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Interview with actress and author Amber Benson

Posted By Flames On October 5, 2005 @ 5:36 pm In Interviews,Previews | No Comments

How did you get started as an author and director?

[1]Chris and I actually wrote three WILLOW AND TARA comics for Dark Horse, and that was how I became a published author. As for the directing, I’ve just started creating projects for myself over the last few years, learning as much as I can about filmmaking along the way.

What were some of the highlights of your work on Buffy?

The musical episode was my favorite. I never wanted it to end. I asked Joss if we couldn’t do a musical every week. I think some of the other cast thought I was insane, though. Also, I was just lucky getting to play Tara. She was a very special character who touched a lot of people and opened a few doors that needed to be opened.

What can you tell about Ghosts of Albion?

[2]Ghosts of Albion was created as an animated film for the BBCi. Originally, we were just going to do two of them, but luckily, the concept has attracted a lot of fans, and now we are at work on our second GOA novel for Del Rey.

What can we expect to see in the Ghosts of Albion RPG?

The Eden Studios guys have done an amazing job with the RPG. People who’ve participated in the test games really seem to enjoy playing it, and its become a living, breathing universe in its own right. Expect a lot of fun, some cool characters and nifty scenarios.

Who have been some of your influences as an actress and as an author?

My family of course. I mean, what do you write about if you can’t cadge from the personalities of the people you know. I’ve always been a big reader: Thomas Wolfe is a favorite, and I’m a huge fan of young adult sci fi fantasy, Diana Wynne Jones, Susan Cooper. Those guys opened so many doors for me as a kid. I also adore Preston Sturges and Frank Capra and am looking forward to the return of the Screwball Comedy.

What’s next for you?

A comic with Ben Templesmith called, SHADOWPLAY. The next two GOA novels – ACCURSED comes out at the end of October. The film that I wrote and dircted called, LOVERS, LIARS and LUNATICS. I’ve also just completed work on a bunch of independent films… MOUNTAIN TIME, RACE YOU TO THE BOTTOM, TRIPPING FORWARD, and a tv movie called GRYPHON (for the sci fi channel).

Visit Amber’s Blog [3] for more information on her new books and other projects.

The Ghosts of Albion RPG [2] is now available from Eden Studios.

Article printed from Flames Rising: https://www.flamesrising.com

URL to article: https://www.flamesrising.com/interview-with-amber-benson/

URLs in this post:

[1] Image: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1569719055?ie=UTF8&tag=flamesrising-20&linkCode=as2&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=1569719055

[2] Image: http://flamesrising.rpgnow.com/product_info.php?products_id=56971

[3] Amber’s Blog: http://amberbensonwrotethis.blogspot.com

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