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Bone Chiller now at DriveThruComics!

Posted on March 3, 2009 by

Enter a world where the worst kind of monster imaginable is … US!

This hair-raising trade paperback is a “best of” compilation from the acclaimed COLD BLOODED CHILLERS series featuring 8 great scares and 2 chilling extras.

Dave Baxter at BrokenFrontier raves: “Cold Blooded Chillers is perhaps the very best of the independently published anthologies that I’ve read.”

Project FanBoy says: “There’s an edge of Twilight Zone with a twist of Alfred Hitchcock … and the art is stunningly beautiful, reminiscent of the horror art of the past.”

Bone Chiller is now available at


Annual GM’s Day Sale at RPGNow!

Posted on March 2, 2009 by


… And we who roll the dice, move the miniatures, and live the stories did celebrate our provider of fun. We sought out great treasures to grant unto him, and thus endow him with even more wonders to further entertain and enchant us.

It’s the biggest sale of the year for us, and a great time for you to check out whatever might be in your GM’s Wish List and get it for her. Dozens of publishers! Hundreds of products! All at 25% off or MORE!

Visit the Flames Rising RPGNow Shop to check out all of the GM’s Day Sale items.


Moonstone Books to publish The Green Hornet and Kato Anthology

Posted on March 2, 2009 by

Moonstone has announced plans to publish several original short story collections featuring radio, film, comic book and television heroes The Green Hornet and Kato. The debut entry is expected to hit the streets by late 2009.

Bold newspaper publisher Britt Reid (the Green Hornet’s alter ego) along with his faithful valet and ally Kato have thrilled audiences with their daring adventures as they “hunt the biggest of all game, public enemies who try to destroy our America” ever since springing from the imaginations of George W. Trendle and Fran Striker in 1936. Fans have longed for the green-masked crime fighter to once again match wits with and bring down the criminal underworld.


Apocalypse Prevention, Inc. Demon Contest

Posted on February 28, 2009 by

Third Eye Games is throwing our first writing contest for new and interesting races to add to the world of Apocalypse Prevention, Inc. This contest comes on the heels of our recently released sourcebook, API Worldwide: Canada, and in preparation for the upcoming Demon Codex: Lochs race sourcebook.


Under the Skin – A New Hunter: The Vigil Adventure from White Wolf!

Posted on February 25, 2009 by

Something is inside my skin. Shifting, itching and scrabbling for purchase. It takes me over, pushing me down to darkness. My voice is not my voice; my steps are not my steps. I see my friends… it sees my friends. I cannot scream. I cannot warn them. I am powerless and small in my own […]


Ghostwriter Publications picks up Derek Gunn’s HMS Swift Chronicles

Posted on February 21, 2009 by

A new historical horror fiction book incorporating two stories from Irish writer Derek Gunn (Vampire Apocalypse series, The Estuary) titled The HMS Swift Chronicles, has been picked up by Ghostwriter Publications in the UK, for publication in 2009 in hardback, paperback and audio editions.

Set against the historical backdrop of the fragile peace that existed between the American Revolution, the looming French Revolution and the threat of Napoleon’s growing empire, the crew of the HMS Swift face the walking dead in “The Diabolical Plan”and vampires in “The Island”.


Mutant City Blues RPG Available Now from Pelgrane Press

Posted on February 21, 2009 by

A stand-alone GUMSHOE game of contemporary super powers.

Ten years ago, 1% of the population gained mutant powers.

1% of the citizens means 1% of the criminals!

…and you’re the cops who clean up the mess.

EVER SINCE the Sudden Mutation Event, people have been able to fly. Phase through walls. Read minds. Shoot bolts of energy from their fingertips. Walk into dreams.

Police work will never be the same.

MUTANT CITY BLUES runs on GUMSHOE, the acclaimed investigative rules set powering the hit new game Trail Of Cthulhu. GUMSHOE offers a simple yet revolutionary method for writing, running and playing mystery scenarios. It ensures fast-flowing play, always giving you the informational puzzle pieces you need to propel your latest case toward its exciting final revelations.

Mutant City Blues is available at the Flames Rising RPGNow Shop.


Horror Recognition Guide for Hunter: the Vigil Available Now

Posted on February 19, 2009 by

Strange Encounters

The Vigil brings no easy explanations — every night is a new mystery, a bizarre creature, an unknown terror. But hunters are humans, and humans must categorize — they take notes, keep journals, snap pictures and attempt to illustrate the horrors they meet on the hunt. By doing so, hunter cells try to find patterns, solve enigmas, and most important of all, keep hold of their sanity in these long, dark nights.

A Chronicle Book for Hunter: The Vigil

The Horror Recognition Guide is available at the Flames Rising RPGNow Shop.


API Worldwide: Canada – Available Now!

Posted on February 17, 2009 by

Face the Dangers that Lie Beneath

Regardless of what you may think… Canada is neither boring nor safe. There are untold dangers around every corner, and few of our kind to fight. We will strike back with determination and wit. We will be triumphant… because there is no other choice.

…And Stay Ready for Anything

API Worldwide: Canada is the first regional sourcebook for Apocalypse Prevention, Inc. It is a complete guide to playing in or running adventures set in the Canadian region. Details on the dreaded entity known as the Thing Under the Ice and the plans of the Circle of Ten’s Great Strategist, along with new races, magic, creatures, and equipment await within.

API Worldwide: Canada is available at the Flames Rising RPGNow Shop.


Witchblade Reaches Milestone 125th Issue!

Posted on February 16, 2009 by

Top Cow Productions, Inc. proudly announced today that the company’s flagship title, Witchblade, will reach issue #125 in March 2009, and the publisher will celebrate this landmark event with an oversized issue including a bonus story.

Witchblade #125 brings the series’ critically acclaimed team of writer Ron Marz and artist Stjepan Sejic together to begin the six-part story arc “War of the Witchblades” which the publishers note is the biggest and most ambitious plot they’ve attempted with their flagship character. Following the events of 2007’s First Born, the Witchblade was split into two halves and the responsibilities split between long time bearer Sara Pezzini and newcomer Danielle Baptiste. Up to this point, Sara and Dani have worked together and developed a sisterly relationship, but that will all change beginning in issue #125.


New World of Darkness Bundle at RPGNow!

Posted on February 15, 2009 by

Freeze! – World of Darkness bundle available for a limited time.

The discipline required to be a beat cop, or in the military trains you to be strong. It teaches you teamwork, how to rely on others and how to rely on yourself. Which is a damn good thing. You need every edge you can get. You’ll see for yourself when you discover what else is out there in the night…

This bundle includes Tales from the 13th Precinct, Dogs of War and World of Darkness: Armory. At regular price these books would be $81.97 – For this week only, download all three for the sale price of $35.99, a savings of 56%.

The Freeze! bundle is available for a limited time at


Fantasy Flight Games 2009 Convention Schedule Announced

Posted on February 15, 2009 by

Fantasy Flight Games (FFG) today announced its scheduled convention appearances for 2009. From Con of the North in the spring to GenCon and Penny Arcade Expo in the summer to Essen Spiele in the fall, FFG will travel the world to show off their newest titles.

For more information, visit the Fantasy Flight Games website at


Snarl: A Werewolf Novel Available Now At DriveThruComics!

Posted on February 12, 2009 by

Chev Worke thought he had found a path to easy money. It was quite simple, really: sacrifice Christmas with his family and drive his truck across the country on an overnight run for his employer. Done. Case closed. He just didn’t count on things going wrong and getting stranded on State Highway 59 with no […]


Seeds of Tomorrow – A New Scion Adventure from White Wolf

Posted on February 11, 2009 by

Children Are Our Future Before the Visitation of a Scion’s divine parent, the Scion in question is mortal, and as vulnerable to physical, mental and emotional danger as any other child. Yet they are also potential sources of great power, and (to those who might be able to identify them as such) prospective pawns. Someone […]


New Trailer for Hater by David Moody

Posted on February 10, 2009 by

DAVID MOODY self published Hater online in 2006, and without an agent, succeeded in selling film rights to Guillermo del Toro (director, Hellboy 1 & 2, Pan’s Labyrinth and the upcoming Hobbit series) and Mark Johnson (producer, The Chronicles of Narnia). With the official publication of Hater, David is poised to make a significant mark as a writer of “farther out” fiction of all varieties.

In the tradition of H. G. Wells and Richard Matheson, Hater is one man’s story of his place in a world gone mad— a world infected with fear, violence, and HATE.


Trail of Cthulhu Conversion Notes for Death in Luxor

Posted on February 9, 2009 by

Age of Cthulhu fans, here is your chance to play Death in Luxor using Trail of Cthulhu! Death in Luxor is the exciting new Call of Cthulhu adventure from Goodman Games, officially licensed to use the BRP rules from Chaosium. This conversion document allows you to use the Trail of Cthulhu rules from Pelgrane Press […]


Sweet Home Chicago – New World of Darkness Bundle

Posted on February 7, 2009 by

Chicago lies at the center of the web that is the American heartland. Tendrils of power, wealth, and reward stretch outward, ensnaring the selfish, greedy, and unwary. Yet, Chicago attracts its predators, too. Creatures that would have the city for their own, spinning their own webs of malice and intrigue. But among the city’s towering skyscrapers and wind-swept streets, who is the spider and who is the fly?

Normal price for these three products if purchased separately is: $62.97. The sale price for this week is $25.99, a savings of 59%.

The Sweet Home Chicago bundle is available at the Flames Rising RPGNow Shop.


Shadows in the Dark eBook Available Now

Posted on February 4, 2009 by

The Mekhet Clan Book for Vampire: The Requiem Unnoticed and silent, they watch. Their eyes have seen a thousand secrets, and yours are no exception. They are the Shadows that dwell among the Kindred, and everyone knows that the darkness has eyes in the Danse Macabre. Seek their wisdom under cover of night, and discover […]


Bloodthirsty Adventures Vampire SAS Bundle

Posted on February 1, 2009 by

Blood and Madness

Vampires: blood-drinking creatures of the night. Horrors born of darkness, whose sole purpose in life – unlife, actually – is to slake their unholy thirst on the blood of the living. Without doubt, vampires are monsters.

Monsters, though, need not always be unthinking, unfeeling terrors empty of remorse, or even compassion or other human traits. Indeed, vampires can exceed their deathless curse, themselves becoming antiheroes or even heroes.

Explore the depths of the Danse Macabre

The Bloodthirsty Adventures bundle is available at the Flames Rising RPGNow Shop.


Murder Will Out, A New Hunter: The Vigil Adventure Available Now!

Posted on January 28, 2009 by

Murder Most Foul What at first seems a case of an insane but isolated killer expands to put the cell at the mercy of an enemy that lives off violence itself, and can only be defeated by an act that could make the hunters killers on a par with the mass murderers they oppose. The […]


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