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Bestselling Author Richelle Mead Inks Graphic Novel Deal

Posted By Flames On October 5, 2010 @ 11:45 am In Features,News | No Comments

[1]Sea Lion Books is proud to announce New York Times and USA TODAY Bestselling author Richelle Mead as its newest addition to its growing list of distinguished authors. Sea Lion Books will develop in comic book and graphic novel form the entire Dark Swan series starting with Storm Born.

“The world of the Dark Swan series is an amazing place,” says Richelle’s agent Jim McCarthy. “I’m tremendously excited for new readers and returning fans to have the opportunity to explore Richelle’s incredible creation in this new medium.”

Storm Born follows Eugenie Markham, a free-lance shaman who battles ghosts and fey that sneaks into our world from the Otherworld. When an alarming prophecy suddenly makes her every Otherworldly creature’s object of desire, Eugenie must dodge their advances while also fighting a dark power rising within her. “Storm Born is one project I’m really looking forward to seeing,” says Sea Lion Books President David Dabel. “Richelle Mead is truly a great story teller who has created a rich world with unique characters.” .

Richelle Mead is also the author of the Georgina Kincaid Series and bestselling YA series, Vampire Academy. This New York Times and USA Today bestselling YA series has won honors from the American Library Association and been translated into 30 languages.

“Seeing your books come to life like this is one of the most amazing things that an author can experience. I’m a huge fan of graphic novels, and Sea Lion has done an incredible job in creating the characters and scenes of the Dark Swan world,” added Richelle Mead. “The art is stunning and beautifully captures my vision. Eugenie fans are going to love this, and new readers will too.”

Storm Born will be published in eight comic-book issues starting winter 2011.

    Article printed from Flames Rising: https://www.flamesrising.com

    URL to article: https://www.flamesrising.com/richelle-mead-graphic-novel-deal/

    URLs in this post:

    [1] Image: http://www.flamesrising.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/darkswan.jpg

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