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Talisman Studios becomes Savage Mojo

Posted By Flames On December 12, 2009 @ 8:45 am In News | No Comments

[1]After years of creating great gaming titles under the name ‘Talisman Studios’, we’ve decided that it’s time our real name… Savage Mojo… became known in its own right. After all, we focus on the Savage Worlds and Mojo Rules! roleplay systems, so it makes sense to use the name we gave the company.

The Talisman Studios name was originally created in 2003 when the company was an art and design studio to the adventure games industry, the brainchild of master artists Jason Engle and Aaron Acevedo. Since then it has expanded, is an Origins Award Winner (for Deadlands Reloaded), and two times Semi-Finalist (for Suzerain and Shaintar). These days Savage Mojo creates more than just roleplaying games, adding the Gamescapes line of gaming accessories, graphical fiction and art prints to our portfolio.

It’s time to throw off the RPG name of old and get used to the bold, new identity of Savage Mojo. Our website is now www.savagemojo.com [1] (if you go to the old site you’ll get forwarded there), and we have a whole new look that shows how savage our mojo is!

Bold, New Direction

As part of our step into the future, we’re making a few product changes too. After talking with Sean Patrick Fannon about his wishes for Shaintar, we’ve agree that Sean will take his setting and develop it using other means in 2010. Savage Mojo will still be selling all Shaintar products through Christmas, but from the New Year Sean has other plans. We wish him and Shaintar luck – it’s been a pleasure to publish his vision of high fantasy over these years. We know that Sean plans an announcement of his own in due course.

[2]As for our other great setting, Suzerain, we’re moving forward on some amazing developments. Next week we release the Savage Suzerain rule book, bringing Suzerain to the Savage Worlds audience, and we already have six full color setting books in development to go alongside it.

And don’t go thinking that we’re slacking on Mojo Rules! or Gamescapes. Both of those lines are set to have their strongest year ever in 2010. Watch out for more news in the coming days!

“There’s an amazing feel to Savage Mojo right now.” said Martin Klimeš, Publisher at the company. “We’ve got all these wonderful words and maps and pieces of art in the works, and there’s that intense energy you get just before a creative storm. The coming year is going to be one heck of a creative storm for us!”

Article printed from Flames Rising: https://www.flamesrising.com

URL to article: https://www.flamesrising.com/talisman-studios-savage-mojo/

URLs in this post:

[1] Image: http://savagemojo.com

[2] Image: http://flamesrising.rpgnow.com/product_info.php?products_id=63663

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