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Trailer for The Dragon Hunters Book by Paul Genesse

Posted on June 18, 2009 by

To celebrate the launch of his new book, The Dragon Hunters, author Paul Genesse is offering a trailer designed to tell you a little bit about this fantasy book. If you’re a fan of Paul’s work, you’ll want to follow up with him at the GenCon 2009 Writer’s Symposium and in Author’s Alley to get your book signed.


Patricia Brigg’s Alpha & Omega as a Comic Book Series

Posted on June 11, 2009 by

Briggs’s popular Alpha and Omega series to debut as Dabel Brothers comic books in August 2009 followed by the graphic novel from Ace in November 2009

Ace Books, an imprint of Penguin Group (USA), announced today the publication of #1 New York Times bestselling author Patricia Briggs’ Alpha and Omega: Cry Wolf, Volume 1 in graphic novel form. The Dabel Brothers, who previously partnered with Briggs to create comic adaptations of her bestselling Mercy Thompson series, will now adapt her first Alpha and Omega novel, Cry Wolf, into a comic series starting this summer. Ace Books will then publish a graphic novel edition of the first four installments of the Dabel Brothers comic series this fall. The publication of Alpha and Omega: Cry Wolf, Volume 1 marks Ace’s first foray into the graphic novel market.


Two New Vampire: the Requiem eBooks Available Now!

Posted on June 10, 2009 by

An Ancient Text Revealed and Re-Examined

The story of Longinus is not a secret story, although some would hide it. But neither is it an open story. It requires study. It requires respect. To some it is the final source of wisdom, freedom, survival. To others it is an evil book, the source of all oppression. No matter what viewpoint you hold, the fact remains that the Testament of Longinus cannot be ignored.

It is our history.
– Henry Matthews, Editor of the Revised Edition

A PDF-exclusive Chronicle Book for Vampire: The Requiem

The Testament of Longinus is available at the Flames Rising RPGNow Shop.


Gamers Prepare for Gen Con Indy

Posted on June 9, 2009 by

When it comes to all things gaming, nothing compares to the gamers paradise that occurs every August at Gen Con Indy, the nation’s largest annual consumer fantasy, electronic, sci-fi and adventure game convention. With Co-Sponsors like Upper Deck Entertainment and Wizards of the Coast and hundreds of other exhibitors, 6,000+ gaming events, anime and more, there is much to look forward to at Gen Con. For the seventh year in a row, the event will be held at the Indiana Convention Center in Indianapolis from August 13-16.

Gen Con, celebrating its 42nd year and going strong, is the quintessential “destination” for all types of gaming , for all ages. Activities range from interactive game play and computer gaming to big money hobby-related tournaments sponsored by industry leaders such as Upper Deck Entertainment and Wizards of the Coast.


Dire: The First Creed of Pandemonium Available Now!

Posted on June 8, 2009 by

As the Last War rages, ancient adversaries emerge. But new heroes rise, armed with terrifying abilities and the darkest of magics.

Written by Enrique Cachafeiro, Dire: The First Creed of Pandemonium is a new sourcebook for Dread that expands the Pandemonium Universe into strange new directions. Published by Pandora Peeks Press, this 48-page sourcebook features:

25 mind-bending new spells, including Detritavore, Pinata, Sangrial, Ferialis, Versacrum, Dispater, Actaeon, and Nero.

The Meiga, a new character class. Deformed and inhumane, Meigas wield the powers of demonkind to stalk, hunt, and defile. This power comes at a price, though, because Meigas who can’t learn to control these abilities can lose their humanity, becoming just like the demons that they fight.

Dire: The First Creed of Pandemonium is available at the Flames Rising RPGNow Shop.


Preview the Demon Hunters RPG on YouTube!

Posted on June 4, 2009 by

Demon Hunters, published by Margaret Weiss Productions in conjunction with Dead Gentlemen Productions, is a comedy-meets-demon-hunting experience unlike any other. Integrated with video, the Demon Hunters RPG is billed as a “field training manual” instead of a game, where you train to be part of the Brotherhood by taking part in Tabletop Combat Simulations.

Take a look at this introductory video:


Cubicle 7 Joins Rebellion Group

Posted on June 2, 2009 by

The British publisher of role-playing adventure games and card and board games, Cubicle 7 Entertainment has announced that it has joined the Rebellion Group of companies.

Founded in 2006 Cubicle 7 Entertainment was set up by Angus Abranson and Dominic McDowall-Thomas, two gaming entrepreneurs who wanted to create a games publisher fostering some truly iconic brands. Since then the company has published role playing games from a growing list of properties including Victoriana, SLA Industries, Starblazer Adventures (based on DC Thomson’s 80’s Starblazer comic series) and 7th Circle’s Chinese fantasy Qin.


Free Preview of Buried Tales of Pinebox

Posted on May 30, 2009 by

People often say that there are no such things as monsters. They are wrong. Vampires, werewolves, ghosts, and other unnamable horrors co-exist with us. Watching us. Using us. Preying upon us.

Welcome to Pinebox, a sleepy little East Texas town with a lot more than its share of trouble. Whether it’s the haunted diner luring weary travelers, the unexplained ‘alligator attacks”, or the crone who just might be hexing neighborhood kids, trouble always seems to be hidden just below the surface. Buried, but not forgotten.

Unearth these tales of rurral horror from a dozen voices of the macabre—including David Wellington, Derek Gunn, Shane Lacy Hensley, and more.

The Buried Tales preview is available for free at


Blood: The Last Vampire Live Action First Five Minutes

Posted on May 27, 2009 by

Slasher Flick – Horror Island Now Available!

Posted on May 25, 2009 by

Spectrum Games is pleased to announce the release of Horror Island, the initial adventure for the Slasher Flick RPG.

When a group of young adults travel to a supposedly deserted island for some fun and partying, they find out that the island is anything BUT deserted. Someone or something is watching their every move and starts killing them off one by one.

Horror Island is a full adventure for Slasher Flick. Included are maps, handouts and a ready-to-play group of characters to use. Presented as a late night televised movie, the book is as much fun to read as it is to play!


“Bone Chiller” Wins Bronze Independent Publisher Book Award

Posted on May 22, 2009 by

bonechillercover-ippyBone Chiller, a comic anthology penned by R.M. Heske with illustrations by indie horror’s leading and emerging artists, received a Bronze medal at the 2009 Independent Publisher Book Awards in the Horror category. The 140-page trade paperback published by Heske Horror features spine-tingling tales from the critcally acclaimed series Cold Blooded Chillers: Tales of suburban murder and malice.

The Independent Publisher Book Awards (the “IPPY” awards) are conducted annually to honor the year’s best independently published titles. This year’s awards attracted 4,090 entries throughout the US and Canada, plus most English-speaking countries worldwide. Past IPPY award success stories include The Millionaire Next Door, a winner in the inaugural 1997 awards contest, which has sold more than 2.5 million copies and spawned off-shoots including The Millionaire Mind.


Madison Games Day May 30th, 2009!

Posted on May 22, 2009 by

Play New Games. Meet New People.

Madison Games Day is a chance for gamers in and around the Madison, Wisconsin area to meet new people and play new games. Bring your friends, bring your game group, but while you’re here, sit at a table with folks you barely know—or don’t know at all—and try some games that you haven’t played before but maybe have always wanted to.

We invite everyone in the area (or willing to make the trek) to come and play some games! There will be indie and mainstream roleplaying games, card games, and board games. If you have something you’d like to play, bring it!


Blood Drive – A New Adventure for Hunter: the Vigil

Posted on May 20, 2009 by

Everything is blood.

The heartland gushes. Highways like arteries. The map darkens with spreading red. At night, it’s all a great big bloody nowhere, a yawning mouth, a hungry shadow. And you have to cross it. It feels like a bad dream. It is a bad dream. This can’t be real. This can’t be what they want you to do. Of course, you know as soon as you wake up it doesn’t change anything. It doesn’t stop the fact that tomorrow night, this dream you’re having right now becomes really real, and let’s face it, you’re probably going to die out there.

Blood Drive is available at the Flames Rising RPGNow Shop.


Opposing Top Cow Teams Collide: Cyberforce/Hunter-Killer #1

Posted on May 19, 2009 by

Top Cow ChoiTop Cow Productions, Inc. proudly announced today the crossover of Cyberforce and Hunter-Killer. Slated for a July 2009 release, Cyberforce/Hunter-Killer #1 is the first in a six issue limited series that pits each team against the other in a conflict. The event follows hot on the heels of the recent events of Fusion, which crossed Cyberforce and Hunter-Killer against Marvel Comics’ Avengers and Thunderbolts.

Cyberforce/Hunter-Killer #1 is written by Mark Waid, who co-created Hunter-Killer with Top Cow CEO and founder Marc Silvestri in 2005. Artistic duties will be performed by Kenneth Rocafort, (Madame Mirage, Pilot Season: The Core) who drew the final four issues of the initial Hunter-Killer season.


Buried Tales of Pinebox Pre-Order

Posted on May 11, 2009 by

The Buried Tales anthology of horror and supernatural fiction transports you to the rural town of Pinebox, Texas, where secrets are buried but the dead don’t always stay that way.

Buried Tales includes stories by Jason Blair, Preston DuBose, Trey Gorden, Derek Gunn, Jess Hartley, Shane Lacy Hensley, Charles Rice, Monica Valentinelli, David Wellington, Ed Wetterman, J.D. Wiker and Filamena Young.

Stop by the Buried Tales website to check out author bios and audio previews.

Pre-order the book today at or the Midnight Cellar.


Adamant Entertainment Receives Call of Cthulhu License

Posted on April 27, 2009 by

Adamant Entertainment is pleased to announce that it has signed an agreement with Chaosium Inc. to produce supplements and adventures for the CALL OF CTHULHU roleplaying game.

“Call of Cthulhu has long been a touchstone in my personal gaming history,” said Gareth-Michael Skarka, owner and director of Adamant Entertainment. “It was one of the first games that I played, and I continue to come back to it through the years, so I’m incredibly excited to be able to add Adamant’s voice to the Call.”

Adamant will be releasing two new settings for the game: THIS SCEPTER’D ISLE, which brings the horrors of the Mythos to Elizabethan England; and SHADOWS OF THE RED HAND, a full treatment of 1920s gangland Chicago. Award-winning game designer and mythos author Ken Hite will be developing Adamant’s line of CALL OF CTHULHU products, which should be released in late 2009 and early 2010.


Abstract Nova Games at RPGNow

Posted on April 24, 2009 by

Abstract Nova products are now available at

The long-awaited Tales of the Seven Dogs Society fiction book is also available in pdf format for only $3.95.

Tales of the Seven Dogs Society is a collection of three self-contained novellas based on the Aletheia role-playing game. Monica Valentinelli, Jim Johnson and Matt McElroy present three separate mysteries, each featuring a different interpretation of the Society. Together, they paint a picture of a world filled with the unexplained… a world the Seven Dogs Society seeks to comprehend. Buy the book at or


The Collection of Horrors Continues!

Posted on April 20, 2009 by

This week we’re releasing the following kits in the Collection of Horrors: Mother of All Wrong Turns, Caveat Emptor, Body of Evidence, Good for the Soul and Serpent’s Tooth. Mother of All Wrong Turns is already up!

Just learning about the Collection? The Collection of Horrors is an anthology of Storyteller tools inspired by the Horror Recognition Guide that you can either use in conjunction with the Guide or as part of your existing Hunter: The Vigil chronicle.

Check out all of the Hunter: the Vigil products at the Flames Rising RPGNow Shop.


Ancient Mysteries available now for Vampire: the Requiem

Posted on April 19, 2009 by

Flashpoints in the Fog

In a society made up of liars and murderers afflicted by a slowly eroding grasp of their own existences to date, who can trust the concept of history? Understand, then, that there is a scale upon which all Kindred are precariously balanced. As personal power weighs more heavily, the ability to rely on that monster’s memory of the past is lightened. How do the Kindred navigate this Mystery of Ages?

Ancient Mysteries is available at the Flames Rising RPGNow Shop.


Announcing Madison Games Day

Posted on April 14, 2009 by

Meet new people. Play new games. Madison Games Day, May 30th 2009.

Matt M. McElroy (of Flames Rising and and Jason L Blair (designer of Little Fears) announce Madison Games Day, a ten-hour event dedicated to introducing Madison-area residents to meet new people and play new games.

Madison Games Day will take place on Saturday, May 30th 2009 at the Pizza Oven on Monona Drive. From 12p until 10p, Madison-area gamers are invited to stop in, meet local players, and try new games. A variety of games are slated for play and attendees are urged to bring their own as well. Have a game you want to try but your regular group isn’t into? Bring it! Have a hankering to dust off an old favorite for one more spin? Bring it! Want to give a game you weren’t sure about another shot? Bring it! There is an official event schedule but pick-up games are encouraged. If you have something you want to run or play, bring it along!

For complete information on Madison Games Day, join the Yahoo! Group or you can register an event, or view the existing event line-up, visit the official website at


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