Lenore: Cooties Graphic Novel Review
Posted on January 26, 2011 by DecapitatedDan

Available at Amazon.com
Issue: Lenore: Cooties HC
Writer: Roman Dirge
Artist: Roman Dirge
Letters: Roman Dirge
Colors: Roman Dirge
Publisher: Titan Books
Release Date: 2010
Pages: 120
Price: $17.95
“Lenore might only be small, but her talent for mischief — and occasional wanton destruction — is anything but. Witness the mayhem that ensues when Lenore and friends are attacked by a gaggle of vicious militant mice, and cower in the face of an assault by undead German soldiers from Hell! Never has the term ‘something for everyone’ seemed more sinister and bizarre.”
Artwork: 4.0 out of 5
While I can honestly say that this style may not appeal to everyone, it sure does appeal to me. In my teens I recall watching cartoons like Invader Zim, Agh Real Monsters and even today catching an episode of Courage the Cowardly Dog. So a book like this just comes off to me as looking great. The real gem though is really not the style it’s the humor that Dirge uses in pictures alone. Seeing a mask removed from one of the characters had me laughing out loud, no words needed. The colors are spot on and well I guess the whole package can just be called…say it with me now GORE-Geous!
Story: 4.0 out of 5
The story here is actually very easy to follow and full of great jokes. I was afraid that jumping in towards the end of the story line that I might miss something but this collection is great. The dialogue at time shifted from a normal story to just flat-out weird but man did it work from start to finish. I loved the interpretation of the kids song “Pop Goes the Weasel”, Not only was I treated to the main story of Lenore and a few shorts starring the main cast, but there were some true tales of Dirges’ life that were just as funny and disturbing as the rest of the book.
Dying Breath: 4.0 out of 5
I’ve never read a Lenore story before and I have to admit I was wrong in not doing so. I always saw it at Hot Topic along with the other SLG books, but back then was when I was into the non-comic phase. So let me be the first to tell you, if you have a sense of humor and like some odd horror then this one is for you. Matter of fact if you can relate to the TV shows I listed above it is for you too. I laughed, I kinda cried and most of all I easily enjoyed this book. Now I gotta go and buy the ones that came before it.
If you would like to know more about Lenore: Cooties you can find it at www.spookyland.com
Review by Dan Royer

Tags | horror comics, horror-comedy