World of Darkness: Falling Scales Chapter Two Available Now!
Posted on August 4, 2012 by Flames
For centuries, terrors have existed just outside our understanding. The public may know or even suspect creatures of the night exist, but millions have managed to go on with their lives, focusing on the mundane, the safe. We’ve passed off the truth as a child’s fairy tale or the ramblings of crazed lunatics. We’ve ignored the reality in order to survive.
Thanks to the actions of the passionate few, we can no longer pretend the supernatural does not exist.
Now, perfectly ordinary people question what they see, what they hear, what they feel. They’re confused, lost, and lonely. They’ve turned toward their leaders to help them find a way out of the darkness, but they need a shepherd, a guide who is not afraid. They’ve found one: a powerful politician who believes society should open their eyes to the truth, that the supernatural takes many forms and the only way to defend society is to wage all-out war.
Falling Scales 2 is the second and final installment in a multi-part chronicle. While these stories are meant to build on one another, they are also written so as to be useful and playable on their own. The only book necessary to run Falling Scales 2 is the World of Darkness Rulebook. If your troupe wishes to play through this story using characters from one of the other World of Darkness games (or even a mix of several!), information for doing so is provided.
Falling Scales Chapter Two is written by Flames Rising Project Manager Monica Valentinelli.
Get Falling Scales Chapter Two in PDF and Print formats at!

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