Shadow Fall Review
Posted on September 19, 2011 by Monica Valentinelli

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SHADOW FALL is the third book in the Shadowchasers series by Seressia Glass. You can read my review of SHADOW CHASE, the second book in the series, here at Flames Rising.
An exhibit at an Egyptian museum and a dark mystery is the focal point for Kira Solomon and the other characters in SHADOW FALL. The events that happen in this book dive into Kira’s murky background and the reactions of all those around her — which aren’t always positive.
While this book does dive into a mystery, I felt the pacing was more character-driven than plot-driven. By that, I mean that while there is a dangerous and very real threat Kira must resolve, what’s more important in SHADOW FALL are the details we learn about her character. While there was action, I wasn’t surprised by the events that happened because there were a few scenes I felt were drawn out a little on the predictable side. Admittedly, I felt torn. I understood why we needed to watch Kira struggle with her past in order to pursue her future, but I didn’t feel the time-sensitivity of the danger up until I got back to the museum. That, to me, was the shining moment of this book. The trial Kira faced, her reaction, and the scenes following that from Khefar’s point-of-view were nothing short of spectacular. While I didn’t mention much about the romance in SHADOW FALL, that’s part of the story and the conflict that unfolds alongside the mystery. It’s well integrated and it complements the rest of the plot.
Would I recommend this series to someone else, regardless of what I thought about the pacing? Absolutely. There is a deeper story here, one for careful readers. That story is the battle we all face between what we think is “dark” and “light.” Can you have good without evil? Can you be a good person and have a dark side? Can you acknowledge that it’s healthy and perfectly normal to have a darker side?
In many ways, this series is a blend of urban fantasy with more literary themes, and that’s part of the reason why I think it’s worth a read. Glass manages to write not just for one audience, but two or even three, so if you’re remotely curious about an urban fantasy with an Egyptian flair, I encourage you to dive right in.
Review by Monica Valentinelli
Tags | Reviews, urban fantasy