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Unknown Armies 3rd Edition from Atlas Games!

Posted By Flames On March 23, 2017 @ 4:30 pm In Features | No Comments

Unknown Armies 3rd Edition has arrived in PDF format at the Flames Rising RPGNow Shop!

Unknown Armies is an occult game about broken people conspiring to fix the world. It’s about humanity, and how those among us who are the most obsessed have the power to alter reality until it aligns with their fevered desires. It’s about getting what you want despite others trying to keep it from you.

Unknown Armies presents magick as it might exist in a world co-created by Tim Powers and James Ellroy, as twisting wrinkles in reality created by greater and greater risk, sacrifice, and obsession. In Unknown Armies we ask, what would you risk to change the world? Your friends? Your family? Your health? Your sanity? Magick finds a way to ask the very most from you, until you achieve what you want or you are left with nothing.

Unknown Armies lets you play one of these characters. Resolve your character’s actions through the luck of percentile dice. Track your character’s emotional response to significant forms of trauma and shock. Try to accomplish a self-assigned objective or goal in order to get what you want. As part of a cabal, your character helps others to achieve their own goals, as well as a group objective that can — and will — have long-lasting consequences when it is met. The books are:

[1]Unknown Armies Book One: Play [1]

An occult game about broken people conspiring to fix the world.

It’s about getting what you want.

Unknown Armies presents magick as it might exist in a world informed by crime fiction and secret histories, as twisting wrinkles in reality created by greater and greater risk, sacrifice, and obsession. As a player, you are confronted by the consequences of your character’s actions, and challenged by the implicit threat of a world shaped by the will of those who want something more than you do.

It’s about being relentlessly, hopelessly human.

Book One: Play is the book for players. It details:

– Obsession and identity.
– All of the rules for resolving actions.
– The central shock gauge mechanic.
– How to avoid fights, and how to deal with them when you’re dragged into them anyway.
– The magick of adepts and avatars.
– Gorgeous full-color art and layout.

[2]Unknown Armies Book Two: Run [2]

An occult game about broken people conspiring to fix the world.

It’s about keeping what you have from those who want it.

Unknown Armies presents magick as it might exist in a world informed by crime fiction and secret histories, as twisting wrinkles in reality created by greater and greater risk, sacrifice, and obsession. As the gamemaster, you lead the players in creating their characters and the world they exist in, then set up antagonists worthy of their attention. You are their guide into darkness and the light that shows them the way out.

It’s about kicking them while they’re down,
then cheering when they get up.

Book Two: Run is the book for gamemasters. It tells you how to:

– Present the characters with obstacles to their fevered dreams of changing the world.
– Oversee character creation and setting collaboration in the first session of play.
– Draw on the rich and disturbingly familiar world of the occult underground.
– Create new creatures and antagonists.
– Resolve conflicts as a fan of the characters.
– Prepare situations to disturb and entertain.

[3]Unknown Armies Book Three: Reveal [3]

An occult game about broken people conspiring to fix the world.

It’s about what’s behind every corner and buried in every closet.

Unknown Armies presents magick as it might exist in a world informed by crime fiction and secret histories, as twisting wrinkles in reality created by greater and greater risk, sacrifice, and obsession. It plays out in a world just like our own, filled with uncanny mysteries, unrepentant horrors, and unnatural pleasures. What you do with these revelations is up to you.

It’s about revealing the horrible truth we don’t want to see.

Book Three: Reveal is the book of the weird for everyone. It contains:

– Gamemaster characters, locations, creatures, and events.
– Heresy and hearsay, alphabetized like a devil’s dictionary.
– Ideas, hooks, tidbits, scraps, lies, truths, and horrors.
– Lists, stats, and ephemera.
– Even more weirdness.
– Even more magick.

Created by Greg Stolze and John Tynes, Unknown Armies presents an entirely original yet disturbingly familiar approach to mystery, horror, and action in roleplaying games.

All three new Unknown Armies book are available now at the Flames Rising RPGNow Shop [4]!

They are also available for pre-order in a deluxe hardcover edition at Amazon.com [5]!

Article printed from Flames Rising: https://www.flamesrising.com

URL to article: https://www.flamesrising.com/unknown-armies-3rd-edition-from-atlas-games/

URLs in this post:

[1] Image: http://flamesrising.rpgnow.com/product/207965/Unknown-Armies-Book-One-Play

[2] Image: http://flamesrising.rpgnow.com/product/207967/Unknown-Armies-Book-Two-Run

[3] Image: http://flamesrising.rpgnow.com/product/207969/Unknown-Armies-Book-Three-Reveal

[4] Flames Rising RPGNow Shop: http://flamesrising.rpgnow.com/browse/pub/408/Atlas-Games

[5] Amazon.com: http://amzn.to/2nsWl1f

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