Little Fears: Nightmare Edition at Madison Games Day
Posted on June 8, 2009 by Matt-M-McElroy
I had the chance to play in a short demo of Little Fears: Nightmare Edition at Madison Games Day on 5/30. I thought I’d share a little about my character and the game.
The game sessions at MGD were about 2 hours long each and all of the characters were pre-generated by Jason and Caz.
I played Jackson, a 10 year old who liked to swim and was taking Kung Fu lessons at a local Dojo. Jackson is Big For His Age, but he has Trouble Fighting When Small Kids Are Involved. This was a fun character to play because he had some cool personality quirks and interesting skills, but he also some specific limitation that were fun to work into play.
We had a mixed group of 5 players. The characters ranged in Age from 8 to 12, which resulted in a wide range of Skills and Innocence pools.
During the adventure we had to figure out a few clues, got to fight a little bit (I was attacked by a tree, but managed to dodge out of the way when I Activated the +1 to Movement with my Gi, part of My Stuff). At one point I failed against the Monster’s Terror and was unable to Fight or Move for a bit. Luckily the player running Emily succeeded on a Care roll and helped me climb back from Scared into my Calm.
The biggest challenges of the game session were getting folks to work together and the general pacing of most of the players being unfamiliar with the game. Caz was a real trooper answering questions, reminding folks how to use certain Skills and how many dice to roll during particular engagements.
These challenges will be easy to overcome when a group sits down to create characters as a group (rather than just being handed pre-gens and sitting at a table with unfamiliar players). The system is easy enough to learn and as a group gets through a few sessions they won’t need to be reminded of rules any
more than any other RPG on the market. Overall I thought the demo went really well and I think Caz did an awesome job keeping us going through the adventure.
For more information on Little Fears: Nightmare Edition drop by or join the Little Fears Yahoo! Group.