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Roses of Blood on Barbwire Vines by D.L. Snell available now!

Posted on March 2, 2008 by

As zombies invade a barricaded apartment building, the vampire inhabitants must protect their human livestock. Shade, the vampire monarch, defends her late father’s kingdom, but Frost, Shade’s general, convinces his brethren to migrate to an island, where they can breed and hunt humans. In their path stands a legion of corpses, just now evolving into something far more lethal, something with tentacles–and that’s just the beginning.


Horror Literature Quarterly with Christopher Golden

Posted on March 2, 2008 by

The folks over at Horror Literature Quarterly have just released a new issue with fiction from Christopher Golden and Lavie Tidhar. Issue 4/Winter 2008 Horror Literature Quarterly can be read in two different formats; on the website and via PDF. Horror Literature Quarterly will release the PDF version of each issue first and will place […]


Lots of Free Cursed Empire items.

Posted on March 1, 2008 by

Spartans Unleashed has created several free Cursed Empire items available for download at The Cursed Empire Fantasy RPG provides a dark, comprehensive medieval fantasy game system with subtle undertones of the heroic age of Ancient Greece. This game offers Players and GM’s detailed and flexible rules to suit their gaming style for combat, movement, […]


Austin Chronicle interviews George Romero

Posted on March 1, 2008 by

Drop by the Austin Chronicle’s website for an interesting discussion between Spencer Parsons and Diary of the Dead director George Romero: George Romero’s latest state of the union via flesh-eating legions of the undead I just can’t resist that stuff, man. I grew up on EC comic books, and it’s all gags and puns. I […]


The Harvesters (World of Darkness)

Posted on February 29, 2008 by

People Disappear All The Time. Will You Be One Of Them? In The Harvesters, the characters are pitted against a group of kidnappers that prey upon the forgotten people and sell them off to the highest bidder. They visit upon those lost souls any torment that pleases them, so long as they don’t compromise the […]



Posted on February 29, 2008 by

Xenagia is a brand-new genre web site, specializing in Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror. Visit the Xenagia Book Index. This Xenagia book index currently contains 2577 books and 1069 authors. The Xenagia Forums feature discussions on Sci-Fi, Fantasy and Horror fiction, movies and more. You can also get updates on your favorite authors, including Neil […]


A.V. Club interviews Summer Glau

Posted on February 28, 2008 by

Summer Glau, our favorite Reaver-Slayer from Firefly and Serenity, recently sat down for an interview with Tasha Robinson of the A.V. Club. A.V. Club interviews Summer Glau Read about her role on Fox’s Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles (don’t warry, there are no spoilers for the upcoming season finale) and some of her other shows, […]


Welcome back to The City (a|state news)

Posted on February 27, 2008 by

I recently posted some great news about a long-awaited a|state supplement called Avenues & Alleyways. The folks at Contested Ground Studios expanded The City with new locations, villains and more. Now, the original a|state core book is available in eBook format at 252 pages of gothic horror and twisted beauty for $15.00. You can […]


Reviews Wanted!

Posted on February 26, 2008 by

The new Review Guidelines have been posted on the Flames Rising website. We are currently seeking a few good reviewers to help us expand our collection of horror and dark fantasy reviews. RPGs, fiction, movies, video games and more are all welcome on the site… What do you get out of it? Beyond helping out […]


Midnight Syndicate’s The Rage Soundtrack

Posted on February 26, 2008 by

For the past eleven years, Midnight Syndicate has been taking you on musical journeys into the darkest corners of your imagination with their soundtracks to imaginary films. Now, in 2008, they bring their music to the soundtrack of an actual horror film, Robert Kurtzman’s thriller, The Rage. The result is a CD containing menacing ambiance […]



Posted on February 25, 2008 by

Created by Jeff Tidball (Lord of the Rings RPG) and Will Hindmarch (Vampire: the Requiem), Gameplaywright is a blog about writing, designing and playing games. Not aimed at professionals, and not a “how-to” for beginners…this blog lies somewhere in the middle. There are plenty of great topics from two very talented game designers that range […]


Dread News: Art Imitates Death

Posted on February 24, 2008 by

A new scenario for the Dread: The First Book of Pandemonium RPG has been released by the folks at Neoplastic Press: Art Imitates Death PDF The most disturbing piece of evidence you’ve ever seen is a painting. Originally, it was a lawyer. When the cops found him, he was stretched across the canvas. Not pretty. […]


Skelewags, an Everyday Work of Art – Literally

Posted on February 23, 2008 by

You may recall that we recently posted a call for suggestions to review horror webcomics. Well, I’m happy to report we’re digging deep into all things gory and illustrated to provide you with a list of the best places to visit on the web. One work of horror comedy art turned up in a place […]


Headshot Quartet (Four Zombie Novellas)

Posted on February 22, 2008 by

Join authors D.L. Snell, John Sunseri, Ryan C. Thomas, and David Dunwoody as they fire four more rounds into the growing horde of living dead.

The latest zombie collection from Permuted Press has just been released. This is the fourth volume in the Undead series. Make sure you check out Grim’s review of Flesh Feast for a peek at some of the cool stuff offered in this series.

Headshot Quartet mixes things up a bit. Fitting for volume four of the series, instead of an anthology of short stories, this book features four novellas. Four brutal, action-packed tales of zombie hordes across the world.


Magic: the Motion Picture?

Posted on February 22, 2008 by

One of my sources at Wizards of the Coast tells me that there is going to be a Magic: the Gathering movie. This is part of the press release from Hasbro: Hasbro Inc. (HAS) and Universal Pictures formed a six-year strategic partnership to produce at least four motion pictures based on brands such as Monopoly, […]


World of Darkness: Midnight Roads

Posted on February 21, 2008 by

The roads are lovely, dark and deep… Matt McFarland has put together some pretty impressive World of Darkness titles over the years. He even won an ENnie for the Awakening Demo. Now he brings us Midnight Roads, a story book for the World of Darkness. Hitchhikers, ghost towns, new Merits and a host of interesting […]


The Nominations are in…34th Annual Saturn Awards

Posted on February 21, 2008 by

The Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Films has announced the nominations for the 34th Annual Saturn Awards. “300” battles “Harry Potter” and “Sweeney Todd” at the 34th Annual Saturn Awards Leading the nominations this year is the groundbreaking film, “300” with 10 nominations. “Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix” follows close […]


Wouldn’t Gangrel just eat the lawyer?

Posted on February 20, 2008 by

WWE vs. White Wolf/CCP If a copyright suit involving video-game zombies isn’t scary enough, now we have a trademark case involving a vampire named “Gangrel” to sink our teeth into. This basically comes down to World Wrestling Entertainment still using elements of the “Gangrel” character after their contract with White Wolf has expired. Too bad […]


DriveThruRPG and eBooks

Posted on February 20, 2008 by

There is a great interview with Steve Wieck on RPGnet about the history of White Wolf (from magazine to publisher), how DrivethruRPG got started and where it is headed. The history and future of DriveThruRPG. Steve mentions some interesting history of the pdf market, what the company has learned since it started and where it […]


Darker Projects: Gothik with Nox Arcana

Posted on February 20, 2008 by

From the dark imaginations of Mark Kalita, Paul Mannering and H.P. Lovecraft: an original horror audio drama set in a city where the sun never rises … where the supernatural explains what science cannot … where modern man and ancient myths collide … and monsters are very, very real. Rise of the Ancient Ones Featuring […]


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    Reviews Wanted!

    The new Review Guidelines have been posted on the Flames Rising website. We are currently seeking a few good reviewers to help us expand our collection of horror and dark fantasy reviews. RPGs, fiction, movies, video games and more are all welcome on the site...

    What do you get out of it?

    Beyond helping out fellow Flames Rising readers by letting them know what you think of these products, we're giving away some pretty cool stuff. Regular Reviewers can earn free products to review, which is their to keep after the review is submitted to the site.

    Note: We are especially looking for folks interested in reviewing eBooks (both Fiction & Comics). We have lots of great titles in digital format and even get advance copies sometimes.

    Use the Contact Page to submit reviews or let us know if you have any questions.

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