Margaret Weis Productions Cortex Plus Kickstarter and Community Content!
Posted on April 2, 2016 by Flames

Margaret Weis Productions has announced a partnership with DriveThruRPG to launch the Cortex Plus Creator Studio this Spring. This will give Cortex Plus fans the opportunity to create and sell Cortex Plus RPG supplements through Similar to Wizards of the Coast’s (also managed by DriveThruRPG) and Monte Cook Games’ just announced Cypher System Creator program, Margaret Weis Productions will allow publishers and fans to offer Cortex Plus RPG supplements for sale on
Read the announcement about the program here:
Announcing Cortex Plus Creator Studio
Margaret Weis Productions also announced an upcoming Kickstarter for two new core rulebooks–Cortex Plus Heroic and Cortex Plus Action. The new books will expand upon and revise the rules systems previously published in the Marvel Heroic Roleplaying, Leverage, and Firefly RPGs and will provide the foundation for both the game and the content that creators will be able to generate through the Cortex plus Creator Studio.
Read the announcement for the upcoming Kickstarter project here:
Coming this Spring! A Cortex Plus Kickstarter for Two Corebooks!
Tags | cortex system, drivethrurpg, Margaret Weis Productions