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Vampire: The Masquerade 20th Ann. Edition Now in Print and More [Updated]

Posted By Flames On January 11, 2012 @ 9:02 am In News | 5 Comments

[1]Vampire: The Masquerade exploded into hobby games in 1991 and inspired a generation of fans of which the game industry had never seen before or since. The cultural significance Vampire left on not just the gaming world but on modern vampire-related pop culture can be seen and felt at virtually every turn and in every medium today. Vampire: The Masquerade – 20th Anniversary Edition [1] brings the entire World of Darkness experience full circle and will serve as the perfect anniversary milestone to celebrate two decades of gaming after dark. This is the original Masquerade in all its glory, and our way of saying thank you and welcome home.

Vampire: The Masquerade – 20th Anniversary Edition [1] has been added to the Now in Print program at DriveThruRPG and has three different print options to chose from. They are Softcover Black & White, Hardcover Black & White or a 2 Volume Full Color set. Here are some photos of the books:

Here is a look at the Two Volume Full Color set:


An interior look at Volume One:


Volume One ends on page 255 and Volume Two picks up from there. So, regardless of whether you are reading the PDF, the Limited Edition or this Now in Print edition all the page numbers are the same. If you need to look up a Discipline or some other rule it will be found on the same page. The reason there are two volumes is the print partner for DriveThruRPG’s Now in Print program has a limit on page count for full color hardcover books and V20 jumps past that by almost 50 pages.

Here is an interior shot of the Softcover Black & White edition:


DriveThruRPG’s print partner does not do full bleed on black and white books so there is a small white border around the edges of the pages on the black & white editions of V20 (and any other b&w Now in Print titles). Since most Vampire: the Masquerade books were in black & white for most fo the game’s publication life, this isn’t a huge deal. It is noticeable if you are looking for it, but otherwise shouldn’t affect anyone’s use of the books.

Vampire: The Masquerade – 20th Anniversary Edition [1] was not the only White Wolf book to get added to the Now in Print program recently. Here are several more classic World of Darkness titles that are now available in print format once more:

Caine’s Chosen: The Black Hand [2]
Blood Magic: Secrets of Thaumaturgy [3]
Blood Sacrifice: The Thaumaturgy Companion [4]
Cairo by Night [5]
Havens of the Damned [6]
Counsel of Primogen [7]
Children of the Night [8]
State of Grace [9]
World of Darkness: Mafia [10]
Rage Across Egypt [11]
World of Darkness: Time of Judgment [12]
Apocalypse [13]
(Werewolf ToJ book)
Tribebook: Silent Striders [14] (Revised)
Kindred of the East [15]
Kindred of the East Companion [16]
Dharma Book: Resplendent Cranes [17]
Dharma Book: Thousand Whispers [18]
Dharma Book: Bone Flowers [19]
Dharma Book: Devil-Tigers [20]
Dharma Book: Thrashing Dragons [21]
Hunter: the Reckoning [22]
Hunter: Players Guide [23]
Hunter Book: Wayward [24]
Demon: the Fallen [25]
Initiates of the Art [26]

The new World of Darkness has a few new print titles as well.

Goblin Markets [27], a Changeling: the Lost supplement which was PDF only is now available in softcover.

Vampire: the Requiem and Mage: the Awakening each have brand new books released in both PDF and Print formats simultaneously. For Vampire there is Strange, Dead Love [28], which was co-written by Flames Rising Project Manager Monica Valentinelli and is available now. The Mage title is the highly anticipated Imperial Mysteries [29].

You can check out all of the currently available White Wolf Now in Print [30] titles for the World of Darkness, Exalted, Scion and more at DriveThruRPG.com [30].


Some people were asking for more photos of the Now in Print editions of V20, so…

Spines of my Grand Masquerade copy, Full Color Volume One and Two, the Black & White Hardcover, Black & White Softcover:


Page 135 from Full Color Volume One next to page 135 from Black & White Softcover:


Toreador from the Black & White Hardcover:


Chapter Four from the Black & White Hardcover:


Article printed from Flames Rising: https://www.flamesrising.com

URL to article: https://www.flamesrising.com/v20-now-in-print-and-more/

URLs in this post:

[1] Image: http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?products_id=94815&affiliate_id=22713&src=FlamesRising

[2] Caine’s Chosen: The Black Hand: http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?cPath=1&products_id=2281&affiliate_id=22713&src=FlamesRising

[3] Blood Magic: Secrets of Thaumaturgy: http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?products_id=35&affiliate_id=22713&src=FlamesRising

[4] Blood Sacrifice: The Thaumaturgy Companion: http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?products_id=36&affiliate_id=22713&src=FlamesRising

[5] Cairo by Night: http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?products_id=51&affiliate_id=22713&src=FlamesRising

[6] Havens of the Damned: http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?products_id=150&affiliate_id=22713&src=FlamesRising

[7] Counsel of Primogen: http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?products_id=97&affiliate_id=22713&src=FlamesRising

[8] Children of the Night: http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?products_id=535&affiliate_id=22713&src=FlamesRising

[9] State of Grace: http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?products_id=272&affiliate_id=22713&src=FlamesRising

[10] World of Darkness: Mafia: http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?products_id=345&affiliate_id=22713&src=FlamesRising

[11] Rage Across Egypt: http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?cPath=1&products_id=3374&affiliate_id=22713&src=FlamesRising

[12] World of Darkness: Time of Judgment: http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?products_id=699&affiliate_id=22713&src=FlamesRising

[13] Apocalypse: http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?products_id=1619&affiliate_id=22713&src=FlamesRising

[14] Tribebook: Silent Striders: http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?products_id=2470&affiliate_id=22713&src=FlamesRising

[15] Kindred of the East: http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?products_id=2552&affiliate_id=22713&src=FlamesRising

[16] Kindred of the East Companion: http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?products_id=2547&affiliate_id=22713&src=FlamesRising

[17] Dharma Book: Resplendent Cranes: http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?products_id=2536&affiliate_id=22713&src=FlamesRising

[18] Dharma Book: Thousand Whispers: http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?products_id=113&affiliate_id=22713&src=FlamesRising

[19] Dharma Book: Bone Flowers: http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?products_id=2546&affiliate_id=22713&src=FlamesRising

[20] Dharma Book: Devil-Tigers: http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?products_id=2535&affiliate_id=22713&src=FlamesRising

[21] Dharma Book: Thrashing Dragons: http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?products_id=2537&affiliate_id=22713&src=FlamesRising

[22] Hunter: the Reckoning: http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?products_id=639&affiliate_id=22713&src=FlamesRising

[23] Hunter: Players Guide: http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?products_id=638&affiliate_id=22713&src=FlamesRising

[24] Hunter Book: Wayward: http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?products_id=159&affiliate_id=22713&src=FlamesRising

[25] Demon: the Fallen: http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?products_id=636&affiliate_id=22713&src=FlamesRising

[26] Initiates of the Art: http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?products_id=167&affiliate_id=22713&src=FlamesRising

[27] Goblin Markets: http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?cPath=1&products_id=64285&affiliate_id=22713&src=FlamesRising

[28] Strange, Dead Love: http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?products_id=97127&affiliate_id=22713&src=FlamesRising

[29] Imperial Mysteries: http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?products_id=97925&affiliate_id=22713&src=FlamesRising

[30] White Wolf Now in Print: http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/index.php?filters=0_0_0_44294_0&manufacturers_id=1&affiliate_id=22713&src=FlamesRising

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