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The Return of Spirit Creek

Posted on February 18, 2008 by

After a long break Spirit Creek is back. They just had a show at G-Daddy’s BBC in Milwaukee, WI to release a new CD called “A Culture of Unaccountability” which you should be able to buy online at CDBaby any day now.

One of the new songs is featured on the Flames Rising MySpace Page.


Green or Red Cthulhu?

Posted on February 16, 2008 by

Sideshow just posted links to a new Cthulhu Statue from the folks at SOTA Toys.

Deep in the waters of the South Pacific lies the sunken city of R’Leyth. Beneath the ocean’s surface dwells the fearsome Cthulhu, a creature of enormous size and great power from the world of H. P. Lovecraft’s fictional works. The legend of Cthulhu’s colossal size and gruesome visage evoke fear and reverence from those who cross its path, human and animal alike.

Should I get the Cthulhu Statue or the Sideshow Exclusive Edition?


Another visit to The City (a|state)

Posted on February 16, 2008 by

a|state introduced us the The City.

Welcome to The City. You will never forget The City. But The City will forget you.

Lostfinders Guide to Mire End took us on a tour into the sodden, degraded burgh of Mire End and introduced us to some of the more interesting personalities unfortunate enough to call the place home.

Now…Contested Ground Studios presents Avenues & Alleyways.


Gen Con Trouble

Posted on February 15, 2008 by

GenCon was having some recent troubles with LucasFilm and it looks like those troubles are continuing: Gen Con Files for Chapter 11 Gen Con LLC announced today that it has filed for Chapter 11 protection in the United States Bankruptcy Court for the State of Washington. This action became necessary as a result of significant […]


Flames Rising Favorite Horror Game Contest!

Posted on February 14, 2008 by

Flames RisingWe’re proud to announce the first Flames Rising Fan Appreciation contest. Some of you may remember that Flames Rising hasn’t always been a horror and dark fantasy webzine; it started out as a Live Action Role-Playing Site devoted to those dark and brooding vampire clans from White Wolf’s Mind’s Eye Theatre system. Through a love for gaming and other things that go bump in the night, Flames has evolved to its current incarnation, a horror webzine that shines the spotlight on up-and-coming authors, horror artists, game designers, and more!

To celebrate the new site launch, we want to show our appreciation to the fans who make Flames Rising possible by returning to our dice pool and pencils. Prizes include a variety of products from Abstract Nova, Apophis Consortium, Bob Goat Press, Cubicle 7 Entertainment, Eden Studios, Evil Hat Productions, Monolith Graphics, Neoplastic Press, Rogue Games, Snarling Badger Games, Talisman Studios and 12 to Midnight.


Howlings from White Wolf

Posted on February 14, 2008 by

The new eQuarterly from White Wolf Publishing was released yesterday. All kinds of sneak previews ranging from World of Darkness: Innocents to Exalted: Dreams of the First Age and other bits throughout this free download. There are a ton of interviews regarding new books and other developments. The fan submission section has art and fiction, […]


Haring & Rosenberg enlist with Talisman

Posted on February 12, 2008 by

There is a lot of creative energy coming out of Talisman Studios. With products ranging from Suzerain to Shaintar: Immortal Legends you can find amazing art, great writing and a lot of talent. It looks like these games are going to even more interesting from here on out: Talisman Studios Adds Industry Veterans Talisman Studios […]


Trouble in Middle Earth?

Posted on February 12, 2008 by

A lot of folk were starting to get excited about the developing news regarding Peter Jackson as “executive producer” of two Hobbit prequels. However, some breaking news may paint a bleak picture: Tolkien estate sues New Line Cinema The estate of “Lord of the Rings” creator J.R.R. Tolkien is suing the film studio that released […]


Del Toro & Gaiman…Strange

Posted on February 11, 2008 by

The animated Doctor Strange movie was a lot of fun and I’m hoping Marvel makes more of the same kind of feature. The live-action films based on Marvel characters have been pretty hit-or-miss over the last several years… However, according to IGN, Del Toro Eyes Doctor Strange Hellboy helmer wants Gaiman to script. The buzz […]


World Zombie Day

Posted on February 11, 2008 by

“The It’s Alive Show” presents World Zombie Day In 1968 a film was released in Pittsburgh that changed the face of horror history forever. It changed zombies from mindless undead slaves into flesh-hungry beasts that thirst for blood! Film history would never be the same. Now, 40 years later, some new blood is picking up […]


More Pandemonium from Neoplastic Press

Posted on February 8, 2008 by

Rafael Chandler has announced the a new book in the Dread line-up: Pent: The First Gospel of Pandemonium Pent: The First Gospel of Pandemonium is a sourcebook for Dread that includes five ready-to-run scenarios and a dozen one-page adventure hooks. The scenarios include thoroughly fleshed-out locations, characters, setting information, and maps. Pent will be available […]


Flames Rising Shopping Updates

Posted on February 6, 2008 by

Lots of updates to the Flames Rising Amazon Store today. Horror & Dark Fantasy fiction, games, movies and more. Included in these updates is the option to pre-order: Ventrue: Lords Over the Damned (Vampire the Requiem) Battlestar Galactica (Season 3) Small Favor (Dresden Files) Purge the Unclean (Dark Heresy) Over at you can check […]


New Vampire Apocalypse from Derek Gunn

Posted on February 4, 2008 by

Check out the latest news from Derek Gunn and Black Death Books. Two new Vampire Apocalypse books coming…. Vampire Apocalypse: A World Torn Asunder, is the first book in the Vampire Apocalypse series from Irish author, Derek Gunn (published by KHP Industries, US, under their Black Death Books imprint) and currently available worldwide. Two new […]


The Cylon Centurion

Posted on February 3, 2008 by

Ok, I’m getting excited about the upcoming Battlestar Galactica Season Four. I’ve watched the Teasers and I’ve got the Razor DVD. What I don’t have is the Life Size Cylon. “Each Cylon is hand-made using only the finest materials and overseen by the ‘Robot Man’ himself, Fred Barton.” Can you imagine that thing sitting here […]


Flames Rising News Feeds & Updates

Posted on February 3, 2008 by

Visit the RSS Page to check out the available Flames Rising news feeds. Stay up-to-date on the latest Flames Rising Horror & Dark Fantasy product Reviews, author and artist Interviews and more! You can also find Flames Rising on Other updates include new books and games at the Flames Rising Amazon Shop and […]


Abe Sapien (Doug Jones) talks Hellboy 2 at ReelzChannel

Posted on January 30, 2008 by

One of the movies that I am really looking forward to checking out is Hellboy II: The Golden Army.

I’ve been following the press releases and trailers and rumors as I get the time. Guillermo del Toro and his team have not let me down yet. I’ve also re-watched Hellboy and Hellboy: Blood & Iron a couple of times just for fun.


Those Sneaky Rogues

Posted on January 30, 2008 by

The guys over at Rogue Games have made a couple of interesting announcements recently that are good news for fans of Sci-fi and Horror games. First up is the announcement that the sci-fi RPG Thousand Suns is available for pre-order at IPR. If you are curious about this game, take a look at the Design […]


Black Industries Closing Shop

Posted on January 28, 2008 by

The stunning news this morning is the Black Industries Announcement. Black Industries regret to announce that Dark Heresy: Disciples of the Dark Gods out in September will be the final product to be released from Black Industries. Needless to say, I’m a bit stunned by the news. Dark Heresy sold around 20K copies this past […]


When Toys go Bad: Horror and Legos®

Posted on January 27, 2008 by

Sometimes the best in horror comes from the most unlikely of places; some of you might remember Franklin W. Cain’s Lego® Cthulu. While building horror images with Legos® can be a lot of fun (my favorites are the Darth Maul Lego® Sculpture Kit and the Viking Fortress against Fafnir Dragon) Brick Films knows that Legos® […]


SAW Movies and Creepy Dolls

Posted on January 26, 2008 by

The Saw movies have been pretty popular with horror fans for the last several years. Popular enough for a fourth movie to hit the shelves recently (and don’t forget the special edition of the first three movies that came out in October).

There are plenty of tie-products as well, including hats and t-shirts of course. I think my favorite though is the SAW Plush Doll from Sideshow Collectibles.


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