New Chapters Available Now at Monica Valentinelli’s Violet War Website!
Posted on November 9, 2008 by Flames
The ongoing urban fantasy novel series, Violet War, by Monica Valentinelli has new chapters to explore!
Monica gives her readers a little teaser on the new material:
One of the key concepts in this chapter, is that we read about the concept of “The Condemned.” In the magic world, there is a series of Oaths that bind and tie each and every entity within the magical community together. These Oaths are a complex network of promises and “social contracts,” replacing the need for written laws. Oaths are binding and brutal, for many concepts like “free will” go right out the window once an Oathbringer brands the oath into their mind–literally. The strength of the Oath depends upon a lot of factors including the magical prowess of the Oathbringer, the resiliency of the person’s mind, how many people are branded, etc.
A “condemned” entity or individual is someone who has broken a particular type of Oath. Sophie (formerly known as Serafina) broke the Great Oath, which caused her to be Condemned. Most of the time, if you are Condemned you go into exile in the world “Above.” “Above” also has a dual meaning, it means: above the surface and “above the Veil.” To date, no Condemned has ever re-entered the magical community. The longer they are away from Magic, the more they forget about their former World. Unless (of course) they are a god.
In Chapter 8, we learn what Sophie’s sentence is going to be and what she must do to redeem herself.
Book One is titled, Argentum. This title does carry some significance and weight to the overall theme of The Violet War series, which will be explored more as new chapters and pieces to this story are revealed.
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Tags | faeries, ghosts, mythology, urban fantasy, violet war