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Deluxe W20 Book of the Wyrm Kickstarter from Onyx Path!
Posted By Flames On June 9, 2014 @ 4:26 pm In Features | No Comments
The World of Darkness is in a downward spiral.
Ecological change is killing off entire species. Wars and atrocities kill of thousands of people every day. Celebrities use their media presence to abuse and violate people who don’t feel safe to come forward for decades afterwards. Corporations pay their employees so little that people with jobs need government assistance just to have enough money to stay alive. In the World of Darkness, all of this feeds the Wyrm.
The spiritual embodiment of corruption isn’t behind these evils, but you better believe it feeds off them. And unlike the real world, the Wyrm can and is making things worse. People who don’t have the time or the money rely on fast food, and O’Tolley’s underpaid workers serve it up with a side of corruption. Otherwise-innocuous activities like knocking back a six-pack of Blue Stripe, wearing Magadon’s UltraSheen cosmetics, or driving the new Falcon Pathfinder; all of the products involved come from companies that knowingly serve the Wyrm, each one linked to the shadowy Pentex corporation.
Nor are Gaia’s children immune to the Wyrm’s depredations. The Black Spiral Dancers are an entire tribe of corrupted Garou, but they’re not the only ones. Buzzards, Skull Pigs, and Balefire Sharks all originated among the ranks of the Changing Breeds, while some specialized Banes can possess shapeshifters. Within the past few years, a Pentex research group has even managed to create mockery breeds: half-formed shapeshifters born of the Wyrm’s power.
And now the Wyrm rises to eclipse the Moon, devouring all within its grasp. When will you Rage?
W20 Book of the Wyrm is a companion volume to Werewolf: The Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Edition [2] and W20 Changing Breeds [3] that details the nature and forces of the Wyrm, enemy of all creation. It provides information on everything from Wyrm-worshipping cults to the twisted realm of Malfeas.
W20 Book of the Wyrm includes:
– Minions of the Wyrm from every corner of the world, from Skull Pigs to the Chulorvia.
– New monsters, including fallen Changing Breeds and Mockery Breeds from Pentex’ R&D facilities.
– A range of twisted weapons and tools, along with tainted consumer goods available on every high street.
– Details of Malfeas, the heart of the Wyrm in the Umbra, from the Black Spiral Labyrinth to the Maeljin Dutchies.
– The twisted creed of the Black Spiral Dancers laid bare.
Find out more information and support this project on Kickstarter.com [1]!
The Deluxe W20 Book of the Wyrm Kickstarter [1] is designed to enable us to create a deluxe hardcover edition that is designed to look like a high-end annual report for Pentex that uses a heavy stock cover material and treatment that also suggests the corruption of the Wyrm. Full-color, and at least 160 pages inside that feature new color stunning artwork are also part of this Deluxe package.
Article printed from Flames Rising: https://www.flamesrising.com
URL to article: https://www.flamesrising.com/w20-book-of-the-wyrm-ks/
URLs in this post:
[1] Image: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/200664283/deluxe-w20-book-of-the-wyrm?ref=FlamesRising
[2] Werewolf: The Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Edition: http://flamesrising.rpgnow.com/product/112871?src=FlamesRising
[3] W20 Changing Breeds: http://flamesrising.rpgnow.com/product/121087?src=FlamesRising
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