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Drop Dead Gorgeous Now Available!

Posted on November 30, 2008 by

A new horror novel from Permuted Press by Wayne Simmons!

As tattoo artist Star begins to ink her first client on a spring Sunday morning, something goes horribly wrong with the world… Belfast’s hungover lapse into a deeper sleep than normal, their sudden deaths causing an unholy mess of crashing cars, smoldering televisions and falling aircraft. In the chaotic aftermath a group of post-apocalyptic survivors search for purpose in a devastated city. Ageing DJ Sean Magee and shifty-eyed Barry Rogan find drunken solace in a hotel bar. Ex-IRA operative Mairead Burns and RIR soldier Roy Beggs form an uneasy alliance to rebuild community life.

Drop Dead Gorgeous by Wayne Simmons is available at


World of Darkness: War is Hell Bundle

Posted on November 27, 2008 by

White Wolf Publishing has a new eBook bundle available for a limited time only at the Flames Rising RPGNow Shop. This week explore the what it means to be a soldier in the World of Darkness. This bundle includes both World of Darkness: Dogs of War and the SAS Adventure Ruins of Ur.

These materials normally retail for $31.98, but in PDF form for the next seven days, you can acquire both products for $18.99 (USD), a savings of 41%.

The service trains you to be strong. It teaches you teamwork, how to rely on others and how to rely on yourself. Which is a damn good thing. You need every edge you can get. You’ll see for yourself when you discover what else is out there in the night…

The World of Darkness: War is Hell bundle is available at the Flames Rising RPGNow Shop.


Tales from the Perilous Realm

Posted on November 27, 2008 by

The definitive collection of Tolkien’s classic “fairie” tales, in the vein of The Hobbit, illustrated by Oscar winner Alan Lee.

Never before published in a single volume, Tolkien’s four novellas (Farmer Giles of Ham, Leaf by Niggle, Smith of Wootton Major, and Roverandom) and one book of poems (The Adventures of Tom Bombadil) are gathered together for the first time, in a fully illustrated volume. This new, definitive collection of works — which had appeared separately, in various formats, between 1949 and 1998 — comes with a brand-new foreword and endmatter, and with a series of detailed pencil illustrations by Alan Lee, in the style of his other award-winning Tolkien work, most recently in The Children of Húrin.

Tales from the Perilous Realm is available at


A Dirty World and Reign by Greg Stolze

Posted on November 26, 2008 by

Author and game designer Greg Stolze has two new products available at the Flames Rising RPGNow Shop. First up is Reign – A fantasy game of dominion and leadership. I picked this book up at GenCon 2007 after an entertaining demo run by the Mr. Stolze himself. It uses the One Roll Engine, so if […]


Apocalypse Prevention, Inc. Has Arrived!

Posted on November 25, 2008 by

Come Join the Fight to Protect Earth!

Monsters and demons have existed on Earth since its inception, terrorizing humanity throughout history. But some of them decided to fight back, creating a company of like-minded beings (even other demons) to defend the Earth from supernatural threats. Today, the shadow company has it’s hands in every facet of life all around the globe, using this grasp to police supernatural activity. Demon races that live on Earth (i.e. the aquatic Lochs, shape-shifting Changelings, or even the pyrotechnic Burners) have joined the company as well, ensuring their safety as well as humanity’s.

Apocalypse Prevention, Inc. is available at and


Noble Knight Holiday Sale Last Day!

Posted on November 24, 2008 by

Just one day of our super end of the year holiday sale left! We have, just in time for sale pricing, the long awaited new edition of Titan from Valley Games, Hedge Magic for Ars Magica, Dead Reign from Palladium, Thaumotology for GURPS, The Keepers of the Tradition expansion for the Vampire CCG, the new […]


Permuted Press to publish new Derek Gunn novel called The Estuary

Posted on November 23, 2008 by

Irish writer, Derek Gunn, has sold a new novel entitled The Estuary, to US publisher, Permuted Press for publication in 2009.

According to the author, The Estuary is a fast-paced, horror adventure tale, about a desperate plan formulated in the darkest years of an evil empire, which now threatens to engulf the residents of a small community in Southern Ireland.

“I’m delighted that The Estuary is going to be published by Permuted Press who are making tremendous strides forward in publishing horror/post-apocalyptic genre fiction” says Derek.


The Book of Bones is Available Now!

Posted on November 22, 2008 by

The war-torn world of Simarra is filled with many horrors. Some are creatures who have plagued the inhabitants of this world for countless centuries, others nightmares unleashed upon this world with the invasion of the Keza-Drak. Tainted beasts – once locked in the threshold realm – have found their way into the world through the stone gates. In addition, the dead lands have opened once more, unleashing hordes of undead into the world. Not all of the strange and horrific creatures that can be found in this world are otherworldly in nature, however.

Written by Mathew Kaiser and David Jarvis, the Book of Bones is 69 pages of new creatures and templates for your True20 Game! While all of these creatures are set in the war-torn world of Simarra, they can easily be used in your own amazing campaign worlds!

The Book of Bones is available at the Flames Rising RPGNow Shop.


Gods of the Shroud from One Bad Egg

Posted on November 19, 2008 by

The gods of the Shroud know that names give you power over them. So it is that they are not called by their true names, but instead by their titles within the sacred zodiac. The Silent Sister. The Rider. The Bone Witch. The Shadow Above. The Root. And more… Thirteen gods in all, though their newest member is an upstart, fresh-born of a once-low race now taking its place among the tribes of men. All vie for power and position through their faithful intermediaries, each one shaken by the coming of the Shroud — or perhaps secretly its source.

Gods of the Shroud is available at the Flames Rising RPGNow Shop.


Exalted: Lost Arts of the Dead Now Available!

Posted on November 18, 2008 by

The ancient dead keep their own counsel, and they have learned from bitter experience to hold onto any advantage to avoid Oblivion. The Charms within represent such advantage in the Underworld, a means of bringing powers unknown to most of its denizens to bear when necessary. Once practiced only by the dark realm’s elite, these […]


The Knight Strikes in Winter

Posted on November 18, 2008 by

Fans of E. E. Knight, author of the Vampire Earth and Age of Fire series, have some new books to look forward to.

First up is book four of the Age of Fire:

Three dragon siblings are among the last of a dying breed, and the final hope for their species’ survival. AuRon, Wistala, and Copper find themselves at odds over the coming human war. AuRon thinks dragons should have no part in the affairs of humans. Wistala believes dragons and man can peacefully co-exist. And Copper has designs of his own on the world.

And the civilized humans who have turned to Copper for assistance against their savage enemies have just given him the perfect opportunity to fulfill his plans…


Cthulhu Rises…and rolls some dice.

Posted on November 17, 2008 by

It is a good time to be a Cthulhu Gamer. Lots of very cool new stuff has hit the shelves in the last couple of weeks. I did a review of the new Cthulhu Rising board game from Twilight Creations last week.

The fun does not stop there, the Great Old One has been spotted all over the gaming world recently…

Everyone knows I’m a big fan of Skirmisher Publishing’s Cthulhu Live series and we have a handful of reviews on the site including The Old Man of Damascus and the 3rd Edition Core Book.

Well they just came out with a new script called Sight Unseen, which looks very, very cool.


Justin Achilli’s Demimonde Now Available!

Posted on November 16, 2008 by

Game Designer and author, Justin Achilli, (Vampire, Changeling, Scion) has a new novel available now at Sex, drugs, and theological schisms…. Demimonde is the story of Brandon Arthur, a freelance industrial designer whose introduction to a glitzy, invisible subculture precedes a holy war that tears this secret society asunder. As the conflict worsens, Brandon […]


Holiday Sale at Noble Knight Games

Posted on November 14, 2008 by

Noble Knight Games is pleased to announce its massive year end holiday sale!! If you haven’t browsed in awhile be sure to spend some time with our catalog, never in our history has our stock been better or our selection wider, and your sure to find some gems. Check out the specials and sales section […]


New World of Darkness Pre-Orders!

Posted on November 13, 2008 by

White Wolf Publishing has all kinds of new books in the horizon, be sure to pre-order your copies today!

World of Darkness: Slasher

Blood Splatter

There’s a different breed of killer out there. They aren’t driven by the need to drink blood or the pulse of the full moon. They kill because they have to, because murder is the only thing they know. Will you hunt the slashers — or join their ranks?

A Chronicle Book for World of Darkness and Hunter: The Vigil

Pre-Order World of Darkness: Slasher today at


A New Script for Cthulhu Live!

Posted on November 13, 2008 by

Can we trust our senses? How do we know that what we see is real? Are our eyes inherently deceptive and prone to misdirection? If so, then such flawed organs must be removed, for only in blindness can one perceive the truth: that all the world is horror.

Sight Unseen is a LARP experience like no other. When an assortment of Arkham citizens check into the local hospital for surgery, they find themselves blinded by a madman and forced to confront the unearthly terror he has unleashed upon the world. Sight Unseen is a game script for Cthulhu Live 3rd Edition and requires the Cthulhu Live 3rd Edition game rules.

Sight Unseen is available at the Flames Rising RPGNow Shop for only $4.99.


The Doom from Below for Call of Cthulhu

Posted on November 11, 2008 by

That Which Lies… Deep in the New England woods lies a perfectly circular chasm plunging hundreds of feet into the earth. Is it a marvel of nature or the remnant of some ancient maleficence? As the investigators explore the depths of this haunted pit they face geologic dangers, bizarre subterranean creatures, and a message from […]


Topps Company shuts down WizKids

Posted on November 10, 2008 by

Announced at the Wizkids website today:

The Topps Company announced today that WizKids will immediately cease operations and discontinue its product lines.

Scott Silverstein, CEO of Topps, said “This was an extremely difficult decision. While the company will still actively pursue gaming initiatives, we feel it is necessary to align our efforts more closely with Topps current sports and entertainment offerings which are being developed within our New York office.”

Upon notifying our partners, Topps will immediately pursue strategic alternatives so that viable brands and properties, including HeroClix, can continue without noticeable disruption. To that end, WizKids will continue supporting Buy it By the Brick redemptions for Arkham Asylum, and the December Organized Play events for HeroClix.


New Chapters Available Now at Monica Valentinelli’s Violet War Website!

Posted on November 9, 2008 by

The ongoing urban fantasy novel series, Violet War, by Monica Valentinelli has new chapters to explore!

Monica gives her readers a little teaser on the new material:

One of the key concepts in this chapter, is that we read about the concept of “The Condemned.” In the magic world, there is a series of Oaths that bind and tie each and every entity within the magical community together. These Oaths are a complex network of promises and “social contracts,” replacing the need for written laws. Oaths are binding and brutal, for many concepts like “free will” go right out the window once an Oathbringer brands the oath into their mind–literally. The strength of the Oath depends upon a lot of factors including the magical prowess of the Oathbringer, the resiliency of the person’s mind, how many people are branded, etc.

Visit for the latest updates.


Humans!!! a new horror board game from Twilight Creations

Posted on November 8, 2008 by

You USED to be a police officer, fireman, nurse, etc., but NOW you are a zombie and these pesky humans keep trying to kill you. But why? All you want is some nice, delicious brains. They have plenty. Perhaps if you infected more humans, it wouldn’t be such a problem…

In Humans!!! you choose to be a Zombie. You have some abilities due to your new found state of being. Other abilities are determined based on your pre-zombie occupation.

This game can be played by itself or combined with the Zombies!!! game.

Humans!!! is now available at


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