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Hitcher Movie Review

Posted By Flames On June 9, 2007 @ 5:33 pm In TV & Movies | No Comments

Available at Amazon.com

Well, I’ll just start off by saying that the movie has a really good grabber with the two main characters going on vacation, but from there it only gets worse. Grace and Jim (the main characters) plan to go to Mexico on their spring break trip. But sadly, the first night they get stuck in a rainstorm, and then they see a guy on the road and almost hit him.

When they stop, they meet the same strange guy again, but this time it’s at a gas station. Apparently nobody told them not to pitch up hitchhikers. It turns out the man is a lunatic.

This is a good movie with a lot of action, but the thing that bothered me was that it never explained WHY the guy was actually killing people. Don’t all killers have some kind of hidden motive? Plus, near the very end of the movie (not the very end but near the end) there’s a scene that is WAY graphic, which normally wouldn’t bother me, but I think the directors did it out of the need to have fun with gore.

Still, it’s a movie worth seeing, even if it’s not the best movie out there.

Reviewer: Kody Boye

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