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James Lowder’s The Screaming Tower

Posted on March 26, 2008 by

Elder Signs Press has announced that they are taking pre-orders on Book One of James Lowder‘s Ebonacht Trilogy: Pre-Order The Screaming Tower Superstition shrouds the island of Thran and keeps the fear-plagued inhabitants subservient to the reclusive tyrant, Lord Ebonacht, and the denizens of the unseen Twilight Court. Only Janus, an orphan whose own mysterious […]


Fantasist Enterprises Special Sale

Posted on March 24, 2008 by

Do you believe in magic?

Fantasist Enterprises is having a special sale for a limited time on some select titles. There are some great dark fantasy titles up for grabs, so don’t miss out.

Cloaked in Shadow: Dark Tales of Elves

Elves aren’t always creatures of the light. Some elves thrive in the darkness, stalking their unwary victims for their own twisted pleasure.

Modern Magic: Tales of Fantasy and Horror

Magic surrounds us. It is the stuff of creation. The Enlightenment did not kill it with science. . .

For a Limited Time, get both titles for $24.75


The Best Little Hellhouse in Texas

Posted on March 22, 2008 by

New from Talisman Studios for the Suzerain Role Playing Game. The Best Little Hellhouse in Texas There’s a fortune to be dug up, out on the frontier? as long as you survive! Welcome to a gunslinging adventure set in the supernatural Old World, where tough-as-nails preachers hold back the horrors scuttling into town with the […]


OshCon Sign Up!

Posted on March 20, 2008 by

OshCon (October 11th & 12th) has just posted sign-up forms on their website for Dealers and Game Masters. If you are thinking about checking out this great little convention this fall I highly recommend it. There are always games going on throughout the weekend. The convention includes a mix of RPGs, card games, board games […]


WotC interviews Eberron author Jeff LaSala

Posted on March 20, 2008 by

Wizards of the Coast sat down with The Darkwood Mask author Jeff LaSala recently for an interview: Wizards: How would you describe The Darkwood Mask to a reader thinking about picking it up? Jeff LaSala: It is an action murder mystery in a world where magic (or other supernatural power) is arrayed against you and […]


Stephen King talks ‘Dark Tower’ on NPR

Posted on March 18, 2008 by

Stephen King recently made an appearance on NPR’s Talk of the Nation: To the delight of Stephen King fans, the latest installment in the Marvel comic book series inspired by his Dark Tower epic was released in early March. The illustrated saga was kicked off in the graphic novel Dark Tower: Gunslinger Born, which introduced […]


The Last War has begun…Cthulhutech

Posted on March 17, 2008 by

Mongoose Publishing has released the Cthulhutech Main Rulebook as an eBook with a reprint of the paper version on the way to stores sometime next month.

2085. Humanity faces extinction. Alien insects from the edge of our solar system, long hidden behind the façade of reality, descend to enslave us. Hordes of unspeakable horrors roll out from Central Asia, laying waste to anything in their path. The church of the fish-god scours the world for lost occult secrets to unleash terrible forces. Dead gods awaken and turn their dreadful eyes toward the Earth. And within hides a cancer, eating away at the very heart of the New Earth Government.

This is the Aeon War. This is the time of CthulhuTech.


Lives of Necromancers

Posted on March 16, 2008 by

Bards and Sages releases Lives of Necromancers. In 1834, William Godwin published Lives of Necromancers, an overview of legendary and historic figures associated with the occult. Godwin’s work was more than a who’s who of known magicians and sorcerers, however, but also a critical examination of what he called the “credulity of the human mind.” […]


New Horror Titles at Delirium Books

Posted on March 14, 2008 by

Books #5 & #6 in the Delirium Hardcover Chapbook Series have just been announced. Each signed and numbered hardcover chapbook is side-sewn and has a full graphic wraparound cover and measures 4 1/2 inches x 6 1/4 inches and is exactly 100 pages. DIVAGATIONS by John Maclay The six brand-new stories that constitute John Maclay’s […]


Monica Valentinelli: New Website!

Posted on March 13, 2008 by

Freelance author, reviewer and game designer, Monica Valentinelli, has launched a new website called Words on the Water. Monica’s published work includes Aletheia from Abstract Nova, Worlds of the Dead from Eden Studios, Colonial Gothic from Rogue Games, Prey at and more. She also has Obsidian: the Age of Judgement and Conspiracy of Shadows […]


MTV News: Corey Feldman on ‘Lost Boys 2’

Posted on March 12, 2008 by

Corey Feldman chats with MTV News about the return of his cult hit, 21 years after the original. Plus, get a sneak peek of the sexy, gory sequel. It’s ‘Lost Boys’ on steroids,’ actor says of the sequel, which comes 21 years after the original. It’s one of the greatest last lines in recent film […]


Edge of Propinquity features “The Valley” by Alana Joli Abbott

Posted on March 11, 2008 by

The Edge of Propinquity is a series of short stories exploring the world around us that lurks just beneath the surface. It is the world of the unexplained, supernatural, magic, horror, duty, responsibility, black humor, conspiracy, unknown heritage and power.

Check out Volume 26 of The Edge of Propinquity for a tale by Alana Joli Abbott called The Valley.


DriveThruFiction (Horror, Sci-Fi and Fantasy)

Posted on March 9, 2008 by

DriveThruFiction is one of the Web’s premiere places to acquire digital copies of your favorite best-selling fiction titles. There’s so much, it can’t all be contained in just one place! Please follow the links below to browse your preferred genre. – If you enjoy a sense of creeping terror and shaking on the edge […]


Chicago Horror Convention on June 27 – 29

Posted on March 9, 2008 by

Flashback Weekend 2008 By Day – Flashback Weekend features Chicago’s most complete Horror/Movie Memorabilia convention featuring Celebrities, a stunning dealer’s room, costume contest, special events, and… By Night- Horror Party Central featuring Charles Band, the New Millennium Theatre Company, the First Annual Flashback Weekend Zombie Pinup Beauty Pageant, and much more!


Preview of Paul S. Kemp’s Shadowrealm

Posted on March 7, 2008 by

Forgotten Realms author Paul S. Kemp has posted a free preview chapter of his upcoming novel Shadowrealm. Paul has several free downloads on his website, including some chapters from other Forgotten Realms titles. Check out his Free Stuff page for more information. You can pre-order Shadowrealm at Amazon. Paul’s other books include Shadow’s Witness, Resurrection […]


GM’s Day Sale Extended!

Posted on March 6, 2008 by

With record sales and interest, OBS has extended the GM’s Day Sale at RPGNow. This is the day we celebrate the single most important person in any gaming group – the Game Master. On this day, we celebrate by BUYING GAME STUFF, and you can do that here FOR 25% OR MORE OFF on all […]


EMPIRE by David Dunwoody now available for pre-order!

Posted on March 5, 2008 by

EMPIRE by David Dunwoody

The outbreak began in 2007. It’s now 2112.

The crippled U.S. government is giving up its fight against an undead plague. Military forces and aid have been withdrawn from the last coastal cities, leaving those who choose to stay in the “badlands” defenseless against hordes of zombified humans and animals.

It’s been a hopeless battle from the beginning. The undead, born of an otherworldly energy fused with a deadly virus, have no natural enemies.

But they do have one supernatural enemy… Death himself.


R.I.P. Gary Gygax

Posted on March 4, 2008 by

E. Gary Gygax has passed away. Gary was one of the creators of Dungeons & Dragons, in addition to many other games and novels over the years. I had the chance to game with him a couple of times at various conventions over the years. I’m planning on GMing a little old-school “Dungeon Crawl” tonight, […]


GM’s Day Sale at RPGNow

Posted on March 4, 2008 by

Some of the great products on sale include: The Harvesters (World of Darkness) – White Wolf Publishing People Disappear All The Time. Will You Be One Of Them? A story in the Storytelling Adventure System for the World of Darkness, inspired by Midnight Roads. 100 Horror Adventure Seeds – Postmortem Studios 100 Horror Adventure Seeds […]


Free RPG Day 2008 Updates

Posted on March 3, 2008 by

For Free RPG Day, Impressions Advertising & Marketing works with hobby game retailers and RPG publishers to bring NEW RPG Quickstart Rules and Adventure Modules into the hands of gamers. Consumers will be able to grab brand new material for a variety of RPGs — no overstock, retail-priced or dead product here. The goal of […]


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