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Halloween Horror: The Room
Posted By Flames On October 21, 2008 @ 6:32 am In Fiction | No Comments
Today’s addition to the Halloween Horror series is not really a monster, but it is something of a nightmare and more than fitting for our collection. Brought to us by game designer and author, John Wick (Thirty [1], Necromonpoly [2]), is a place of horror you don’t want to visit, Halloween or not.
How do you get in? How do you get out?
Created by John Wick
The Room remembers you. It keeps a little piece of you. Keeps it close to its heart.
The Room keeps little pieces of those who dream there. Steals it from you. Just a little piece. And in the Room, the pieces it keeps try to escape. They stow away in your coat. Hiding in your hat. Ditch between the cracks in your shaving mirror.
They try to escape, but the Room keeps them close. Very close. In the Room, you can smell her hair and taste his cigar. Feel the cut of the broken bottle as it ripped her skin. Everyone who ever dreamed here left a little something of themselves behind. Memories and dreams caught in its teeth.
The mattress drinks the sweat. The rug sucks up the blood. Dreams get caught in the curtains, twitching like a moth. And the shadows move closer…
*help me*
The closet hides more than just skeletons. You can see little girl hiding behind the chair. Catch her brother peeking from under the bed. They’re both lost in here. They can’t ever go home. Hide and seek. A night neither of them ever remember, walking around in the sunlight, a piece of them stuck back here in the place that remembers.
Remembers and covets.
Remembers and covets.
You stayed here one night. You don’t remember it now, but you might if you come back. Looking in the stained mirror in the bathroom, you might see the piece you left behind. Your reflection moves just a little quicker there. Or slower. Or not at all.
A little memory. A laugh. A sigh. Wet skin against wet skin. Sweat pouring into the mattress.
It is always hungry. It always wants more. But you don’t remember. You don’t
You don’t remember what you left behind.
You don’t know what left with you.
About John Wick
John Wick is an author, game designer, Freemason and Discordian. He is both Pirate and Ninja. None of this is true if you employ E-Prime. He developed and co-designed Legend of the Five Rings, 7th Sea, Orkworld, Cat, Discordia, Thirty and many others. His latest game is Houses of the Blooded (www.housesoftheblooded.com [3]) which highlights his skills both as a magician and a con man. He collects orks.
Article printed from Flames Rising: https://www.flamesrising.com
URL to article: https://www.flamesrising.com/halloween-horror-the-room/
URLs in this post:
[1] Thirty: http://flamesrising.rpgnow.com/product_info.php?products_id=19186&it=1
[2] Necromonpoly: http://flamesrising.rpgnow.com/product_info.php?products_id=18826&it=1
[3] www.housesoftheblooded.com: http://www.housesoftheblooded.net
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