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Progress Report #3: Scion, Firefly, ROFL!, and More!
Posted By Monica Valentinelli On July 16, 2013 @ 8:07 am In Blogs | No Comments
I haven’t posted one of these since the end of March, and for that… I apologize. If you’re just following up on these now, the progress reports [1] are to check in and show you what’s up in Monica-land. I’m happy to report that all plates are spinning and balanced appropriately. I may even have a bit of a tan. SHOCKING, I KNOW!
I’m back from CONvergence [2] which is, in my opinion, the best-run convention in the country. There is always something to do whether you’re by yourself or not and folks are very, very friendly. I stayed across the way and that turned out to be the best, possible decision. No standing in long lines for the elevators; very easy to go back and chill if I need to.
The panels went great and I’m very grateful for the fine conversation and company of so many wonderful people. This was a fantastic convention and sorely needed. I’d been averaging somewhere in the neighborhood of four-to-five thousand words per day for almost two months straight, and the break totally recharged my batteries. Thanks, all!
I am still recovering post-con, so e-mail communication is a little sparser than normal as I slog through and get projects done.
Since a lot has happened since the end March, I’m going to give a bullet point recap of what I’ve done. Note to self: provide these updates monthly… Second note to self: no wonder my office is a disaster area.
I have a number of games and supplements that are in development. The ones listed here are either on my immediate “you must do this now” horizon or the first draft has been handed in.
I cut back on my short story work in order to focus on long form, which has mightily decreased the size of my list here. Next month, I’ll put little word count bars in so you can see what progress I’ve made.
Article printed from Flames Rising: https://www.flamesrising.com
URL to article: https://www.flamesrising.com/progress-report-3-scion-firefly-rofl-and-more/
URLs in this post:
[1] progress reports: http://www.mlvwrites.com/category/blog-monica-valentinelli-2/progress-reports
[2] CONvergence: http://convergence-con.org/
[3] Scion: Extras: http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/112967/Scion-Extras-%28Supplemental-Yet-Can-Be-Somewhat-Useful-On-Occasion-Scions%29?affiliate_id=185516
[4] Scion style Irusan write-up: http://theonyxpath.com/since-you-can-get-this-in-print-now-something-extra-for-scion-extras/
[5] Gaming in the ‘Verse: GenCon 2013 Exclusive: http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/114257/Gaming-in-the-%E2%80%98Verse-Gen-Con-2013-Exclusive-Pre-Order?affiliate_id=185516
[6] www.margaretweis.com: http://www.margaretweis.com
[7] Unfashioned Creatures, A Frankenstein Anthology: http://redstylo.com/2013/03/15/creature-feature/
[8] Page 5: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=546404088750305
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