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Dear Cthulhu, Have a Dark Day Review

Posted By Nancy On September 8, 2010 @ 8:03 am In Fiction | No Comments

Available at Amazon.com

    Dear Cthulhu, Have a Dark Day: The Collected Columns, Volume One by Patrick Thomas is a collection of humorous advice. Taking on the persona of the Elder God, each piece of guidance is based on the concept that Cthulhu is actually very conservative. He abhors those that like to break rules. He discourages cold-blooded killing, because killing is “a right which should be Cthulhu’s alone” or at least saved for official sacrifices.

    There are a lot of funny letters contained in the volume. For instance, a young woman writes in to ask for advice regarding peer pressure to give up her virginity. Cthulhu’s response? She should keep her virginity, because “it is better to be a leader of men than a follower.” He also invites her to attend a “party” taking place “when the stars align.” In another, Cthulhu advises a jewel thief to cover her tracks by digging up a dead body and dumping the evidence.

    It’s less than 100 pages, and it doesn’t go into any sort of philosophical musings on Cthulhu or the nature of Lovecraftian work; basically it’s a Dear Abby for the Mythos-addicted, and it’s meant to be a quick and fun read — which it is.

    Review by Nancy Greene

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