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Dracula: The Dead Travel Fast Review

Posted By DecapitatedDan On December 21, 2010 @ 9:45 am In Comics | No Comments

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    Andy Fish applies his twisted sense of humor and his dark sensibilities to Dracula, setting the story in 1931 and mixing in Nazi’s, ghosts, and werewolves. Jon Harker travels to Transylvania on his first business assignment with a reclusive eccentric client, meanwhile his fiance Mina is tempted by the strapping young Texan visiting her friend Lucy in London.

    I didn’t know what to expect with this book right off the bat, ha I said bat. I wasn’t sure if it was going to be just another vampire book or going off how I interpreted the item description, an update on the classic story. I read this book as more of the later, and I was not let down. Actually I never read the Bram Stoker version, just seen the movie, but this came across in the same kind of vain. However it was updated to the 1930’s.

    The artwork was just fantastic. It has a nice dark and gloomy look to it, that really sets the visual tone for the story very well. The pages actually come off to me as these great digital paintings. Lets just say that I like the look of this book.

    The story was the winner though. It was full of so much goodness that I just didn’t want it to end. The story came off so well, it was entertaining but not in the sense that it was all action. Instead it was just a solid story that had great dialogue and easily has me wanting more. I say read it, and read it now!

    Dying Breath 4.5 out of 5.0

    Review by Dan Royer

    DriveThruComics.com [2]

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      [1] Image: http://comics.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?products_id=85318

      [2] Image: http://comics.drivethrustuff.com/index.php?affiliate_id=22713

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