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Dabel Brothers and Patricia Briggs

Posted By Matt-M-McElroy On January 24, 2008 @ 4:41 pm In News | No Comments

Popping up on Newsarama [1] and the DB Forums [2] is a press release about a new novel to comics deal. Here’s a teaser:

The Dabel Brothers are already well-known for their comic book and graphic novel adaptations of great paranormal thriller novels such as 2007’s bestselling Laurell K. Hamilton’s Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter in Guilty Pleasures and their eagerly anticipated May 2008 release, Dean Koontz’s Frankenstein: Prodigal Son.

But now that they’ve signed white-hot New York Times bestselling paranormal fantasy writer Patricia Briggs to bring the world of her stunning Mercedes “Mercy” Thompson books to comics, the Dabel Brothers are fully prepared to top themselves once again with a brand new original story written by Briggs exclusively for comics!

The Dabel Brothers rock. Plain and simple. I mean, how many cool comic adaptations can one company release? Anita Blake, Dresden Files and Dean Koontz’s Frankenstein just to name a few off the top of my head. I recently got Iron Kissed [3] in the mail, so expect a review from one of us in the next couple of weeks.

Article printed from Flames Rising: https://www.flamesrising.com

URL to article: https://www.flamesrising.com/dabel-brothers-and-patricia-briggs/

URLs in this post:

[1] Newsarama: http://forum.newsarama.com/showthread.php?s=ea9344ea842b67f87d1183978eaaff72&t=144321

[2] DB Forums: http://www.dabelbrothers.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?p=8647#8647

[3] Iron Kissed: http://astore.amazon.com/flamesrising-20/detail/0441015662/002-0578828-2296823

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