, and the forthcoming The Fuller Memorandum) by the even-more-award-winning Charles Stross, and uses the also-award-winning Basic Roleplaying System (Call Of Cthulhu) by Chaosium Inc.
“We love the Laundry Files novels, so we’re really excited about this game,” said Dominic McDowall-Thomas, Cubicle 7 Director. “The world of the Laundry is a perfect mix of espionage, conspiracy and tentacled menace from beyond the stars.”
Posted on March 6, 2010 by Flames
Neil Gaiman, the award winning author of novels, film, and comics including the epoch changing graphic novel series The Sandman will take the stage for a benefit appearance on behalf of the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund at Chicago Comic and Entertainment Expo (C2E2). An “Evening with Neil Gaiman”, a paid ticketed event, will happen on Saturday night, April 17, with 100% of the proceeds going to benefit the First Amendment legal work of the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund.
The last time Gaiman performed theatrical readings was ten years ago when he did the “Last Angel Tour.” On that tour, he criss-crossed the country doing sold-out evenings reading stories and poems, new material and beloved tales in order to draw attention to the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund.
Posted on March 4, 2010 by Flames
Know Just Enough To Be Dangerous
Everybody knows rock salt keeps out ghosts and silver kills werewolves. That’s just Folklore 101. But when you need to get rid of a crocotta, banish a tulpa, or deal with an Angel of the Lord, you’re going to need a really good guide.
Each monster is fully detailed with Cortex System game statistics and plenty of lore, ready to drop into any campaign. With extra material on how to play monsters as hunters and create your own supernatural threats, the Guide to the Hunted is an indispensable resource.
The Guide to the Hunted is available now at the Flames Rising RPGNow Shop.
Posted on March 3, 2010 by Flames
GM’s Day!He regularly stabs, mangles, perforates, burns, and otherwise damages your precious character. She delights in torturing your PC’s emotions, thwarting their every plan, denying every desire.
And you love your GM for just these things and more!
Celebrate the teller of interactive tales with the rest of us, as we present “One Fourth Off for the Fourth” – GM’S DAY! 25% off hundreds upon hundreds of titles!
The sale runs from March 3rd to March 8th. Make with the clicky-click!

Posted on March 1, 2010 by Flames
Centered around a short story entitled “The Queen Of Crows,” this unique product was designed by author and game designer Monica Valentinelli. At a retail price of $4.99, readers will receive a magazine-style layout of THE QUEEN OF CROWS, a professional illustration of Mahochepi and more!
This product is the first digital release set in the world of the Violet War and is also the first fiction product published through Flames Rising Press. The short story, which is entitled “The Queen of Crows,” takes place during the 1860s and focuses on the tough decisions that a Navajo elder named “Tse” must make to save his people. Will he summon Mahochepi, the Queen of Crows, without knowing who–or what–she is? Read the story and find out!
Posted on February 27, 2010 by Flames
Publisher New Baby Productions announces that a graphic novel adaptation of Derek Gunn’s acclaimed Vampire Apocalypse novel series is in the works. “I’m really thrilled with this new direction as I always felt that (Vampire Apocalypse) really lends itself to this format,” stated Gunn. Vampire Apocalypse: A World Torn Asunder was published in September 2006, and has been optioned by producer/screenwriter Richard Finney to be a feature film. A script has already been penned by Finney and Franklin Guerrero Jr. Fallout, the third book in the series, was released this October from Black Death Books.
Now you can download the Vampire Apocalypse: Prologue mini-comic for free at!
Posted on February 25, 2010 by Flames
A story in the Storytelling Adventure System for Requiem for Rome (using Vampire: The Requiem)
Paterfamilias contains a collection of scenes, Storyteller character records, a number of hyperlinks to various portions of the text as well as bookmarks, so you can always jump right to what you need with just a click. There’s also a new hunter group provided, as well as errata for Requiem for Rome and Fall of the Camarilla.
Paterfamilias is available at the Flames Rising RPGNow Shop.
Posted on February 14, 2010 by Flames
Featuring 20 pulse-pounding short stories, including Mark Souza’s “Cupid’s Maze,” Love Kills: My Bloody Valentine celebrates the sinister side of romance. Forget flowers and candy-scare your lover into your arms this Valentine’s Day.
This macabre collection of Valentine’s Day horror is a devil of a good time.
Love Kills: My Bloody Valentine is available now at