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Dept. of Monsterology: Issue 3 of 4 Review
Posted By Steven Dawes On March 19, 2014 @ 3:26 pm In Comics,Reviews | No Comments
Hey there fans of Flames Rising! I gotta tell you, I was pretty excited about diving into issue #3 of the Dept. of Monsterology. So far the issue has been well written, possesses some good, witty dialogue, and the artwork has been spot on in setting the feel and tone of this pulp-supernatural series. Issues 1 & 2 were interesting rides while building up to some serious trouble for both Team Challenger and Team Carnacki. Things were already going downhill for Carnacki by the end of issue #2, and trouble loomed on the horizon for Team Challenger. So how does issue #3 fare?
Simply put, the third issue picks up right where 2nd issue left off. Team Challenger is suddenly in a jackpot with an eldritch behemoth, while Team Carnacki is still trapped underground and suddenly in a race against time while facing down an army of zombie vampires. Along the way, members of both teams get to show off some of their talents we’ve not had the chance to see as of yet (I will never look at Amelia Court nor Professor De Tovar the same way again). Those who’ve been craving action in this series will find it in issue 3 (and undoubtedly issue 4).
In the middle of all the action, there’s a new wrinkle forming with Team Carnacki member Samwi who looks to be an unwitting piece of a larger puzzle being put together by a supernatural evil mastermind. This issue even shoehorns in a few more details about the missing Team Carter.
My excitement and intrigue are peak and I can’t wait to read the conclusion for this four part series (and you know I’ll post a review when I do). I was bummed out after realizing that after issue 4 there’s might not be anything to look forward to from the department. But after doing some digging, I’m happy to say that it sounds like Renegade Arts plans to release a graphic novel with all four issues. I’m also happy to mention that a new series of Dept. of Monsterology series will be coming later this year.
For those of you still on the fence about joining the Department of Monsterology…this is a great time to get in on the ground level.
Next stop, issue #4!
Review by Steven Dawes
Article printed from Flames Rising: https://www.flamesrising.com
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