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The Book of Bones is Available Now!
Posted By Flames On November 22, 2008 @ 6:45 am In News | No Comments
[1]The war-torn world of Simarra is filled with many horrors. Some are creatures who have plagued the inhabitants of this world for countless centuries, others nightmares unleashed upon this world with the invasion of the Keza-Drak. Tainted beasts – once locked in the threshold realm – have found their way into the world through the stone gates. In addition, the dead lands have opened once more, unleashing hordes of undead into the world. Not all of the strange and horrific creatures that can be found in this world are otherworldly in nature, however.
Indeed, the Sundaari perform vile experiments upon unfortunate souls brought to Thel-Kaza, transforming them into mutated horrors for use in their ongoing war against the free people of the world. Thankfully, many of these nightmare creations don’t survive to be turned against their brethren. They live painfully short lives. Some, driven insane by unimaginable torment, kill themselves rather than face servitude as shock troops in Agärazôn’s armies. Others simply don’t survive the experiments and are cast away, offered up as sacrifices or even fed to other monstrosities.
Foul gretchlaw, once the plague of the deep earth, have come into the light of day, spreading their pestilence to any trespassers on their domains. Cyclopean Baasi-Gholú prey on unwary travelers and refugees who settle in the Northern arm of the Shield wall Mountains. Fearsome monstrosities such as the mazruk and the waste scorpion inhabit the Vaskraall Wastes. These are but a sampling of the horrors you will find in this, the book of bones.
Written by Mathew Kaiser and David Jarvis, the Book of Bones [1] is 69 pages of new creatures and templates for your True20 Game! While all of these creatures are set in the war-torn world of Simarra, they can easily be used in your own amazing campaign worlds!
Grab your copy today at the Flames Rising RPGNow Shop [1]!
Article printed from Flames Rising: https://www.flamesrising.com
URL to article: https://www.flamesrising.com/true20-book-of-bones/
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[1] Image: http://flamesrising.rpgnow.com/product_info.php?products_id=59018
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