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Hiram Grange and the Chosen One Review
Posted By Nancy On May 12, 2011 @ 9:45 am In Fiction | No Comments
Written by Kevin Lucia
Disclosure: Review Copy
Paperback: 178 pages
Publisher: Shroud Publishing, LLC (May 22, 2010)
Language: English
Hiram Grange is a bizarro-world James Bond. So far described as an “extremely ugly” man with “piercing blue eyes and a hawkish nose,” a man that nevertheless “moves with a deadly grace,” Grange can give picture-perfect, shaken-not-stirred Bond a run for his money. Hiram has a way with the ladies and has repeatedly saved the world, despite his predilection for alcohol (particularly absinthe, though Bushmills Irish Whiskey plays a large role in Chosen One). Oh, and he also has an unhealthy obsession with Jodie Foster.
In Chosen One, Kevin Lucia brings to light a different side of Hiram, one less encumbered by his vices and more concerned about saving the girl and the world. Whereas most stories featuring a “chosen” are about someone that will save us all, this one is about the one that can and will destroy everything if given a chance. And while he’s supposed to kill her to stop the inevitable, Hiram decides to save her (if he can) AND save the world at the same time. Not an easy task.
The writing is excellent and, like Twelve Little Hitlers, well-paced. Lovely and deadly imagery, the characters are in sharp relief, and you feel like you’re tagging along as they go through their lives. They make bad choices, deal with heartache, battle maggot-infested and tentacled monsters from the Abyss—you know, the usual. But it should be noted that the writing is very different for TLH. Both are exceptionally well-written, but the style here is more linear and focuses on more characters.
There’s a great deal of humor in Chosen One, and the artwork is also excellent. Danny Evarts and Malcolm McClinton do an amazing job of capturing the feel of Hiram and the Chosen One (all of the Hiram Grange books have amazing artwork, and each piece fits the story being told). I only wish Chosen One was longer. It has an epic tone and I wanted to read more of it. I don’t want to give away too much, but there’s a lot of good writing and a great story here.
If you aren’t familiar with Hiram Grange just yet, what are you waiting for?
Nancy O. Greene
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