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Cortex Plus Hacker’s Guide Kickstarter

Posted By Flames On January 10, 2013 @ 11:58 am In Features | 1 Comment

An anthology of ways to use Cortex Plus from MWP’s award-winning Leverage & Smallville RPGs: hacks, settings, and options!


    For years, fans have enjoyed games powered by Margaret Weis Productions’ award-winning Cortex Plus system. From the embroiled teenaged drama powered by Smallville to the high-tech heist hijinks of Leverage, and the comic book action of Marvel Heroic Roleplaying, the community has embraced these games and made them their own. Many have taken the rules from each licensed game and adapted them to a wide variety of settings, genres, and play styles.

    In the spring of 2010, MWP sent out a call to its growing community for the best “hacks” of the Cortex Plus system. They asked creators, amateurs, and professionals alike to share new mechanics, settings, and entirely new games from the bones of existing games. Over 20 different authors contributed their own ideas to the project, which was dubbed the Cortex Plus Hacker’s Guide.

    Timing, as they say, is everything. The massive undertaking of creating the Marvel Heroic Roleplaying game forced MWP to put the Hacker’s Guide on the backburner. That is, until today.

    MWP wants to put a little twist on how they produce the Cortex Plus Hacker’s Guide. They also want to say a big thank you to those that have already contributed to the book, and have been so patient while waiting for it see the light of day. Enter Kickstarter. By supporting this project, you will also be supporting all the creatives (authors, designers, developers, editors – past, present and future) who contribute to it. How’s that you ask? Simple. After costs are subtracted, creatives will receive half of all net profits, divided up amongst each individual based on how much they contributed to the book.

    This is your first chance to get the Cortex Plus Hacker’s Guide, show some love to several talented creatives, and help support MWP in the additional development for the final product and, possibly, extended product.

    Find out more information and back this project at Kickstarter.com [1]!

      Article printed from Flames Rising: https://www.flamesrising.com

      URL to article: https://www.flamesrising.com/cortex-plus-hackers-guide-kickstarter/

      URLs in this post:

      [1] Kickstarter.com: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1116133034/margaret-weis-productions-cortex-plus-hackers-guid

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