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Gen Con Gears Up for Best Four Days In Gaming

Posted By Flames On May 6, 2008 @ 11:28 am In News | No Comments

The countdown has begun and gaming enthusiasts all across the country are planning their annual trek to Indianapolis in anticipation of what gamers everywhere know to be as The Best Four Days in Gaming. With 91,000 turnstile attendees, Gen Con Indy [1] is understandably the place where consumers and the industry come together to see and play all that is gaming. For the sixth year in a row, the event will be held at the Indiana Convention Center in Indianapolis, taking place August 14 through 17.

Celebrating its 41st year and going strong, Gen Con is no ordinary convention. Attendees do everything from browsing the aisles of the exhibit hall packed with over 250 booths to taking part in any number of the 4,500 gaming events happening 24 hours a day over the four days. Gaming activities range from interactive game play and computer gaming to big money hobby-related tournaments sponsored by industry leaders such as Upper Deck Entertainment. One such event that will be featured is the World of Warcraft TCG Continental Championship.

Gen Con attendees can also look forward to many other exciting activities such as: True Dungeon, the Gen Con Costume Contest, Hickman’s Killer Breakfast, the Dance, Miniature Hobby Events, LARPing, board gaming tournaments, seminars, workshops, the Gen Con Auction and many more.

Here is a preview of what attendees can expect at Gen Con Indy 2008:

Interactive Entertainment–Gen Con will continue to showcase electronic gaming in its own dedicated space within the exhibit hall. New releases and popular titles will be displayed, along with console and PC tournaments, freeplay and the eGame Arena.

Anime Avenue— Visit the Avenue that takes anime programming beyond anime videos. You will find traditional events offered at all the best anime conventions including guests, panels, cosplay, exclusive video screenings, a manga library, an anime dubbing contest, and much more.

Trade Day– Due to the great success of last year’s event, Trade Day is back and it will be bigger and better than ever! Dedicated to building the business of games, programming will include early access to the exhibit floor on Thursday, August 14.

The Annual Costume Contest— A Gen Con classic where up to 70 attendees come to show off the best costumes at the convention. Superheroes, Science Fiction, Historical, Anime, and Professional are just a few of the categories attendees can participate in.

True Dungeon and the True Dungeon Fantasy Tavern— Widely regarded as one of the coolest events on the planet, these have become a staple at Gen Con Indy.

Training Grounds— Start the kid’s passion for gaming early with structured gaming events for kids sponsored by Mayfair Games.

Family Fun Pavilion— This special area within the exhibit hall is dedicated to family and broad market games — one of the fastest growing segments at Gen Con. There will be special admission pricing on Sunday just for families.

To Attend
Gen Con Indy will be open to the public Thursday, August 14, through Sunday, August 17. Thursday through Saturday the exhibit hall is open 10 am to 6 pm and Sunday from 10 am to 4 pm. 24 hour gaming takes place at the convention center and at area hotels 24 hours a day during the four day event. The convention will take place at the Indiana Convention Center, a 620,000 square foot state-of-the-art facility in downtown Indianapolis.

Attendees must purchase badges to gain entrance to the show. Badge pre-registration is open and runs through June 28, 2008, noon PST. A four-day badge is $65 with pre-registration, or $75 on site. A one-day badge is $35 with pre-registration, or $45 on site. All pre-registration prices include tax. Children 8 and under are free with an accompanying adult. For more information and to register, call (800) 529-EXPO or visit www.gencon.com [1] .

About Gen Con
Gen Con, LLC produces the largest consumer fantasy, sci-fi and adventure game convention in North America. Its operations include Gen Con Indy and licensees for European and Asia Pacific Gen Con shows. It was acquired in 2002 by former CEO and founder of Wizards of the Coast Peter Adkison, who solely owns the company headquartered in Seattle, Washington. Gen Con is a consumer and trade experience dedicated to gaming culture and community. For more information visit the website at www.gencon.com [1]

Article printed from Flames Rising: https://www.flamesrising.com

URL to article: https://www.flamesrising.com/gencon-update/

URLs in this post:

[1] Gen Con Indy: http://www.gencon.com

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