Posted on April 9, 2015 by Flames
Something dark sleeps deep in the ocean, emanating a power darker and more destructive than anything imaginable. And there are those that would wish to wake it…
From Fantasy Flight Games comes a gripping tale of mystery, suspense, and horror! Set in the popular world of the Arkham Horror board game, Ghouls of the Miskatonic is the first book of The Dark Waters Trilogy. Following the mysterious deaths of several young ladies, a wide cast of familiar faces from the Arkham Horror board game begin an exciting and terrifying new investigation.
From the pen of New York Times Bestselling author Graham McNeill, Ghouls of the Miskatonic begins a thrilling story in the renowned setting created by H.P. Lovecraft. Fans of games and literature alike will be immersed in the frightening secrets that lie beneath The Dark Waters.
Posted on April 1, 2015 by Flames
Today on Fish Fool’s, Onyx Path Publishing is thrilled to announce an exciting change. Inspired by the success of the Dark Eras Kickstarter, the company has decided to overhaul every classic and new World of Darkness game in their catalog and will transport the entire line back to the nineteenth century, during the height of […]
Posted on March 25, 2015 by Flames
Dredd: Uprise #1
In the neglected sector of Mega-City One known as The Spit, tensions are reaching boiling point amongst the citizens as the shiny new mega-block Oemling Tower is being constructed for those that can afford to live in it.
As the Judges face running battles with rioters, the underground movement known as Uprise stokes the flames of dissent…
Posted on March 23, 2015 by Flames
Can’t get enough spooks, spirits, and specters? Now you’ll never have to go a day without your ghoulish fix.
This ghastly collection features some of the scariest stories of murder, revenge, and suicide ever told, and the spirits that haunt their resting place for all time. As a truly unique convention, each story directly relates to the specific day on which it’s found.
Posted on March 21, 2015 by Flames
It has been six hundred years since Imoshen the First, Causare of the T’En, brought her beleaguered people across the seas to Fair Isle. The magical folk mixed with the natives, bringing culture and sophistication, and made the island one of the wealthiest, most powerful nations in the known world.
In one night, all is lost. Imoshen, namesake of the first Empress, is the last pure-blooded T’En woman, left behind when her kinfolk went to die in defence of their homeland. The savage Ghebites, barbarians from the warm north, have conquered Fair Isle, and their general, Tulkhan, claims her as his right of conquest.
Proud and fierce, trained in arts of war and possessed of extraordinary healing gifts, Imoshen must choose to submit to the barbarian soldier and save her people’s heritage… or to die in a futile gesture of defiance.
Posted on February 18, 2015 by Flames
The Best Games are Played in the Dead of Winter
Midwinter Gaming Convention is a 4 day convention held each January in Milwaukee, WI. Started in January of 2000, this event was founded on a Classic World of Darkness Live Action Role Playing game (LARP), and over the years grew to become a full gaming convention offering everything from Tabletop RPG’s, CCG’s, Miniatures, LARPs and of course, Board Games.
At this point in we have decided to create and curate our own Board Game Library. In this way we can be fully assured that the services offered our Board Game guests are everything we expect to offer as a convention. We can maintain consistency and continue to grow toward a future of improving and expanding our Board Game track.
Posted on February 13, 2015 by Flames

Apex Publications is pleased to announce the addition of a new anthology to its 2015 release schedule. Upside Down: Inverted Tropes in Storytelling is an anthology of short stories and poems that will highlight the long-standing tradition of writers who identify tropes in science fiction, fantasy, and horror and twist them into something new and interesting.
Posted on February 3, 2015 by Flames
On Wednesday, February 4th Onyx Path Publishing will be hosting a Twitter chat for fans to discuss the World of Darkness: Dark Eras supplement that is currently funding at Starting at 8:00 p.m. EST, tune in to the #DarkEras hashtag and connect with the writers and developers who worked on this book. You can […]
Posted on January 19, 2015 by Flames
Apex is proud to present the first book in Grand Master Award winner Brian Keene’s long-awaited new series, a loving ode to lost world classics like Burroughs’s PELLUCIDAR, Howard’s ALMURIC, and Lansdale’s THE DRIVE-IN, but with a thoroughly modern twist that only Brian Keene could conceive.
When modern-day occultist Aaron Pace discovers the secrets of inter-dimensional travel via a mystical pathway called The Labyrinth, he wastes no time in exploring a multitude of strange new worlds and alternate realities. But then, Aaron finds himself trapped in the most bizarre dimension of all — a place where dinosaurs coexist with giant robots, where cowboys fight reptilian lizard people, and where even the grass can kill you. This is a world populated by the missing and the disappeared, a world where myth is reality and where the extinct is reborn. Now, side-by-side with his new companions Kasheena and Bloop, Aaron must learn to navigate its dangers and survive long enough to escape… THE LOST LEVEL.
Posted on December 28, 2014 by Flames
Louie “Fitz” Fitzsimmons is getting out of the drugs business. It was never what you might call a career, anyway; he’s got problems – strange, violent, vivid hallucinations that have plagued him since he was a kid – and what with one thing and another, this is where he’s ended up. So he’s been cooking Hollywood gangster Blake Kaplan’s books, and putting a little aside for a rainy day – fifteen million, give or take – and he figures it’s time to cut and run. Until a vision hits at the worst possible moment, and now he’s in hospital and looking at a stretch in County on a possession charge.
Posted on December 4, 2014 by Flames
The Robin Hood of modern crime returns! He robs from the evil and heartless rich, and gives to the wronged and deserving poor – in the process, keeping a percentage for his own expenses. He doesn’t work for the law, the government, or anyone else. He is a lone wolf, an adventurer, a detective, a rogue, but always a gentleman!
Meet Snake Ganning, who had “connections”. His superior was TheManWhowas Clever, and The Saint didn’t like dirty crooks who were also clever.
So, Simon Templar seeks to bring a drug smuggler to justice. In this story, Templar is shown in the process of establishing his reputation as a crime buster working with a team ofmysterious individuals (akin to Robin Hood’s Merry Men). Patricia Holm, Templar’s love interest and fellow adventurer appears as well.
Posted on December 2, 2014 by Flames
All the stories they told you about what it would be like after you died? They were wrong.
There is no Heaven and there is no Hell. There’s only the Underworld, with the ravening maw of Oblivion at the bottom and the impossible dream of Transcendence at the top. And in between, all the Restless Dead.
Are you ready to join them?
Posted on November 28, 2014 by Flames
We’ve gathered a ton of awesome Horror and Dark Fantasy (and a few other genres too) deals from around the web. So many cool titles to explore, a little something for everyone…
The 13th Age (Pelgrane Press), Changeling: the Dreaming 2E (White Wolf), The Strange (Monte Cook Games), Ghosts of Albion (Eden Studios), Fantasy Craft 2E (Crafty Games), and Complete KOBOLD Guide to Game Design (Kobold Press) PDFs are all $4.99 each in PDF format for today only at!
Posted on November 24, 2014 by Flames
Thinking of running a game of Geist: the Sin-Eaters?
Players unsure of what to play? Looking for a fast way to dive into a ghost story?
Ready-Made Player Characters (Geist: the Sin-Eaters) includes the Crossroads Drifters krewe, who perform for the living and the dead. Characters designed to for instant use in your Geist: the Sin-Eaters game.
A collection of characters for Geist: the Sin-Eaters
Posted on November 10, 2014 by Flames
It’s that time! After Daylight, your one-stop shop for satirical vampire comedy/drama with a splash of socially-aware snark (okay, maybe more than a splash) has been updating faithfully as a weekly webcomic since August of 2012. Now 100 hand-shaded pages are in the can, the grand plot arc of the first “season” is all wrapped up, and it’s time for it to sail out into the world in gorgeous print.
Posted on November 3, 2014 by Flames
A new edition of Stoker’s novel that tells the real story; and an improvised spy thriller campaign for Night’s Black Agents RPG.
Two Books. One Mission.
Dracula is not a novel. It’s the censored version of Bram Stoker’s after-action report of the failed British Intelligence attempt to recruit a vampire in 1894. Kenneth Hite has restored the deleted sections, inserting annotations and clues left by three generations of MI6 analysts. This is Dracula Unredacted.
Posted on October 28, 2014 by Flames
The Cult of the Dragon leads the charge in an unholy crusade to bring Tiamat back to the Realms, and the situation grows more perilous for good people with each passing moment. The battle becomes increasingly political as opportunities to gather allies and gain advantage present themselves. From Waterdeep to the Sea of Moving Ice to Thay, it is a race against Evil. Succeed or succumb to the oppression of draconic tyranny. Win or lose, things will never be the same again.
Posted on October 17, 2014 by Flames
Fairy tales are fantastical tales in which anything—absolutely anything—can happen. Most fairy tales don’t involve fairies. Some have morals, some don’t. Some are for kids, some aren’t. The oldest were told by adults to adults.
Fairy tales are populated by the weird and the bizarre. Elves and dragons, bridge trolls and deep-sea mermaids, sprites and goblins, talking animals and talking trees and sometimes, even fairies. There are no limits to what can be used in a fairy tale, or to what a fairy tale can be about.
Once Upon an Apocalypse contains fairy tales about zombies. Or, in some cases, zombie stories with fairies, or even fairy tales in which zombies also appear.
Posted on October 7, 2014 by Flames
War is everywhere. Not only among the firefights, in the sweat dripping from heavy armor and the clenching grip on your weapon, but also wedging itself deep into families, infiltrating our love letters, hovering in the air above our heads. It’s in our dreams and our text messages. At times it roars with adrenaline, while at others it slips in silently so it can sit beside you until you forget it’s there.
Posted on September 25, 2014 by Flames
Seattle is a fractured city, split between history and modernity.
The Unchained can stumble through rifts in time and space and wind up decades in the past. Why Some failed experiment of the God-Machine? A side effect of human ingenuity? Or are the splinter timelines in the City of Flowers a deliberate design, leading up to something greater still?
Splintered City: Seattle includes more detail on the alternate timelines described in Demon: The Descent, as well as a host of story hooks and characters for use in your chronicles. Also presented are brief suggestions on what Seattle might hold for the other denizens of the World of Darkness.