Onyx Path Publishing Announces Realms of Pugmire, a new edition of the tabletop RPG
Posted on December 15, 2022 by Flames

Eddy Webb, founder of Pugsteady and creator of Pugmire, announced today that Onyx Path Publishing will launch a Kickstarter to fund printing for Realms of Pugmire, a second edition of the popular and acclaimed Pugmire roleplaying game. Realms of Pugmire will be a complete, family-friendly tabletop roleplaying game, produced as a collaboration between Onyx Path Publishing and Pugsteady.
“It’s been well over five years since the first edition of Pugmire,” said Eddy Webb, “and closer to eight since I started working on it. I’ve learned so much about the world, and I’ve had so many ideas on how to tweak and adjust the game, so it seemed to be a good time to polish what’s there, expand on it based on what’s come after, and generally give the game a grander presentation.”
Some highlights of Realms of Pugmire include:
– An evocative and mysterious setting that’s both family-friendly and deep enough to create compelling stories.
– A traditional fantasy rules system redesigned for streamlined play and easy creation of heroic dogs, with an emphasis on cooperation and action over competition and violence.
– A variety of callings and breeds that give access to several fun and interesting tricks.
– Rival species to interact with, like cats and rodents, along with terrifying and dangerous monsters that roam the landscape.
New features of this edition include:
– Lots of refined and clarified rules, developed after years of playing and community feedback.
– New and updated tricks, spells, masterworks, and enemies.
– New features such as random and template character creation, friendship rules, and safety tool advice for Guides.
– Advice on how to create cat and rodent player characters right away, and converting older materials to the new edition.
Delivery is planned for early 2025. This new game will be released to stores and will be printed as a hardcover book with 8.5″ x 11″ dimensions. Pre-orders will be available via BackerKit following the end of the Kickstarter.
For more details on Realms of Pugmire, there will be weekly blog updates at theonyxpath.com. Fans can also continue the conversation on the Onyx Path Discord: https://discord.gg/nhqqmdb4vF