Posted on January 20, 2009 by Matt-M-McElroy
White Wolf Publishing is well known for their Horror and Dark Fantasy RPGs. From the World of Darkness to games like Exalted: Abyssals, White Wolf creates great tabletop RPGs that define and shape gaming. In addition to their core game lines, White Wolf Alternative Publishing products include a wide selection of horror board games that range from World of Darkness games to fun board games for kids.
Flames Rising has been fortunate to receive support from White Wolf over the years; they’ve provided us with review copies, contest prizes and give-a-ways. When we mentioned we wanted to check out their recent selection of board games, Kelley Barnes-Herrmann (White Wolf Marketing Director and all-around awesome individual) agreed and sent us a box of games to dig into. The box arrived a day or two ago and we’ve only had the chance to crack them open a bit. So, what follows are our initial impressions after messing around with the contents and skimming the rules. More complete reviews will be on the way after we’ve had the chance to play the games.
Posted on December 11, 2008 by Flames
Twilight Creations, Inc., the publishers of the popular Zombies!!! Board game, has reached an agreement with Pinnacle Entertainment Group to create a board game from their award-winning, best-selling Deadlands property.
The game, to be designed by Kerry and Todd Breitenstein of Twilight Creations with input from Shane Hensley, the creator of Deadlands, is set for initial release in June. “This will be one of the largest releases we have ever done,” said Mr. Breitenstein. “We really love the Deadlands world and we hope it shows in the final product.”
Posted on November 14, 2008 by Flames
Noble Knight Games is pleased to announce its massive year end holiday sale!! If you haven’t browsed in awhile be sure to spend some time with our catalog, never in our history has our stock been better or our selection wider, and your sure to find some gems. Check out the specials and sales section […]
Posted on November 10, 2008 by Matt-M-McElroy
The Card Game of Monster Movie Mayhem!
This is a funny card game from Green Ronin with spoofs on various horror classics ranging from Frankenstein to Dracula with ghosts, beasts and other monsters mixed in to keep things interesting. The local townsfolk team up to destroy these monsters and deal with mayhem along the way.
There are three decks in this game, Townsfolk (representing the local “citizens” that are battling the monsters), Mob (including weapons, actions and other enhancements) and Monster (which also includes events that are often detrimental to the heroes).
Posted on November 8, 2008 by Flames
You USED to be a police officer, fireman, nurse, etc., but NOW you are a zombie and these pesky humans keep trying to kill you. But why? All you want is some nice, delicious brains. They have plenty. Perhaps if you infected more humans, it wouldn’t be such a problem…
In Humans!!! you choose to be a Zombie. You have some abilities due to your new found state of being. Other abilities are determined based on your pre-zombie occupation.
This game can be played by itself or combined with the Zombies!!! game.
Humans!!! is now available at
Posted on October 8, 2008 by Billzilla
Lovecraft Aficionados are well aware of the pulp author’s use of large and obscure words; it was practically his trademark, and has befuddled eager young readers ever since he first began publishing his work in the 1920s. How appropriate then that there should be a word game using many of his creations as a backdrop — Unspeakable Words is a card-driven word game that challenges players to spell without going mad, and believe me, it isn’t easy!
Created by the talented game design team of James Ernest and Mike Selinker and produced by Playroom Entertainment (, Unspeakable Words begins with each of the players receiving a hand of seven cards.
Review by Bill Bodden
Posted on October 3, 2008 by Flames

When I first heard about the Battlestar Galactica boardgame, earlier this year, I was interested in the game but not really dying to buy a copy. Sure, the Shadows Over Camelot-like approach to the game sounded fun, and the theme interested me, but I wasn’t so excited that I kept a close eye on rumors and new about the game. And when presented with an opportunity to buy the game at GenCon, I let is slip through my fingers (unlike The Black Goat of the Woods, which I immediately snagged). It wasn’t until I started hearing about the gameplay that I directed serious attention at the game.
Review by Philip Reed
Posted on September 16, 2008 by Matt-M-McElroy
Privateer Press has announced that Monsterpocalypse, their new collectible miniatures game, has an official street date of October 10th, 2008. The long-awaited, action packed strategy game has already riveted the attention of the hobby game industry, making a big impression at the GAMA Trade show, International Comic Con in San Diego, Gen Con in Indianapolis and PAX in Seattle.
Posted on June 26, 2008 by Flames
Can you make it to the safety of the helicopter before the zombie hoard makes a meal of you? Do you risk a run for ammo or try to slip past unnoticed? Why not slow them down with a few friends instead?
Players each take on the role of one of four survivors in a town overrun by the undead. The game uses a combination of miniatures, tile laying, dice and cards to simulate the twists and turns of a zombie horror flick. Each player has movement, represented by the rolling of a six-sided die; cards, representing different events or items; and tokens, representing a character’s health and how many bullets they have.
Review by Michael Erb
Posted on June 16, 2008 by Flames
The Heart of Darkness opens once again – to free the Trail of the Brotherhood!
Designed by the man who brought you Arkham Horror and other fine games, Richard Launius, Trail of the Brotherhood is Lovecraft writ large as a boardgame. And the featured illustrator of the game is Samuel Araya – known for his dark and distinctive work on other games, such as Unhallowed Metropolis and Abuse: The Final Insult!
Posted on June 6, 2005 by Flames
The bullets fly and the zombies pile up in this game from Twilight Creations, Inc. Zombies!!! the board game proclaims to be a no-brainer, but assuredly this is a high-strategy game. As a player you have two goals, one of self-preservation and of zombie hunter. The game is never played the same twice, as you lie out the individual pieces of the board as you play. This adds to the frenzied anxiety of the game, you never know what will come around a corner.
Posted on November 29, 2004 by Flames
The Haunting House: a Twisted Strategy Board Game for 2 to 6 players is just one of several products offered from Twilight Creations, Inc. The object of this game, to get to the exit, sounds easy enough. Trap doors and sneaky opponents stand in your way from winning the game.