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Green Ronin’s Dragon Age RPG Available Now!

Posted on December 15, 2009 by

A New Age of Fantasy Roleplaying

It has been hundreds of years since the last Blight ravaged the world of Thedas. Many believe that it can never happen again, that the Dragon Age will pass without the rise of such evil. They are wrong. Beneath the earth the darkspawn stir. A new archdemon has risen and with it a Blight that will scourge the lands and darken the skies. The nations of Thedas need a new generation of heroes, but who will answer the call?

Fantasy roleplaying goes back to its dark and gritty roots with the Dragon Age RPG, the latest game from the company that brought you A Song of Ice and Fire Roleplaying and Mutants & Masterminds.

The Dragon Age RPG is available now at


Talisman Studios becomes Savage Mojo

Posted on December 12, 2009 by

After years of creating great gaming titles under the name ‘Talisman Studios’, we’ve decided that it’s time our real name… Savage Mojo… became known in its own right. After all, we focus on the Savage Worlds and Mojo Rules! roleplay systems, so it makes sense to use the name we gave the company.

The Talisman Studios name was originally created in 2003 when the company was an art and design studio to the adventure games industry, the brainchild of master artists Jason Engle and Aaron Acevedo. Since then it has expanded, is an Origins Award Winner (for Deadlands Reloaded), and two times Semi-Finalist (for Suzerain and Shaintar). These days Savage Mojo creates more than just roleplaying games, adding the Gamescapes line of gaming accessories, graphical fiction and art prints to our portfolio.


Dead Man Holiday Final Issue on Indy Comic Week

Posted on December 11, 2009 by

Weird “Haunted Science-Fiction” ongoing comic book series celebrates the end of its beginning by entering the doomed domain of retail pamphlet comics.

Dead Man Holiday, a well-received “Haunted Science-Fiction” ongoing comic book series self published by Colin Panetta, will release its third issue on December 30th, 2009. The series’ plot centers around Thad Planck, a low-rent security guard in a flooded and abandoned neighborhood known as Little Atlantis, where there have been some strange things growing and walking around as of late. The first two issues of Dead Man Holiday can be downloaded for free at the comic book’s website, The fittingly aloof blurb for the new issue reads: “Little Atlantis is getting weird. So when a straw (in the form of a falcon carrying a dismembered hand) breaks the camel’s (our man Thad Planck’s, that is) back, the camel decides to strike back and show the weirdness who’s in charge. But not before making a sandwich. Can Thad keep Little Atlantis in check? Not without a little help from his friends. Or maybe just not at all.”


DriveThruComics First Annual Holiday Sale!

Posted on December 7, 2009 by

In celebration of the holidays and our publishing partners are offering an additional 10% off on selected products from now until the New Year!

DriveThruComics Holiday Sale

And don’t forget you can add stuff to the accounts of your friends and family members. Click away your shopping list at!

For the complete list of sale items check out today!


EVE Online: Dominion Expansion Released

Posted on December 3, 2009 by

CCP, one of the world’s leading independent game developers, today launched EVE Online: Dominion, the 12th free expansion for the highly successful sci-fi MMO, EVE Online. The battlefields of the universe will be gorged with wrecks as the player alliances of EVE, some over five thousand pilots strong, adapt to the new way in which territory is conquered and held. EVE Online: Dominion is designed to catalyze player relationships, whether brief and antagonistic, protracted and mutually beneficial or anywhere along the spectrum—bringing the greatest opponents ever created, other players, into closer conflict.


Cyber Monday Special at the Flames Rising RPGNow Shop!

Posted on November 30, 2009 by

Those “Black Friday” shoppers are punks! The REAL action is RIGHT HERE!

It’s CYBER MONDAY at the Flames Rising RPGNow Shop, and there are literally THOUSANDS of products on sale today! No lines, no crowds, no waiting. Click and save 10% on everything from our participating publishers!

And don’t forget you can add stuff to the accounts of your friends and family members. Click away your Christmas shopping list at the Flames Rising RPGNow Shop!

The Holiday Sales Guide Is Up and Running… All Season Long!


Instant Antagonist: The Selfish Succubus

Posted on November 23, 2009 by

INSTANT ANTAGONISTS are systemless creatures or beings designed for use in modern supernatural/horror games. Many will be supernatural in nature; some will be (at least nominally) human. Some are truly evil, others simply selfish or immoral, others may be victims themselves.

Perfect for modern horror gaming that might need a new twist on old legends. The INSTANT ANTAGONISTS line offers details on each monsters origins, powers and plenty of story hooks to include them in your modern horror games.

The Selfish Succubus is available today at the Flames Rising RPGNow Shop.


Wizard World and The Hero Initiative partner for 2010

Posted on November 21, 2009 by

The Hero Initiative and Wizard World Comic Con will partner in 2010 to maximize the reach to fans for this important comic industry charity organization, Gareb Shamus, CEO of New York-based Wizard Entertainment and producer of Wizard World Comic Con tour, announces today.

“It’s important to support The Hero Initiative since they support so many of the folks in our industry. Without this industry support many artists wouldn’t be able to keep producing the wonderful work we love,” said Shamus.

The Hero Initiative will have a booth at Toronto Comic Con and Chicago Comic Con in 2010 to raise awareness among fans of the importance of their continued industry support.


C2E2 VIP Tickets To Go On Sale!

Posted on November 17, 2009 by

Premium Ticket with Exclusive Access and Offerings!

Officials of the Chicago Comic & Entertainment Expo (C2E2) have announced that VIP tickets will go on sale November 19, 2010 at 12 noon Eastern / 11:00am Central. There will be a total of 500 VIP packages available at $200 per package. “We want to make our VIP program simple and straightforward so the fan knows exactly what they are getting when they buy this awesome ticket,” notes Lance Fensterman, who oversees C2E2 and is Vice President of the Reed Exhibitions Pop Culture Group. “We are offering one package which includes some terrific benefits and provides great value for the customer who is seeking a truly special and unique experience at our show.” C2E2 is a new pop culture convention which is being launched by the organizers of New York Comic Con (NYCC). It will take place April 16 – 18, 2010 at Chicago’s McCormick Place Convention Center.


Super Genius Games Expands!

Posted on November 16, 2009 by

Super Genius Games (SGG) is proud to announce the addition of a new Genius to the team! Starting immediately Owen K.C. Stephens will be the Pathfinder RPG Development Manager for SGG. Owen’s role-playing contributions are legion, having contributed to the 3rd and 4th editions of Dungeons & Dragons, d20 Modern, The Black Company, EverQuest, Song of Ice and Fire, and Wheel of Time role-playing games, as well as the Pathfinder Chronicles Campaign setting. Owen is also author of the Advanced Gamemaster’s Guide from Green Ronin, the Guide to Absalom released by Paizo Publishing, and was co-author of Star Wars Saga Edition from Wizards of the Coast.


Heske Horror Releases 2012: Final Prayer

Posted on November 14, 2009 by

Heske Horror, creator of the critically acclaimed Cold Blooded Chillers indie horror series and award-winning Bone Chiller anthology, has released its anticipated apocalyptic anthology, 2012: Final Prayer.

What will go down on 12/21/12?

Extinction … Ecstasy … Or another Y2K non-event? Comic Creators from around the world share their creative interpretations!


The Secrets of the Incarnae Revealed for Exalted

Posted on November 12, 2009 by

Three Glories of the Most High PDFs available now!

The Exalts of the Unconquered Sun, Luna, and the Maidens of Destiny have always known that the Incarnae have had an interest in them, but what is really known about the Incarnae themselves? The “Glories of the Most High” series reveals many secrets of these higher powers, and a slew of new materials to use in your Exalted series.

A PDF-Exclusive Series Book for Exalted

The Glories of the Most High eBooks are available at the Flames Rising RPGNow Shop.


Bloodbath Hotel now available from Spectrum Games

Posted on November 7, 2009 by

Spectrum Games is pleased to announce the release of Bloodbath Hotel, a whopping 139-page adventure for Slasher Flick. Written by Gregg Helmberger and Kim Foster, this adventure puts the players in the role of ghost hunters investigating a long-since abandoned hotel that was once very opulent. But when they start getting picked off one by one, the remaining characters have to figure out who – or what – is responsible. Will they escape with their lives intact or will they become the latest victims of the hotel?


Gen Con Sponsors GamesU at NeonCon

Posted on November 4, 2009 by

Neoncon, a regional, multi-genre gaming convention, is proud to announce Gen Con LLC as the exclusive sponsor of GamesU 2009, the Social Games Unconference. Video game professionals have the Game Developer’s Conference (GDC) and GamesU serves the same purpose, but for the community of traditional, tabletop/social game developers and publishers. Already generating buzz across the industry, GamesU has all the earmarks of a “must attend” event for both established and aspiring game designers. Gen Con’s support of the GamesU launch is tremendous validation of the vision held for the event, now and in the future.


Happy Halloween from!

Posted on October 31, 2009 by

Devil’s Night: White Wolf, Flames Rising and Your Free One-Scene

Posted on October 28, 2009 by

Flames Rising LogoHalloween is our favorite holiday here at Flames Rising headquarters. We wound up with an orange and a black cat, our house is often decorated in September, and we enjoy coming up with new concoctions year after year. Although we really enjoy the holiday, it wouldn’t be as much fun without all of you.

Last year Flames Rising celebrated Halloween with you by offering 31 days of Monster Madness. For this year, we started with the horror plot generator to help you get those creative juices flowing. Since we offered flash fiction (in the form of mini-monsters) last year, we decided to take a more gaming-related approach for Halloween.


Spectrum Games releases the Killer Collection in print

Posted on October 26, 2009 by

Spectrum Games is pleased to announce the release of the Killer Collection, the very first hardcopy supplement for the Slasher Flick RPG.

The Killer Collection is a compilation of three supplements previously only released as PDF products, plus a brand new 24-page mini-supplement that will also be released as a PDF soon. That’s four supplements in one book!

It features CASTING CALL (offering 100 pre-made characters, each of which is completely customizable), HORROR ISLAND (A full length adventure that sends the characters to a remote island that isn’t as uninhabited as they thought), DELETED SCENES (Rules and information that was cut from the rulebook due to space limitations) and SPECIAL FEATURES (Yet more new material, including random character creation, new special abilities, Director’s advice and three ready-to-use killers that have several plot seeds each).


12 to Midnight Halloween Sale!

Posted on October 24, 2009 by

Howdy, gamers! If you’re a horror gamer, or if you’re just looking for a special one-shot to run for Halloween, now is the perfect time to check us out. We at 12 to Midnight are having our annual Halloween sale. All our modern horror titles for d20 Modern and Savage Worlds are 50% off!

We are also offering an insane deal on our horror anthology Buried Tales of Pinebox, Texas. You can pick up this tome of terror by leading RPG designers like JD Wiker, Chuck Rice, Jess Hartley, and Shane Lacey Hensley, plus horror novelists David Wellington and Derek Gunn… all for $0.99!


Epic Role Playing update from Dark Matter Studios

Posted on October 23, 2009 by

Dark Matter Studios, producer of the well-received fantasy rpg Epic Role Playing, has released its latest offering, the Mark II Edition of its Game Manual. Weighing in at over 300 pages, the Game Manual, Mk II contains the complete Epic RPG ruleset, as well as a continent-sized setting (the high feudal realm of Rullaea), and a sample bestiary with a tantalizing selection of monsters and animals. Additionally, the authors have incorporated a host of improvements and new content to the ENnie Award nominated system (Best Rules, 2008).

“We’ve added some great new stuff to the game,” commented Kent Davis, one of the two principal designers. “We’ve streamlined parts of the character generation system, but still provided a number of new opportunities for fleshing out characters. We also simplified character growth, pumped up our faculties system and added a boatload of depth to our tactical play, which has already planted its flag as a fan favorite.”


Cthulhu Cake, Little Fears and Madison Games Day 2

Posted on October 20, 2009 by

The RulesOn Saturday, October 17th, was on hand to celebrate the launch of LITTLE FEARS during Madison Games Day 2. We had a great turn out and several people were on hand to play games and take lots of pictures. There are quite a few floating around; you can see a number of photos through the Madison Games Day Yahoo! Group.

To celebrate the birthday of LITTLE FEARS: NIGHTMARE EDITION, there were two really awesome cakes on hand.


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