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Cursed Necropolis: Rio is available now from Onyx Path Publishing
Posted By Flames On April 6, 2017 @ 11:04 am In News | No Comments
[1]I’ve never sailed the Amazon, I’ve never reached Brazil, But the Don and Magdalena, they can go there when they will! Unless I go to Rio, these wonders to behold Oh, I’d love to roll to Rio, some day before I’m old!
— Rudyard Kipling, Just So Stories
The Marvelous City
Beneath the splendor of Rio de Janeiro seethes a hotbed of occult activity. Over a score of mummies keep their tombs in Rio, their presence seeping into the soil and stones and souls of the city. Over all this reigns the infamous Teshra-Gemet, the pretender Pharaoh.
The city of Rio births marvels both bright and dark… and you never know which kind you have until it’s too late.
Cursed Necropolis: Rio contains:
– The secrets and schemes of Rio’s Arisen.
– New Utterances, from the perception usurping Horse and Rider to the cleansing fire of Baal’s Due.
– “The Serpent’s Tooth,” an all-new adventure to introduce players to the conflicts and power plays of Rio de Janeiro.
Cursed Necropolis: Rio is available now in PDF and Hardcover editions at the Flames Rising RPGNow Shop [1]!
Also available for the Mummy: the Curse RPG:
[2]You came all this way, to a land you once spurned, just to find me—to know my wisdom—and I say to you it begins with a question: What is a pillar, truly?
You know the word, certainly, think you apprehend its meaning, but this is the lesson that defies learning… the page that eludes the seeking scribe.
What the quill can never see is the essential truth, the immutable design that in itself strips the word of all meaning, whatever its definition. If you would answer my question by reaching for the word, you would already be in the wrong. You cannot define the pillar, though in the fullness of time, you might come to know it.
If you would understand the pillar, look to its source. There lies its purpose.
And I am the hand that sets the pillar, the pillar that sets the hand.
My pillar is the lathe of Fate.
— Seb-Hetchet, the White Jackal
This book includes:
– Contextualized discussion of the history and inner workings of the Federal City from the mummy point of view, including the rise of the powerful meret known as the First Chorus and a complete overview of Washington D.C.’s geography and internal currents, political and supernatural alike.
– An array of non-player characters fully integrated into the nome, including both the Arisen who call Washington D.C. home and a few of the mortals who do their secret bidding, willingly or otherwise
– “The Great Hunt” — a complete Mummy story that Storytellers can run alone or as the prelude to a three-part series called The Avarice Chronicle
Article printed from Flames Rising: https://www.flamesrising.com
URL to article: https://www.flamesrising.com/cursed-necropolis-rio-is-available-now/
URLs in this post:
[1] Image: http://flamesrising.rpgnow.com/product/205257/Cursed-Necropolis-Rio
[2] Cursed Necropolis: D.C.: http://flamesrising.rpgnow.com/product/129144/Cursed-Necropolis-DC
[3] Image: http://flamesrising.rpgnow.com/product/178583?src=FlamesRising
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