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They Came From Beneath the Sea! Tabletop RPG Kickstarter launches from Onyx Path!

Posted By Flames On December 19, 2018 @ 1:43 pm In Features | No Comments

Rich Thomas, founder and creative director of Onyx Path Publishing announced the Kickstarter to fund They Came from Beneath the Sea!, a new B-movie themed tabletop RPG using the Storypath System.

    “I’m truly excited to see They Came from Beneath the Sea! reaching an enthusiastic audience!” said developer Matthew Dawkins, “I’ve been running playtests of this game for over a year, refining and polishing it, and I truly believe it’s one of most fun role-playing experiences out there.”

    They Came From Beneath the Sea! [1] is a new tabletop roleplaying game encompassing the wonder, horror, thrills, and hilarity of 1950s science fiction. This game evokes the feel of playing in a B-movie from decades past, providing a dynamic, fun experience.

    The players slip into the shoes of iconic B-Movie characters. Choose from strong-jawed war veterans, cunning and resourceful explorers, utterly insane scientists, and blue-collar heroes to defend your patch of land from strange creatures. The attackers? Aliens from beneath the sea, obviously! Adventures range from the one-shot defense of small coastal town, to the lengthier liberation of a cruise ship infested with gill-kin, or a campaign in which characters seize an alien submarine and ride it down to the oceanic depths to fight the invaders on their home turf.

    Both digital and print editions of The Came From Beneath The Sea! are scheduled for a 2019 release. The game has been designed using the Storypath System. The Storypath System is also the engine that powers Onyx Path’s Scion 2nd Edition and Trinity Continuum RPGs. An Early Access version of the game is be available for Kickstarter backers to get started playing the game right away.

    They Came From Beneath the Sea! Actual Play:

      Find out more information and support this project at Kickstarter.com [1].

      Article printed from Flames Rising: https://www.flamesrising.com

      URL to article: https://www.flamesrising.com/they-came-from-beneath-the-sea-kickstarter/

      URLs in this post:

      [1] They Came From Beneath the Sea!: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/200664283/they-came-from-beneath-the-sea-a-tabletop-roleplay?ref=FlamesRising

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